Wow, this is powerful............. really puts things into perspective

wow, this is powerful............. really puts things into perspective

That's actually a decent painting

I like how he stayed truthful and made the one on the left brighter since they were white and had a jew problem

Shows you that that's all they can think about. Victim mode engaged. Keeping it real though.....dudes got talent.

still idk what he tried to achieve with the one on the right

jew=blacks=danger ?

>naked nigger in a cave painting about KANGZ N SHEIT

can't make this shit up

They try to copy the kikes, but don't have arguments as strong as the holohoax or the power to make normies cry

When will egyptians pay reparations to the slaves?

almonds activated

So so, powerful. O_o

Also pretty funny, whenever they bring up African Americans who look Egyptian, they said Africa American is always at least 50% or more. No one will ever look at a pure African and go "oh shiiet they be Kangz!".

Wow that is fucking trash
The colours especially.

To the jews you mean ?

so which is it? did they own slaves or were they the slaves?

*paints the mona lisa*
*cuts off ear*

What most don't realize about this photo is that the black man is using the table as a canvas while looking at the painting for inspiration.

why is this nigger painting naked

but jews are white

somebody get that nigger a book and teach him how to read

Analyzing samples spanning over a millennium, researchers looked for genetic differences compared with Egyptians today. They found that the sample set showed a strong connection with a cluster of ancient non-African populations based east of the Mediterranean Sea.


>"you fucking privileged white male"
>"but shlomo, you are white too"
>"no, I'm a jew."

It's not even a meme

oh wowee never seen this thread before nice content dude.

dumb nigger made the sphinx taller than the pyramids

>east of the Mediterranean Sea.

Which is called the middle east

thanks adolf


t. tyrone, PhD in mathematics

who would have thought, its not like alexander the great ordered the founding of alexandria


Charlemagne was german therefore black

i used to always paint in an old t-shirt so i could wipe my brushes on it, so convenient

maybe he's like the opposite and doesn't want any chance of paint on his clothes but i'd want at least underwear on


Ah yes, the mighty and divine pharaohs were enslaved by albino mountain men who had no culture and we intolerant to spicy food.

So what you are saying is that whites are the newest evolution of Humans?

can someone explain why black people steal other cultures when they have fucking Michael Jackson?

Humans don't come from Eastern Africa tho

Funny is, even if they were, why the rest of africa weren't as developed as Egypt? I mean, most of Africa isn't developed as Egypt.

Nigger culture (because they didn't came from Egypt, they were slaves from some shitty tribe inside Africa) is shit because niggers are shit.

Michael Jackson was gray wtf are you talking about

What's with the F40PH?

you the dumb fuck doesn't know that his ancestors lived in mud huts on the gold coast and were probably Muslims/tribals and were like thousands of miles from Egypt and probably never heard of the place. from shit to slightly less shit.

the Mali Empire and the ethiopian empire were the most developped during the early middle age, then they turned to absolute shit (way before colonization, so no excuses about white people and shit)


>1 drop rule doesn't exist if it's someone incredible

maybe he didn't have enough welfare money left to buy brown paint


Still too early to talk about that


fucking bait threads
get in here

Spastic PC 'scientists' produced 'Adam' here.
What a bag of ass
The conceited shitheadery of it all




It's absolutely garbage
He can draw a bit but that eyesaw is like something out of a Ladybird children's book for nogs.

this meme is danker than a gay night church in Vegas


You are a disgrace for our country.



He can unironically draw, but the Meme that modern day African Americans somehow relate to Ancient Egyptans has to stop.
These people where from sub saharan Africa, and were already slaves when they were bought by the Europeans or exchanged for goods.


Ah, so the owner of jew slaves became a slave himself.

Truly, this activates my almonds. Not.

you must remember that we are dealing with a group of people that have near retardation levels when it comes to IQ. They don't understand basic concepts such as history and logic.

I like how the negro in the painting has a chain around his neck because of slavery but the real negro doing the painting has a fresh ass gold chain around his neck. Really gives you perspective.

>Handful of beeds
That's not quite fair, the Kang was paid handsomely for each and ever black ass the white man got.

It's satiric shitposting

We wuz painuhs, not kangz

its funny how one side is lighter skinned should be more Arabish tho


underrated kek

How realistic is that

>the pharaohs up and moved from Egypt across the Sahara to the west coast of Africa where their descendants were then enslaved and brought to America

What a powerful story, it really made me think.


fucking lost

people will never not love playing the victim.

Dass de undie da grount rail roat

fuck I never noticed that, what the fuck is he doing putting a diesel train in the era of slavery
I can accept the black pharaoh and the fucked up sphinx but what the fuck are you doing with a train 100 years too new

>Dem trains man...dem trains travl'd cross the L'antic from G'ypt straight t'wards Unk'a Tom's grandad thrown in da oven before my very eyes...fueling the mechanical monster...


clearly they stole it after breaking into the fort, then forgot how to operated the gate

The white devils stole the tech from Kemet. That "Diesel train" as you call it is really a chariot of the Kangs.
Yellow devils can never understand, I don't blame you. You'll never haver our black super powers with your melanin level

So the blacks enslaved the white first and they want reps.

the Moors used a lot of black mercenaries, there's a black saint and the idea of taking some africans and gearing them up isn't outlandish. Mercenaries arent exactly known for being well behaved to begin with.



Why do black people love being shirtless so much?

notice how one half is paler

This painting looks better than most European art


Well done


maybe put trump's face on sphinx


It's nothing more than a normie painting nigger

You mean pepe.


I like how the Egyptian is lighter than the slave. They know the truth deep down. Shit like this makes me feel sorry for them though.

Common Filth ?

so they built america and it wasnt the founding fathers now?

skills that pay.
don't worry colords.. you're gonna make it.

And Egypt and any ancient civilization that ever had slaves. So all of those. They also built any modern country that ever had slaves so a lot of those. Black Americans are just the best engineers you could ever ask for. Just don’t ask them to run their own city. They’ll bankrupt it and start asking for aid just like thier brethren in Africa

Jews being in Egypt is a myth though. It's literally just the early version of muh six gorillion.

this is fucking beautiful, just too fucking beautiful


Niggers were never Egyptian kings

fuck I just realized it's been 3 hours and I'm still laughing at this