Peter Hitchens

What does Sup Forums thinks of peter hitchens?

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nigger lover

Based on some issues

Based socialist

I think he's stuck up his own ass and has spawned a flock of retarded followers who quote his books like the bible. I agree with most of his talking points, but he seems too...antho-centric in examining the world. Stuck up his ass.

Most people on poll agree with this guy on 90 percent of the issues. How many people in mainstream media can articulate many of the issues with which we all agree on like this guy


>What does Sup Forums thinks of peter hitchens?
Great thinker and talented writer, the abolition of Britain is an essential read and one of the most well researched pieces i've encountered. He doesn't stroke feefees though so normies will always have disdain for him whilst the country dies around them.

Christ you think like a gossipy woman, his content should be the center of your analysis not your childish insecure perception of his "tone".

controlled opposition

He believes in even more surveillance, and thinks the answer to free speech is opening citizens up to legal recourse, so that it's that much dangerous to speak out.
Completely demoralized and doesn't understand the grave importance and true purpose of free speech. Here he lets an (((angry old woman))) have her way in a free speech segment.

>thinking of other men

I generally like him but his position is inherently blackpilled. Essentially we require radical change but in the process we lose any hope of preserving our tradition anyway. Its the fatal flaw of staunch conservatism; once things slip it offers little to no recourse and can't possibly hope to correct things. Its why were in the absurd position where socially conservative people are having to come to terms with all sorts of degeneracy.

Essentially conservatism only really works if there is a conservative consensus. If it can't suppress radicals and prevent the inherent speed of change they produce it has no chance and you're doomed to perpetual misery.

weird cunt

He's sensible about many things but he's a pessimist by nature ("everything is doomed, all we can do is watch it happen") which means he isn't much use for motivating the troops.

The other big problem is he refuses to address racial issues. He's very like Dan Hannan in this respect: a very decent and civilized person who perhaps ends up doing more harm than good because he is trying to make the current paradigm work rather than overthrow it, root and branch.

He commits the same error of most cucked Christians; i.e. if someone says they're Christian it doesn't matter if they're Swede or Somali.

Yes, all these conservatives are good at preserving a system in decent working order but they're worse than useless when any sort of reactionary aggression is required.

At least he's better than his retarded brother I suppose.

Greatest man alive.

He is good for red pilling the public on migrants and the left.


It doesn't matter if they're Swede and Somali, as all are one under Jesus Christ, as long as they practice the Word and adhere to His Laws and Values and their heart is in the right place of the Law.

We are all one of God and we are all spirit after all.

I think we should back this guy cause he would be able to red pill alot of people.