Why would anyone ever send their kid to public school?

Why would anyone ever send their kid to public school?



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>Reddit watermark
And how are the videos relevant

2017 Stanford entrance exam

Stupid kid. The answer is >15

>leaf math

Only correct answer is n





If you want to get technical, the answer would be n, which is under 15. This can be rounded to under or equal to 14 since marbles can only be divided into integers. If you want to get truly technical, she lost some, meaning multiple, so it is under or equal to 13.
Final answer: n ≤ 13

Why cant you have 1/2 a marble?

Stupid niggers.

Correct answer is


Yay I was half right again.


I would accept losing half a mark to your statement, however some doesn't automatically imply more than one, since if you know for a fact that your missing marbles, but you don't know how many or if its just one, you would still say "hold up im missing marbles"

Janell probably doesn't have the capacity to lose half marbles since she can't split them (as far as we know).
It's the downside of a poorly-phrased question. Both answers could be considered correct depending on the approach taken.

You can lose more than you have of something and be negative

>he has glasses which means he's smart

The real answer is 15. Not being able to locate your marbles doesn't mean you don't own or "have" them.

But she still could have

answer: less than 15

Janell has no marbles. They’re figments of her imagination. The statement “she lost some of them” is a subtle nod to the fact that janell is an inpatient at the local behavioral healthcare institute.

you can't have negative marbles dummy

>(((lost))) them

thats right goyim use your logical tricks to figure this one out.

Answer: she lost enough marbles to be a feminist

>every child has a right to education

When will the “I have a right to a service” meme end?

How dumb do our students have to be before leftists realize this isn’t working?

>Janell has no marbles.
Yes you can
You can owe people marbles

We all know that Janell won't fall for marble loan scams
Depends on how you define ownership and "having". Having something on your person and owning them are separate concepts as far as the qeustion is concerned.
She also could have made more, or stolen some.
Maybe she did fall for the marble cartels.

Unless you borrowed them with interest in the first place

Janell doesn't exist

Just because you fall for the marble slots like a virgin Japanese Salaryman doesn't mean Janell does too.

Janell lost 15 marbles and then "burrowed" some from jamal

And then lost those marbles

That can't be real

the correct answer is "some" you fucking whypipo

Next question Suzanne still has 5 magazines.

>Final answer: n ≤ 13

Hold on bro -1 is less than or equal to 13. Don't you need to absolute value that shit or something?

>every child has an obligation to be educated.
The state imposes this obligation on its citizens and as it is an obligation it should be paid for by the state.

>uses wolfram

The correct answer is: it doesn't matter because she lost her marbles and is therefore crazy.

I don't know math code but a proper answer in a discrete math course would be


I didn't want to type it out, but I guess I can
The amount of marbles Janell had left, n, is an integer in between 0 and 14 (0

We already discussed this
You can be in marble debt


actually, it's less than 14, more than 0. "some" means plural, but also means that not all of them.

unless you need to do something very specific wolfram is fucking fantastic you brainlet

>Hold on bro -1 is less than or equal to 13. Don't you need to absolute value that shit or something?
As some other anons pointed out. She could have gambled with the mafia and lost 200 marbles + virginity (when she turns 18). This would put her at -185 marbles.

If you lose some you lose 0

You could list them off, like [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] and have "correct" formatting.

sure thats valid I guess but what if she had 3000 marbles?

For one, that's her problem.
As for a real answer, once a trend has been established, you can skip, for [1, 2, 3... 2996, 2997, 2998].

what if she had a complex amount of marbles?

How complex are we talking? Also, I think I should have been using these {curly} brackets.


"Some" includes "all" and "all + borrow". They are just more specific.

A potential problem is that the question does not specufically state the order of events. Technically, she could have lost the marbles before having 15, although that does not make sense from the asker's perspective so I will let it slide.

Answer to #44 is technically "less".
The question is purely subjective indoctrination. I question if its an edit, but considering the regressive Common Core teaching it could be intentional.

>Her sister buys her two more
>buys her
Its 7.

If the answer was 5 it would say
>Her sister buys two more.

My guess is that the teacher used "some" as a filler for a number to be put in later, maybe copying from a previous year's test or a premade test sheet with structures for questions but no numbers.
"some" could also mean a certain number, like "couple" does, but that makes much less sense.

Genuine question to Ameribros here: Why are these sheets always filled in with pencils? From first grade onwards I was always taught to write only with fountain pens. Pencils meanwhile were only used for art and geometry.

I heard about Germans having pen autism. Pencils are erasable and don't get ink on you if you break them. Also nice to only have to use one tool for everything and not bring out 6 or 7.

Never once in my life did a fountain pen break on me and covered me in ink. The fact that you can soil yourself and that it's not erasable teaches kids to be more concentrated and meticulous when working imo. But thanks for the answer.

>That excited qt in the short dress who cares about teaching
>Probably goes to a Baptist church
>Would teach all six of the kids you have together, saving them from the degeneracy of public schools
Be still my heart.

>I heard about Germans having pen autism.
I was gonna make some witty remark about how Germans must actually be less retarded, and hence can use pens properly - angering the burger.
But then I look at the state of Germany... and I wonder how even the adults can use pens without inking themselves. So you're right. It must be some kind of pen autism that allows them to do this.

Fun fact: the law made by that cuck makes social media even remove content that doesn't break any laws. It's literally "Remove anything we won't like. No, I won't tell you what that is."

Catalans are weak trash who will never fight mama merkel.

the answer is "most"

>Fun fact: the law made by that cuck makes social media even remove content that doesn't break any laws. It's literally "Remove anything we won't like. No, I won't tell you what that is."
Wow, Germany. That's some amazing logical deduction there. I never would have figured that out without you. I was thinking they were going to be entirely fair about it, and remove untrue information by the left or right.
Thank you, Germany. Germany to the rescue yet again. You should make a note with your fountain pen to tell everyone on Sup Forums about this.

This whole thread proves you niggers will argue about anything

Remember, the alligator eats the bigger number.

>The real answer is 15. Not being able to locate your marbles doesn't mean you don't own or "have" them.
I like how you guys think. STEM industry or STEM grad?

Yes, she can buy two stickers.
Theresa has $12, one sticker costs $5.
She will get $2 kleingeld.

Janell's not the only one who lost her marbles.


>This whole thread proves you niggers will argue about anything
Jesus, how new are you?

'some' implies more than 1 lost marble.

the answer is

I would never send my children to (((public school))), too many niggers and other degenerates

Janell lost all her marbles

Shit like this together with the Ameriorc meme, le surrender monkeys and so on is exactly how (((they))) divide us.


If you want to be technical, the answer would be 0 < n < 14

In that post, I implied that n>0 and was an integer and moved on
"Better" solutions include that and a couple others that I thought up.

My bad, didn't read that you wrote integer. I'm a software dev, so I tend to skimp through text. Makes for shit reading, but fine programming.

Reading left to right is part of the English language. The same applies to solving equations.

Common Core employs the fallacy that an equation can be solved both ways for answers.

15 - s = t (true)

t = s - 15 (false)

t = 15 - s (true)

s - 15 = t (false)

Implying that the subjective "some" has an objective numeric value is subjective indoctrination.

"Some" implies "not all". If she lost "some" then she has "less".

Employing numerics is irrelevant.

Common Core employs regressive mental gymnastics as its foundation for indoctrination. Its quite literally retarding the learning process for financial gain.

It's really only pencils in math class. Teachers said that because more mistakes are generally made in math class, its easier to erase then cross out with pen. Not that any gave a fuck if you used pen.

less than 15 nigger.

I've seen some of these retarded homework posts that are actually un-fucking-believable. This one isn't thaaat bad

I understand that Common Core has a lot of things that don't make sense. Because of that, this question can have 15 technically correct answers when there should be one literally correct answer.
In a shorter form, it's fun to figure out what could be true even though it should not be.

Nobody is being divided, we're on the same side. I just felt you were a little autistic about this whole thing and felt that was an appropriate way to call you out for it.


15. She still owns them all.

She has exactly 15 less some. How some is defined is irrelevent.

Have however does matter. I have a nose. If I cut it off and kept it in a bag, then lost the bag.. I would not have a nose.

The answer is 10
you dumb-asses,
some of them=three times less = one-third

Could the answer also be x?