Is there anything more cringeworthy than female clergy?

Is there anything more cringeworthy than female clergy?

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been absolute cancer to the Protestants

God said for women to keep silent in the church.

This is why you cringe.

Look at Anduin.
What a bad ass level 120 priest.

Short answer, NO

Any church with women clergy is cargo cult Christian. They go through the motions, but they don't know what the fuck they're doing.

Women don't have penises so they shouldn't be expected to know what they are doing. How does one have clergy on alter boy relations without a penis? Therefore, they are unable to perform the job description.

But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

>wow shit
Hello lebbit

quick blog post

>local Methodist church brings in female pastor
>congregation very unhappy
>average attendance was around the upper 90s
>now it averages 15

>Woman put in charge
>Mismanagement ensues


That is a Jew.

I'd leave mid sermon if there was ever a woman preacher that Sunday my my Catholic Church

Church in Peter and Pauls day was just a bunch of woke dudes who get together in their homes to eat bread, drink wine and share good vibes.

I don't like the idea of spirituality being one where I sit on a pew with a hundred other people facing a single speaker who we treat as a god and listen to for 1-2 hours, once a week.

>Church in Peter and Pauls day was just a bunch of woke dudes who get together in their homes to eat bread, drink wine and share good vibes.

The early church didn't have 1 billion members

>I don't like the idea of spirituality being one where I sit on a pew with a hundred other people facing a single speaker who we treat as a god and listen to for 1-2 hours, once a week.

And there's nothing in the Bible that mandates church services be held in this manner.

nope. Italian.

What, so we have to factory farm and mass produce the population then?

Sorry, but the teachings of Christ should have precedence over society and how we socially conduct ourselves. Jesus taught us to love each other, not treat each other like herds of cattle.

My friends Church is basically a hippie drum circle that says it's ok to do acid but also happens to praise The Lord & Christ at the same time.

No. Even 2000 years ago they saw that religions headed by women went bad.

Women have smaller brains, lower IQs (they're gender adjusted) and less able to discern reality, in general. Sure some women COULD do it, but odds are you're going to fuck up your religion if you do.

Religion is about culture and culture is about adaptation to selection pressures.

Initially it was the priest who sat and the people stood, no pews, also the long weekly sermon came after Protestants decided to do away with a lot of traditions and filled the empty time.

if they are celibate, childless, and old i don't care. unforch protestant denominations attract blue hair priestesses as badly as the catholic church attracts pedos.

Low effort, go play minecraft or something. You have to be 18 or older to visit Sup Forums.

KJS oversaw the final destruction of the Episcopal Church. What's left is just a zombie, stumbling around until it has decayed too much for even the semblance of life.

>sided with the demon that was exorcised by Paul
>initiated lawsuits against dicoeses and parishes that broke away from the church
>sold the church buildings of dissident parishes, causing at least one church to be turned into an Islamic center

She is the picture of the progressive/liberal Anglo-Catholics that run TEC today. She wants all the trappings of a church, property, authority, ritual, historicity, but she denies or perverts its teachings.