Why do people shill against white identity?

Why do people shill against white identity?


>identifying with a town imbecile who wont take his meds on time

Not an argument.

he's controlled opposition

Everyone who is successful is "controlled opposition" unless they're dead, right?

I like white identity. I don't like big government. We are able to keep the country majority white without having some socialist run the country.

various reasons depending on who would be shilling against it I'd assume

scared of totalitarianism and ethnic cleansing

They probably do it for the same reason you shill CIA Spencer you cock mongrel.

>town imbecile
Why do people get so jelly?

Because white people naturally like peace. This upsets alot of people because standing still and keeping quiet itches the fuck out of their inner demons so they reeeee to the sky so it won't happen. They lack zen.

There are no brakes on the purification train.

"When the practices taught in the Vedas and institutes of law have nearly ceased, and the close of the Kali age shall be nigh, a portion of that divine being who exists of His own spiritual nature, and who is the beginning and end, and who comprehends all things, shall descend upon earth. He will be born in the family of Vishnuyasha, an eminent brahmana of Shambhala village, as Kalki, endowed with eight superhuman faculties, when the eight suns (represented by 8 solar deities or Vasu who lord over Dhanishta Nakshatra) will together shine over the sky. By His irresistible might he will destroy all the mlecchas (Barbarians) and thieves, and all whose minds are devoted to iniquity. He will reestablish righteousness upon earth, and the minds of those who live at the end of the Kali age shall be awakened, and shall be as clear as crystal. The men who are thus changed by virtue of that peculiar time shall be as the seeds of human beings, and shall give birth to a race who will follow the laws of the Krita age or Satya Yuga, the age of purity."

Anyone who spams "controlled opposition" or "e-celebs" are shills. Whatever method that gets the message out to people is fine by me.

God what a humongous faggot. He sounds like a fucking castrato. If it wasn't for the fact that he throws up casual romans Sup Forums would hate him.

>Why do people shill
I think you just answered your own question

Why do shills make 20 of these posts a day asking the same question and getting the same answers?


Relevant, by the way.

>Whatever method that gets the message out to people is fine by me
how many fucking times do we have to have the optics debate?

If George Lincoln Rockwell were alive today people would be calling him a shill for LARPing, marrying an Icelandic girl, trying to get media attention, and talking to Playboy.
His voice is his only weakness.

Who isn't? The flat-earther paranoid schizo Sinead McCarthy?

do people think this actually makes him look bad? It just looks funny but in no way does that actually make me dislike him. The same way that the trump koi feeding shit made me laugh because of how stereotypical Trump looked. I know it was staged as fuck but the if I had the grade the clickbait it was 10/10. Those fuckers stepped up their game because I was surprised that article wasn't an elaborate bait on Sup Forums first.

I just put up a ruler on my screen and that fucker is within a fucking micron of perfect.

As many times as we need to.


We need to realize that a lot of people are reading these threads, some are on Sup Forums for the first time (or are relatively new to the site). It's a great opportunity to hijack a slide or shill thread and make it a gateway drug for redpilling normies.

If you look like pic related you should be scared.

>"White nationalists aren't hateful or genocidal."
>"We need to purify our land and kill nonwhites."

Spencer is cia and has a Russian Tatar wife

>>"We need to purify our land and kill nonwhites."

Said no one, ever. All Whites want is to be left alone in their own countries. Why do you have a problem with that?

>t. whitebois ITT
y'all must be traps you worship this faggot's mug all the time.
>in egghead we trust

That was a Hindu quote, friendo. The strong overcoming the weak to usher in a golden age for the strong is a story as old as time.

He's a faggot.

nobody cops shit harder than dick spencer, which is a bit of a shame since he actually has a physical movement he leads, and it's generally in line with Sup Forums, except on israel.

the biggest issue is that he's not in line with us on jews.

>fed status: unknown.
he got popular a little too quickly, but that's also in-line with how MSM work; they usually pick easy targets and then scapegoat them with everything bad. being on multiple news shows doesn't necessarily lead to youtube popularity (a common point being how does he keep getting news interviews but his youtube has hardly any viewers), but then how the fuck does he even get people to come to his events when there's no central online meeting place or regular irl meeting place?

all official altright (as in the spencer group, and not the label) discords have been shoah'd, so has their subreddit, and there's no forums or anything. how do these people even do stuff? how do they organize anything? like does he just borrow ident evropa to do shit like at his UF speech or what?

a counterpoint to all this is that even though there's all these issues, he still does his smallman thing. he turns up on smaller podcasts that really only talk to specific audiences, something that doesn't seem to be set up by feds or controlled opps like how news interviews can be. who knows.

the more i hear from him the more i think he's genuine, despite any disagreements i might have with him on JQ shit. or maybe he just keeps that on the downlow since he knows people who dig too deep into JQ irl get shut down.

>obligatory Spencer fail
are you all shills or just stupid?
where's the Jeb supporters?



>t. faggot leaf

Shill harder, please.


>muh russians
kys faggot.

This fag caused us to lose VA. Let's not have a sperg be the leader of the movement, promote people like Taylor instead. Spencer is a cancer, and if his actions result in my guns rights getting trashed, I'll join Antifa in punching his stupid faggot face


He says he wants to exclude Jews from the ethnostate. What do you want him to say? Keep in mind his entire aesthetic strategy is based on being "radically mainstream" and trying to present his views in an understandable manner.

Taylor is going to die within the next 20 years.




i keep seeing these images here. link to the whole set?

That's plenty of time to get people into the right mindset, which Spencer is not fucking accomplishing.

Normies have it absolutely DRILLED into their head that anything Nazi-esque is pure evil, anything that looks or acts like it. They immediately reject it, and that is what they did tonight in Virginia. OPTICS MATTER.

enjoy having America become South Africastan because you wanted to do your Nazi LARP and didn't actually change anyone's minds


VA isn't even a swing state, you dumb faggot. It was always going to remain blue. This was just a weak handjob for the Dems.

Go back to Plebbit, nigger.

This was for you , you faggot.

When did I say I was a civic nationalist you faggot? I just know that your stupid little fag marches and Hitler salutes don't fucking WORK. If Spencer's march was such a success and changed so many minds, why didn't we win Virginia just now, fucktard?

Try not outing yourself as a boomer if you want me to think you have any idea of how to accomplish anything for the white race. It's been nothing but losses from the cradle to the retirement home with your lot.
"We" weren't in the election. Republicans aren't our guys just because they're less hostile to us than the democrats for purely strategic reasons.

Reminder that Trump is Sup Forums's only one true leader, not these effeminate e-celeb LARPers.

Reminder that Hitler is Sup Forums's only one true Fuhrer, not these effeminate TV-celeb businessmen.


not that establishment globalist shill kike. the united states will never have a "based" leader, because its system only allows for deep state to get elected.
trump and hillary would have done the same thing in office, except hillary would appeal to the left and trump to the right.

I feel a spiritual connection to you, user

Richard Spencer is winning over the kind of people we need to be winning, and he is discrediting the people we need to discredit. He just outed Lauren Southern. Her name is dirt to me now. See pic.