Sup Forums is an echochamber

In fairness, this place is an ideological echo chamber, full of depressed people.

I am going to spend a while only consuming what Sup Forums hates. I'm going to make a reddit account and subscribe to some normie liberal subreddits and replace Sup Forums with that for a while.

What will happen to my psyche?

Other urls found in this thread:

For starters, it will drastically improve

Happiness will come back to you

You will remain a pretentitious cunt

>What will happen to my psyche?

You'll start be unsufferably sanctimonious about everything. You'll seek comfort in a false sense of righteousness both as a means of attention and convincing yourself you're actually not a self-loathing piece of shit. And as a real (((progressive))), you'll embrace contrarianism of anything traditional, even shit that isn't broken, and probably wind up a degenerate.

Welcome to the liberal lifestyle.

Basically you become happy

you wont last a day

>What will happen to my psyche?
you'll gradually become more at peace with the world, happier, but less fulfilled.
Sup Forums is too divided to be an echo chamber.

By all accounts, you should be gassed immediately.


I'm a liberal and I've been using Sup Forums to gain insight into some far right concerns. It's hard to empathize with people who don't know how to rationalize, so I can use Sup Forums to figure out what their concerns are. However, I don't have an equivalent place for the far left and so I don't really understand SJW's.

pol is one of the most politically and socially mixed places on the internet.

it all looks the same to you because you are ignorant

Your logic train will be damaged by emotional bias.

But don't take my word for it.


You'll come back realizing that pol was right about everything;pic related

yeah this.

>ignorance is happiness

For people with brain damage, I suppose so.

Sup Forums is like a bunch of guys in survival mode seeing every little potentially bad thing as a threat to be avoided at all costs.
X% of niggers do X% of crime, we should deport all niggers for a safer society!

Reddit leftists are the extreme on the other end of the spectrum. Completely euphoric, dismissive of anything that is seen as having "negative" vibes.
Here's a photo of what im having for dinner today with a canned comment full of wit!

>claims alt-right can't rationalize


You are only going to follow the narrative.
Nothing will change for you.
Just follow the rest and don't worry about other way of thinking.

let me guess. You're the smart one because you're the radical centrist.

>muh horseshoe theory

Happiness in the sense that only absolute retards understand. Through actual ignorance and stupidity.

The alt-right is not the entirety of the far right. You're kind of supporting my statement, friend.

Didn't Finnish mfw but you are right. Underrated top kek. I really did laugh cause its true

New here but I agree with above. Joke or not.

You'll find a newer, subtler, more authentic kind of depression.

Pol is right. Always.

I've been here to see the evolution. They're getting closer to the objective truth.

Most people make the mistake of thinking we're a bunch of retards but in reality most of the best men of our generation are here or at least connected to this place.

People like us can communicate and have access to information we never had before. The implications of what this means are beyond comprehension.

>X% of niggers do X% of crime, we should deport all niggers for a safer society!
I could get behind that statement.

The chinese are a threat because they vote democrat and genuinely believe communism works.
Even after it killed 100 million of their people. They vote strictly on racial lines just like niggers.
Niggers are a threat because they passively accept gibs in exchange for dem votes.
Spics are a threat, the same reason as the chinese.

All I want is to work and be free. And USA is on the tipping point, brainwashed numale cucks voted in large numbers for a fucking communist who would finally break this country.

Ideally the country would be 90% white. I could live with it staying 60% if we just removed the right to vote of all these people so desperately trying to ruin the good thing we have.

Then they have the gall to assault the concept of whiteness, promote pedophilia, apply justice in-equally, and push white men to the brink of wanting a war just to keep the beautiful society they created, and enriches even those who seek to destroy it .

You're going to get bored and come back here after like 5 hours

You're here forever. Just accept it.

I would say we are a cult except that we don't force you to stay, you just come back voluntarily instead

Intelligence and understanding=Depression. You can overcome this if you have the will to do so.

You cannot lie to yourself after you have discovered the truth. It will always be there. You can never go back.

you will realize that you're nu-male and soon you'll start sucking black diks
good luck fag

You will become very vocal about women's rights while raping them on a day to day basis. If I learned anything from Hollywood.

>I am going to spend a while only consuming what Sup Forums hates. I'm going to make a reddit account and subscribe to some normie liberal subreddits and replace Sup Forums with that for a while.
>What will happen to my psyche?

You'll only get angrier seeing how these cunts lie and if you DARE to call them out you'll be censored.

Go away dumbass.

>ideological echo chamber
We have atheist communists, theocratic monarchists, ancaps, Nazis, and everything in between. We have those who think Jews did 9/11 and poisoned our water with fluoride to make us complacent, and those who think they're out greatest ally. We have radical black nationalists, white nationalists, and enlightened post-national shills. Sup Forums has a global membership with every conceivable viewpoint, and every one of those viewpoints is up for vicious public scrutiny as soon as it's brought up.

It is the furthest thing from an echo chamber as you can get. Kill yourself.

>Taking anything Sup Forums says without substantiation seriously
First mistake

Final mistake


>What will happen to my psyche?
Nothing. You'll be back within hours after you realize how terrible reddit/tumblr/twitter/whatever are.

Implying that my brain or his isn't already trained to see whats wrong in everyday society. Once you open your eyes you cant go back. The ride never ends.

In fairness there are far too many "white" Americans on Sup Forums.

What happens when the information is false and deliberately used to manipulate and use you? The best people actively seek out new and conflicting information to honestly challenge their own views and opinions and then change their minds when presented with better arguments and better evidence.

says the irishman

the toilet paper of europe

>Going back to heavy handed moderation and namefags that practically run a message board
You can't go back to that. You will be banned within a couple of days. Once you have tasted freedom that is it.

>full of depressed people
Have you been to /r9k/ ? What about /soc/, which reaches suicidal levels? I'd recommend you go there first, including wizardchan, for you to see how much worse it can get.

they call this cesspit a hate echo chamber... when as a matter of fact we are more diverse and igualitarian than they could ever imagine thamselves being

literally nothing will change



I've never met any hardcore libs who are actually happy. Pol is filled with too many incels, this place can be a drag. But the grass ain't greener in liberal land. It's just more pretentious.

And you accuse libtards of being pretentious...

>The best people actively seek out new and conflicting information to honestly challenge their own views and opinions and then change their minds when presented with better arguments and better evidence.

Do you understand why LARP threads are useful?

my trashcan is 96% garbage

a favorable comparison for you

did reddit assist in an airstrike against ISIS?
did facebook ever capture a libtards flag and drive him to madness?
did Sup Forums ever get a presidential candidate of the most powerful country in the world to get upset over a green frog?

I actually did this, user. I have a few reddit accounts that I briefly used. It's as much of an echo chamber as Sup Forums. It's also censored and they choose the content you see first. My roomie is a reddit user. Rick and Morty, Elon Musk, Trump-Russia collusion, rate me threads. So go. You'll be a faggot like him. To be fair, he gets laid far easier than I do. But I almost certainly have the larger cock.

I point out the US is 56% and mystery meat and you get mad. Lel.

>What will happen to my psyche?
You'll get angry and depressed. You can't unknow what you know, so the lies of leftists will only irritate you. You will never believe them again. Many have tried to spit out the rid pill, but few have succeeded.

Quit inflaming my countrymen, mick.

>did Sup Forums ever get a presidential candidate of the most powerful country in the world to get upset over a green frog?

This was honestly the most surreal part of the election. Even moreso than the night Trump won.

I don't understand how people can't instantly recognise what other groups concerns are or how they think. It's really not that difficult, be they jihadis or nazis or commies, whatever. Liberals are kind of simple in the "can't we all just be grown up and get along?" Kind of way. Never going to happen.

very true

I point out that genetic purity is meaningless when you're genetically shit. Being 96% trash is no better than being 56% white.

I too tried this. I spend a lot of time shut off from the world just browsing Sup Forums so I didn't really have much reference. Anyway I got a normal life and realized that it's almost comical how right Sup Forums was about the world.

I tried this a long time ago OP, back when I'd only been here a little while. I lasted one week. At the end of the week I had lost all hope for normies and leftists. Sup Forums has a more diverse range of ideologies than anywhere you will find on the internet, Sup Forums has consensus on a few things but the consensus we come to stretch across ideological boundaries, thats why we have an-caps, nazis and centrists and some moderate lefties who disagree on a range of topics and agree on a few key things. Primarily I think people come to Sup Forums because we want something, I think we all want the truth, thats why we're in a never ending cycle of selfless addition and analysis and self-critique. There's nothing to gain from coming here except information and maybe the banter, there are no up votes, there is no like button, your name isn't attached to anything you post and your post will be forgotten and lost in an hour or so, we're only here to share expertise and ideas.

Its the complete antithesis to a place like Reddit or Facebook where the lines of ideology are drawn clearly and what is acceptable to say is enforced by policy and the social aspect, approve or disapprove nature of the sites mechanics, where the person who virtue signals the hardest is rewarded and dissenting opinions are punished. Here if you have a dissenting opinion a million people will come to correct you but at least you can have some discussion here instead of being buried or banned on any other site.

Sup Forums is constantly searching for the truth. I think everyone here is skeptical, even of themselves, I dont think anyone here is completely sure of their ideas and I think even the most fervent and fanatic ideologues on here would concede that.

Normies aren't like us OP, normies are complacent, at least here we dissect every last piece of information that comes through here. I dont think Sup Forums really knows everything but we're closer to the truth than anyone else.

Fuck the alt-right. Your ring-leader not only eats punches from trannies, but he cozies up to Zion. Rationalize that.

actually it's an INTP hivemind. Everyone else is just noise and shills.

See you back in a few minutes.
Reddit is a give mind

Once you get redpilled being exposed to normies only makes you blackpilled.

>echo chamber for libtard shills like you

If you have any brains at all, it will drive you mad with how retarded and insane the average person is.

Either your mood will improve or you will begin to see the Plebbits are awful and don't want to be around them anymore.

The Redpill is a suppository, kiddo.

Liberals want everyone to get along but it seems they think the only way to do that it to stamp on anyone who values their own culture and their own countries well being over others, unless however those people are colored and then they'll just pretend its not happening and ignore them.

Conflating liberals and progressives makes you sound green.

I'm ENTP though.

>I'm gonna escape the the redpill
I give it a year tops before you pull a Breivik. There's no going back.

Sup Forums just tell you want you don't want to hear and backs it up with facts. Any ideology could have manifested here. The one that stands up to facts, shitposting, statistics, and true objective philosophy stood out and here we are. The truth isn't easy.

>What will happen to my psyche?
Depending on how long you've been here and how deep into it you are you've got tinnitus. Just as many shitposts, slide threads and paid shills, but they've dressed it up with guidelines and a visible mod presence to appear more credible than a game of internet points. And oh boy if you aren't going to be painfully aware.

I'm talking about American style "liberals" who are synonymous with progressivism. The overton window has shifted so its not an unreasonable conflation considering that classical style liberals are considered to be right wing now days. Its just a matter of semantics anyway

Echo chamber can only exist when there is a moderation team banning everyone with a different opinion. Sup Forums is anything but an echo chamber. Every third post is some regressive liberal retard spouting his bullshit.

This I'm a liberal in principle. I think it's the best way for a person to be in an ideal world. But my politics are all over the place. I don't think different cultures and races should mix, I do think there is an attack on the white race, I do think black people COULD be inferior and have a propensity to violence but I haven't seen enough evidence for that. I still think treating people with respect and giving of yourself are good and important qualities. It's a shame that Muslims and progressives have to fuck it up for everyone. I guess I'm a liberal who doesn't live in fairyland

Good bye and good riddance.

>Implying you can't
I only still post here to laugh at the LARpers and unironical fundies

Semantics it may be, but in this case the two stand in stark contrast to eachother and shouldnt be confused.

>pol is one of the most politically and socially mixed places on the internet.

95% Jews and gays LARPing as Nazis isn't mixed friend

>ideological echochamber
>has NatSocs, AnCaps, lolbergs, commies, libshit, cuckservatives, monarchists, fascists, anarchists, and everything in between

See you here tomorrow!

>echo chamber

Nigger are you retarded? Is dissent being silenced? Censored? No, ergo this fucking place is not an echo chamber, it's the bastion of free speech.

>What will it happen to my psyche?

If you have spent time here yet you want to consume our antithesis, chances are you don't have any psyche to begin with

thisI also dont think that being giving of yourself and treating people with respect makes you a liberal. I line up with your beliefs but I would consider myself a modertate libertarian or at least somewhere libertarian right. The principles of liberalism are not the same now as what they used to be. That was my point about classical liberals being considered right wing by todays mainstream liberals, because the overton window has shifted and liberalism is now synonymous with progressive deconstructionist belief systems that dissect things based on power and privilege.

The difference of /pol compared to other platforms is that you have true free speech, a free flow of information and there are no 'upvotes' or 'downvotes'. Thus, it is everything but an echochamber, it is the result of what happens when the truth is not suppressed. You naturally become redpilled.

You can go to reddit, but this is an actual echochamber because you cannot say what you want, for example politically incorrect things. The main reason why people are not pro-White/National Socialists is that they do not know anything about NS except Schlomo's propaganda.

They dont stand in contrast to each other anymore, liberalism overlaps with progressive in mainstream liberal ideology, thats why anyone who is old guard liberal is considered right wing now.

I find this place has all political ideologies that are fighting with each other all the time. It's kind of easy to ignore the threads you don't care for but they are there. You just think it's right wing because all other mediums censor the right. You are too shocked at seeing the word nigger to see the communism and based bill clinton posts.

I used to consider myself liberal. I still do, in principle. Sup Forums kind of woke me up to the attack on our speech and our identity. I still believe in liberty for all, even the niggest of the nogs, but Anyone with a brain can tell the sharks are circling the water here in the states at the very least.


Chances are you will get banned because you are too used to free speech here where you can write what you want. Even if you agree with their circle jerk on Reddit you can get banned for not wording it right by the mods.

I would know. Despite having tons of karma, just by slightly disagreeing (they didn't like my wording) I got suspended for a week.

you will learn how to prep your wifes bull

>Sup Forums is an echo chamber
>can't find one thread without an argument

Explain how they overlap, then, because they seem wildly different to me. I don't know of any right wing liberals. Personally, I know some centrists, but right wing?

I really hate shit eating bug seeking faggots, go do some of that OP.

Good, good...

Yeah I hear you. I think the word liberal should definitely be reclaimed though as it obviously comes from a belief in liberty for the individual. I don't think liberal principles have changed, just the word has been hijacked. I mean, whenever I hear someone talk about western liberal democracies or something it always chimes with me because you can't hijack the word in that phrase.

I'm glad I'm not the only one out there. Like I said my politics are all over the place but I do line up most with the liberal label. I just think for the most part liberals won't let reality alter their perspectives and that's where they can get misguided (hence sanctimony, being too generous to the point of self destruction etc)

I didn't say you could cure dumb.