MUH CHINA!!!!!!!!

MUH CHINA!!!!!!!!

Anything to try and dump the trump

Mr. Trump is Chinese pawn

It is Asian CENTURY

>the russia narrative is falling apart
>quick, change tactics!

Fucking kek

Blumenthal is going to prison for fucking kids.

The Democrat party doesn't believe in Democracy, so "Democratic" is clearly the wrong name... humm..

Oh, I know!

The Demagogue Party!

They're communist.

damn they're smart.

So the Russian narrative fell apart they are now switching to China? Who will they blame when that fails? Iran?


This makes much more sense than Russia.

Also, most of our big businesses are already "colluding" with China and giving everything to them for access to that consumer market.

That does nothing but benefit China.


Trump is colluding with the Americans.

>Clinton literally had campaign financed by Chinese

They always accuse others of what they're guilty of.

Considering the Obama & Hillary Iran collusion, it's almost inevitable that we'll see a

Always accuse your enemy of your own crimes.

GOP was crypto-commie before Trump's hostile takeover

Technically, through Javanka. The problem with this narrative is that Trump doesn't want to deal with Kushner.

>that pic
Sweet Jesus, I chortled. How many people do you think fell for that?

True, but now that we know their game one would think they would change their MO.

Trump colluding with a 400 pound guy on his bed

So the dems should support slapping some tariffs on Chinese imports, stripping Chinese of security clearances, banning Chinese from investing or buying real estate here, pulling student visas from Chinese university students, rooting out communist infiltration of the education system, etc.

how? he has gone almost as far to call out the chinks in their yellow kike ways. what the fuck.

Stupid people don't deserve to vote.


Trump has ideas for CHYNA. So if you want to paralyze Trump, then you would want to try to mess up any changes he might be able to make with regard to CHYNA.

So now anything Trump does with CHYNA is because he's colluding or has business interests of his own or whatever. Just look how long it took for Trump to meet Putin in person, and that was just at the G20 rather than an official visit. Why on earth should two leaders of that geopolitical gravity not be early on the list meetings? Only because the Satanic Jews care foremost about stopping Trump because he's raining on their NWO parade.

He is colluding with Cuba. I have evidence. I'm furiously typing up the Havana papers as we speak. Someone notify (((Blumenthal)))