Free will exis-

It's time that you learn about the ways of the jew. Apparently you can manipulate people easily by the means of vocabulary and imagery.

Let's say you're shown an image of a happy race-mixed couple. You'll later associate race-mixing with happiness, all unconsciously of course.

Be aware!

Other urls found in this thread:

Come on, that's right out of the republican playbook.

>Let's say you're shown an image of a happy race-mixed couple. You'll later associate race-mixing with happiness, all unconsciously of course.
Does that happen even if I feel disgust when I see that image?

Sauce on chick. She has similar lips than my ex.


>Apparently you can manipulate people easily by the means of vocabulary and imagery.

Holy shit bro that's big that like deep or something cool. Thanks for sharing have an upbote

Free will is the first distortion of unity/the universe.
All is one.

Except this is Sup Forums where the imagine of an inter racial couple mean white genocide. It's all about controlling the narrative.

Oops already race mixed. Im fcked

Finaly there is a interesting thread

>muh ex
Move on
Sort yourself out

To have free will you need to separate your consciousness from your body. You need to pilot yourself like a machine. Realize that lifting your arm is a choice no different from not listening to your body's impulses to gain weight. It gets a bit more complicated when media permeates into your mind but it's still manageable.

I believe consciousness is a result of life, awareness a result of intelligence, and agency a result of language. Essentially the more intelligent you are the more aware you are, the better you communicate with yourself the more in control you are. The more conscious you are the more alive you are. You can't let your body pilot you, to do that is to be less human.

Thanks OP. Without you we would truly be lost

What methods does a man follow to fuck a cutie like in OP?

>Let's say you're shown an image of a happy race-mixed couple. You'll later associate race-mixing with happiness, all unconsciously of course.

Good thing we have le 52% face meme to counter that.

Madelina pica is so hot.

I have, that's why she's an ex. Still, hate fap would come in handy here and there ...

Let's say you've been told Jewish conspiracies are what's wrong with the world. Next time you hear a conspiracy you will automatically assume it's the Jews!

Madalina Pica

Am I now associating lingerie and tits with larping?

Free will does exist, it's a shame very few people make any use of it.

Thanks, random commie was helpful too

It just seems that way because that's what prison is for.

Nah, anybody in prison has not used their free will. Nobody wants/wills to go to prison.


If this actually worked no one would be broke.

>post nazi propaganda
>with some tits

They don't want to go to prison, but anything anyone would want that isn't forced on them by the state or a corporations is a jailable offense.

"Muh operant conditioning"

If subliminal conditioning were strong enough to override the human mind then we'd see far less dissent and deviation from political and social norms than we do now. You want to know a better method of maintaining political hegemony? Keep the system sclerotic enough to make people apathetic. Promote self-expression solely through culture - people feel radical and original because of the clothes they wear or the brands they purchase, not through their commitment to political principles and the application of those principles to their personal lives (or in wider politics). Relations between people become overshadowed by relations between commodities. It takes far less effort to make someone disinterested in something than it does to cower them into servility and silence.

Unless they were primed to stay broke for other people's profits.

I want to play for the Lakers, daddy.

>Apparently you can manipulate people easily by the means of vocabulary and imagery

Watch this, if you haven't already


later after you read a bunch of trap doujins you'll think that larping as an alt right on Sup Forums is good way of hiding your gay.

also, butterface.

>It's time that you learn about the ways of the jew. Apparently you can manipulate people easily by the means of vocabulary and imagery.
>Let's say you're shown an image of a happy race-mixed couple. You'll later associate race-mixing with happiness, all unconsciously of course.
>Be aware!

Im a regular on pol I guess I am vaccinated

>Free will doesn't exist
>how dare you rape women against their (free) will!!
really activates the almonds

tits or...nevermind

Google white woman


The real way of the jew:

The mind is farming land, repeated Memes are planted in to control the behavior and beliefs of the masses. Jews control the memes.

>Seeing disney propangada since childhoold
>Seeing hollywood propaganda since childhood
>Born into the bubble of the culture that the jew created
>"I'm vaccinated'

Oh jolly you


Everyone is Pure Consciousness, which is infinite and eternal, experiencing life in a temporary human form. Pure Consciousness has free will, but when it assumes temporary human forms (i.e. us), it experiences predetermined lives. Everything you experience in your life (right down to the most trivial details) was chosen by your true self, Pure Consciousness. Even when some guy on the street punches you in the face. You chose that for whatever reason. So at the physical level of 'reality', there is no free will. But at the most fundamental level of 'reality', there is free will.

Time is an illusion, just like space, solidity and EVERYTHING ELSE BESIDES PURE CONSCIOUSNESS. When you watch a DVD movie, the entire movie is on that disc and the part of the movie you watch depends on what you do with your remote. What we call 'reality' is kind of like that in the sense that the 'past', the 'present' and the 'future' are ALL happening at the same time and the part of it you experience (i.e. the 'past', the 'present' and the 'future') and the speed you experience it at (i.e. slow-motion and fast-forward) depends on how your mind (i.e. the remote) decodes it. You can also rewind the movie (i.e. go into the 'past') and go into the 'future' by fast-forwarding the movie. The sub-conscious part of your mind actually processes time flowing both 'forward' AND 'backward' SIMULTANEOUSLY, but the conscious part of your mind only processes time flowing 'forward'.

"You didn't come here to make the choice, you've already made it. You're here to try to understand why you made it."

> Anonymous (ID: ur7BgYFH) 11/08/17(Wed)06:07:01 No.148532942▶
> (OP)
>Come on, that's right out of the republican playbook.

Yeah she does.

Surely looping this gif smoothly wouldn't have been too difficult?

Symbols are holographic projections of vibrational information fields. What we call 'reality' is holographic in nature and is made of vibrational information fields. The base state of everything in 'reality' is ENERGETIC WAVE-FORM INFORMATION. EVERYTHING! The energetic wave-form information level of 'reality' is THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL LEVEL of 'reality'. Spoken words are vibrational information fields generated by vocal cords and you hear them when they are decoded by your brain. You consciously hear what they say as long as they are loud enough. Symbols are the same in every respect except that we don't hear them. They are energetic information fields just like words, but they enter the brain through the sight processes SUBLIMINALLY without us even consciously noticing them (most of the time, that is). This is why symbols are so powerful in infiltrating and manipulating 'reality'. They are gateways to the psyche. Chinese philosopher Confucius said: "Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws."

If you can be manipulated to focus on a symbol, that is even better for the Cabal, because the frequency of the symbol's energetic information field reflects the frequency of whatever it is symbolising. Focus on a symbol makes an energetic connection and you connect not only with the symbol, but also with what the symbol represents. Human perception is mostly constructed in the sub-conscious part of the mind - and images/symbols are the major gateway. From here, perceptions and reactions filter through to the conscious part of the mind as thoughts and emotional responses.

figures a german would post this. Yeah no one can resist a woman never been done before

Sup Forums is (((their))) internet insane asylum. Every now and then we spill out of here in staged events that helps establish the boogieman they always needed. Make no mistake we're being played like Pinocchio.

White genocide is pushing black males on white females.

Men carry dominant genetics, therefore the acquisition of Black men over White means that white women will produce a bunch of mochas while white men would produce a bunch of half breeds that would eventually become white.

If jews actually believed in race mixing they would push for Black females and white males. But that isn't their narrative.

You're not entirely right, OP. Manipulation through this kind of images doesn't work unless you are a blank slate without any sort of your own opinions.
Let's say you see an ad on a bus stop . Two men, good looking, nice haircuts, well shaven and so on. One of them is giving a piggyback ride to a kid. Text on the bottom of poster says 'Equal rights for gay couples to adopt: Some Gay Organisation'. Of course they're not gonna show two obese, AIDS driven slobs molesting their adopted son on their ads, cause they want you or everybody on this bus stop to support their cause. But that's not the point.
If you're left wing or leaning towards left wing, because you believe in equal rights, wage gap and all that shit, you will probably think "Oh, what a nice couple, I wish that more people supported gay rights'.
If you're right wing you will think 'Fucking faggots'.
This ad didn't charge your poiont of view or what you believe in, because you already had your opinion on that subject before seeing that ad.

Only minds that would be manipulated by this sort of propaganda are childen' minds. Kids without their parents beliefs taught into them, left to their own devices with 'do whatever, believe in whatever'.
Protect your kids.


Isn't that how advertisement work?

Music is probably the most effective propaganda weapon, because it tricks the person to repeat code words to themselves. Television used to be more powerful because they could limit opposing viewpoints and create illusion of consent. Usually done by inviting one person to a show or debate who has to defend himself from a more numerous opponent, the host and the audience. Repetition of the message is key which is why every show must rehash the same message and be in agreement to create the illusion of majority consent. Hollywood doesn't lack imagination, they are simply repeating a message. This way 500 people can control 500 million people as long as they believe the 500 represent the majority opinion.

The up and coming Netflix is owned and created by Marc Bernays Randolph, a relative to Edward Bernays who pioneered the use of propaganda, renamed to public relations for the purpose of mass manipulation in a consumer society. Among other things, he is the reason why feminist fought for the right to smoke cigarettes. Everything that Netflix produces is made to brainwash you. At population media center how some of it works. The documentary The Century of the Self describes Edward Bernays work.

In africa they use serial dramas broadcasted on radio, soap operas with characters they can relate to. They contain about 70% entertainment and the rest is propaganda messaging inserted into the story.

"– The programs are having a huge effect, for example, in Ethiopia one of our six radio dramas pulled in just under half the population of the country and married women who were listening tripled their use of family planning from 24% who had ever used the method prior to the program, to 79% by the end of the program." - Bill Ryerson Population Media Center

>Apparently you can manipulate people easily by the means of vocabulary and imagery.

Yep. But they don't have the skills anymore, just the instructions left by predecessors.
Gramps are all dead / burnt out can't remember

Ergo, the current implosion.

MacLean’s Concept of the Triune Brain, supplemented by Sabido’s own Theory of the Tone.

The basal ganglia (the reptilian brain) is geared to create instinctual response to the environment, such as basic self-preservation and survival needs — forming deeply entrenched stereotypes for quick sorting and instantaneous decision making. The limbic system, or neo-mammalian brain, is the seat of human emotion, and enjoys a primal, direct connection to the basal ganglia; this is why emotional triggers directly affect behavioral decisions – even more reliably and strongly than the neo-cortex, which is the area of the brain where logic, rationality and abstractions are formed – but two steps removed from the basal ganglia.

Conventional health education programs may often fail because they focus exclusively on the cognitive brain with appeals to rationality and “good sense.” Our soap operas engage with the emotional part of the brain, putting us a step closer to the trigger of everyday behavior.


Scott Adams has been talking about this for two years, he calls it Pacing.


I'm priming my dick with those nips.

Sabido Methodology

Sabido took this circular model one step further to represent two-step communication interactions. For this, he introduced the two-step flow theory of communication which states that messages in mass media have the most impact upon a minority of receivers. These people will then communicate the message to others, hence a two-step flow. Audience members often conduct discussions regarding important social issues with their peers that are similar to those of the characters' "on the air." This is because the characters provide a model on how to discuss issues that are sensitive, or even taboo, and discussions between characters indicate a certain social acceptance of these issues.


Oh look, an intact family tho

>Men carry dominant genetics

I don't even need to see your flag to know you're american.

This guy get's it.

Free will is at the core of the universe.

Likely not.
That's why the SHITTED.COM is such an effective counterploy. It presents natural disgust reactions related to the forced interracial theme.

You're lying to yourself.
Fapping to her will only prolong your suffering.
What happened to end the relationship? Be honest.

>Everything is made to brainwash you

Fixed for accuracy. We live on the stage, in a Truman Show / Disneyland environment. Nothing is as it seems. Most people are not introspective enough to realize that most of their thoughts are not their own. Some people are part of the backstage, and creating the fictitious narrative we call reality.

Originally, Pinocchio was a real boy in the Italian stories. American media changes the story to bring that we are all "happy puppets" inside, and that exterior control via the Disney fairy is what releases us, concerts us into real humans.
Why do you think the Disney fairy is their main logo.
It could have been from any other story.

Damn user what are you taking and can I have some?

Interesting documentary.
Only watched the beginning so far, but the link from Freud to cigarettes and similar degeneracy is clarified.

Next time you meet an abbo, you'll believe he's an alcoholic that sleeps on roads.

Ok, well I use adblocker, jewtube red, pirate TV shows (which I don't even watch anymore honestly), lol fuck Hollywood movies, so I never see these ads, I never see anything that could affect me in such a way.

So I'm safe. That's what matters.

Woah it's almost like memes work

I agree with you, the only branded thing I even buy is coca cola, because it makes me feel energetic and happy.
Also is so refreshing and reassuring, the great crisp taste that is drunk by the blue collar worker, all the way up to the president himself. It's the great equaliser, and something that being us all together. Love that shade of red too.

Curious how there aren't many posters on this thread, when it should be core understanding and learning for anyone on here.
Manipulation either received or created is the key to dealing with the modern world and having an effect.

Maybe I should make the thread more popular, since people usually skim the rest and look for keywords. I could mention TRUMP because TRUMP has meaning in people's lives, he's important, they told us he is.
Anything else would be something more important like MACDONALDS and REPUBLICANS.
But the one that works best is SEX.

why dont you go listen to some hippedy yippedu schip schop chaim?

>the devil manipulating our freewill means freewill doesn't exist
I wonder who's behind this post

sage in all fields

Interesting that they mention neuroscience.
I went to a medical centre lecture on neuroscience, by a neuroscientist. The main focus of the lecture was how to apply and market neuroscience and the uses of it.
This was linked to advertising and similar fields, rather than assisting patients.
It was being consultants for large corporations.
Understanding how the brain works so it can be used against the people.

fucking loser.

I was about to leave before I read your post, Ty user.

Tbh Trump also used a form of manipulation, if you think about it or if you remember that hypnotist comic guys explanation.
Trump drew a picture inside your head. WALL is something you can imagine and he also did it with other things like when he talked about a huge amount of money.
Also look at the way Trump speaks. He repeats a lot of words and always ends "strong".
In all seriousness just look at a JEWSA commercial break and a european one, for instance.
When I was in JEWSA I was kinda horrified at the TV shows, getting cut off every 5 min for some commercials and shit.
Jesus, how can you live like that?

Not if we gas every single kike first.


this is the absolute redpill people dont see in this board.

I'm thinking,
>Half Naked woman

So I associate this half naked woman with being sexy, nice.

NLP, subliminal suggestion, priming, anchoring etc etc it's all real and much more.

Its not a black and white thing. It works to one degree or another on everyone.

Subconscious manipulation is their main weapon. If this was an information war, we could win by just spamming shit. But (most) people won't change their opinions if changing their opinion means they'll get cast out of their perceived tribe.

We need to better understand the role of group think, oxytocin, and people's subconscious need to pair bond if we want to influence the masses.


>it would be great if we could catalog all the obvious brainwashing and priming media they release to nudge us into submission..



you mean like star wars? thats the most blatant example of how jews buy an already successful business brand with the sole intent of turning it into a brainwashing operation. Jews don't create wealth or business, they just buy it because they own the banks and then they use it as a tool to spread propaganda.

I'd like to recommend Daniel Kahneman's 'Think Fast and Slow' on cognitive issues in general

needs some motion

There could be some nice informative memes made. We could have one for each manipulative fallacy that people use, for example.

John Oliver using this "Modernistic fallacy" (Its current year!!1!) would be a good start.

Another one pointing out someone using the middle ground fallacy could be made, another for the personal incredulity fallacy, etc...

It would be important in the meme to specifically say what fallacy is being used and how its being used in order to manipulate you.

>female "independence"
Probably is the reason for the impact in our society.


That's why it's so bad to let kikes have a monopoly on media

>Let's say you're shown an image of a happy race-mixed couple. You'll later associate race-mixing with happiness, all unconsciously of course.
No not really, this priming is just subliminal messages and once you realize whats going on it hardly affects you anymore

The redpill is not just a cure, its also prevention

>last phase
We ain't seen nothing yet

Keep that white cow far away from me.

Tell me again goys, how do they feel?

Well its kinda obvious to everyone how it works but it is important to keep in mind.
I mean why do people think diversity is good when it literally isn't in any way at all? Because "Diversity is our Strength" is such an often repeated mantra