are you fucking kidding me

Other urls found in this thread:


Keep your racist propaganda to yourself, you yank. Stop flooding this board with your racist shit.

Why do this.

Apparently it's not okay to be white, that's what NBC is pushing.
I wonder who runs the NBC?

I guess black lives matter divided some people too though...

Fuck off stroopwaffel

It is divisive. People are smart enough to see through your shitty dog whistle.


Americans are european mutts. A new race. The white race.

Into the trash you go. Nobody here takes your tossers seriously. You better back off.

Richard 'Parasite' Spencer attaching himself to a new host to destroy again I see. Exact same shit as David Duke.

Probably more of an oliebol

It's exactly the reaction we expected and wanted, ya goose.

It is divisive.


Amazing what a few simple words on a piece of paper can do to make someone look retarded.

muricans still belive they are white..... tries to post papers with its okay to be white... is blamed to trying divide the country

>jews in show buisness rape white women
>black lives matter protest for every nigger criminal killed
>the military industrial complex wants to invade NK
>believes Trump ourguy, comes to poll talks how jews are destroying america fails to realize Trumps girls married to them
>their altright is a civic shit movement equalled by media as being Nazis fucking insult to Nazis

>jews in show buisness rape white women

You forgot that the media then refers to those jews as white. Because semites are European now, apparently.

antifa false flag, retard

It's a message that people look at shrug, walk away, and forget about it. Because it isn't divisive. This shouldn't be news.

By this same logic there is no such thing as black people, or hispanic people, who can be broken down into sub-ethnicites in the same way. The image denies that Europeans even exist as a group. More jewish trickery

Mike Enoch and Richard Spencer show up again to ruin everything, trying to turn IOTBW into another Charlottesville. TRS needs to burn REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

This is why I don't consider "white nationalism" to be ethno nationalism.

Although the point about niggers is retarded. First of all most of these niggers that went to the US as slaves all came from the second place. Second of all they were already enslaving each other beforehand so it's not like slavery isn't their fault either. Blame their black slave owners for selling it to white slave owners. Furthermore what exactly is there to be proud of, of African culture? It's the most beastlike and subhuman culture there is.

Oh yeah, and Liberia didn't exist back then either. That too.

Richard Spencer is absolutely propped up by deep state / media as controlled resistance.

Don't give him anything

false flag from antifa to try and destroy the narrative. It's too late tho. People are aware that it is not okay to be white. I had lunch with my Grandma and Auntie the other day and had a discussion about this, needless to say, they almost didn't believe me until I brought up the news articles on my phone to prove it. They were quite disgusted at the media.


That won't work. What the hell is "white"? Why do you think there's so many threads on Sup Forums about who is and who isn't White? Whiteness is a social construct that changes depending on who and when you ask.
Blackness operates differently. Generally, you're black if you self-idenify as black or 'look' black. The label if being 'white' is more complicated. For example, is Obama white? Is he black? Why or why not?


Not sure how to address this since this is clearly bait. Africa is a massive continent with hundreds of cultures and histories. Eurocentric history that we've learn simply labels all of Africa as a shithole.
Fuck fact, it's a shit hole now because of white people.

>Africa is a massive continent with hundreds of cultures and histories.
All of which were shit and never contributed any inventions to humanity.

Wouldn't it make more sense to be united by an American culture than each group tracing their ancestry and adopting some bastardized version of what they perceive their cultural heritage to be about whilst living under the banner of being "American"?
This is why immigration never made sense to me, unless you are willing to completely assimilate to the culture you enter - clinging on to one's native culture whilst proclaiming oneself to be a member of the host country is actually selfish and divisive.

>whiteness studies
>cultural marxist attempt to use academia to """deconstruct""" white identity and destroy white people
We need a final solution to the academic question.


>Questioning your worldview is marxist
Brainlet detected. You don't even have a definition for "white identity" or " white people". Defining those terms is inherently an academic question.

>irish pride
And tyrone who moved to ireland yesterday gets to join in too of course. Yay civic nationalism.

if you're white you are racist by default. so saying it's ok to be white is saying it's ok to be racist.

that's the programming we're up against

Read your Orwell, user. "In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

I also like the poster that says "We have a right to exist."

If you decide to act remember a few things:

Work alone. Work at night. Work quietly. Work quickly.

Know where the cameras are and avoid them. Wear a disguise to conceal your identity. You don't want your life ruined for standing up for your race. (Whites below manager level are the new niggers.) Wear gloves so you don't leave finger prints on anything. You never know when some anti white SJW will go the extra mile to bust "those god damned whites!"

Work on your physical condition and cardio in the day time. Eat healthy and try to cut some fat if you have been lazy. Don't preach violence. You are probably not going to have to deal or receive any and neither are most whites. (Not only can it get you in deep shit, it can turn off moderate whites. If you think violence is necessary, don't advertise it before you do it. Real revolutionaries do their talk after the deed, not before.)

Be careful about going armed. It's your life so it's your risk but you can get decades more time for just having a weapon, not to mention if you use it and get caught. You can also get killed. So unless you are well practiced and aware of what can happen, leave the fight to real soldiers.)

>jews arent white
>only europeons are white
white means you descend from the roman empire. All these germniggers are the opposite of white. They're as white as muslims from arabia. Same with Christianity, an anti-white shitshow that tried to punish kings and nobles for killing savages as seen by the RCC on primitive cultures to this day, isabella and ferdinand, etc..

Why it is ok to be white?

In America, the difference is that blacks were generally excluded from the greater American culture throughout slavery, Jim Crow, and Civil Right era. They formed their own subculture distinct from the overall American culture that celebrated blackness and black people, something that mainstream America would never allow. Today traces of that culture still exist, which is why "black pride" doesn't have the same nefarious connotation as "white pride".

I see that it is still working as intended. Good show gents. It's okay to be white.

>cultural marxism
Interesting how Jewish identiy, black identity, gay identity, nonbinary gender identity, Latinx identity, and Asian identity are all perfectly well-defined and legitimate, but white identity needs deconstructing. Might it be because they all fit the oppressed category and whites fit the oppressor category in Marxist terms? You deserve a short helicopter ride.

>4 you

t. nigger

your time will come

Whites below manager level are the new niggers. They have no representation as a group. The rich whites have both the Democucks and Republicans. Every other supposedly oppressed group has at least one organization.

Only poor whites do not. Why? Simple really. If poor whites get the right to white communities back, Globalization is impossible. That is why rich whites and their Jewish Masters will go over the top to stop white identity in the working class.

>culture was taken from them
Quiet the contrary, slavery is the pillar of African culture, if they're is such a thing for sub-sahran africa considering the lack of written language before the scramble.


everyone else read this
Even the dumbasses at RTS and Dailystormer are smart enough to realize that this campaign only worked with the 5 words and nothing else.

>everyone else read this
Nice source.

This is what they do every time so there is zero reason to even consider the possibility without hard proof.

Isnt this what we said they would do? They proved us fucking right

meaning Richard Parasite Spencer and the TRS yids

Is it not ok to be white? When did this happen?

The Non-shill thread

Different white subraces and nationalities would be in their own nation states.

you get the bullet too
White identity is western civilization. I know you wish you could spew more lies and go full WE WUZ but it's not going to work here. We question plenty of things, you're trying to destroy what we built. filthy commie

Saying its ok to be white isnt racist you fuck. Youre racist for thinking it isnt. The left is doing mental gymnastics to come up with a reason why this poster is bad and Black Panthers were saints. The point was to expose hypocrisy and here you are, exposed.

White pride among Americans is wrong because all whites supposedly know where they come from? Also lmao at that nigger going about ''Irish culture'' while being American.

Fuck I hate reddit. The definition of intellectual idiots.

Internal competition is the very reason why European culture (aka Western culture) has been so successful

i don't think you know what cultural marxism means

>Might it be because they all fit the oppressed category and whites fit the oppressor category in Marxist terms?

no brainlet

define western civilization

It IS a divisive message, just like BLM. And wasn't that the point? Didn't Sup Forums want to make a white version of BLM?

>not a single white person exists in america as a US citizen

ok pal sure

>TRS are smart enough
lol no they aren't. Anyone thinking anyone associated with Spencer or Enoch are smart after Charlottesville are retards themselves.

you have no sources though

What ever you say, rabbi.

why do dis mr.toothpaste.

Do something you're good at.


Neither do you. It's not far fetched that this was one of our most retarded elements. Antifa is too uncreative to think about something like this

You magnificient autists. You actually made it into national news

My DNA test said I was 100% Southern Italian. By this logic I should be able to celebrate Italian pride, yes?
>Columbus Day is racist
Oops, guess Italian pride is racist.

>Antifa is too uncreative to think about something like this
What? The only those people know is how to falseflag. Look at all the examples of swastikas being drawn by jews or graffiti with the word niggers drawn by blacks.

Sure, as soon as the white genocide is called off. Until then kys kike.

wrong, niggers do have culture. Their own kind sold them off to slavery. Their kings slaved the rest. It still is no different. Their culture is based around enslavement and animosity. Hence even at a civilized nation they form ganks and ghettos. They cant have a ''Liberian" culture because they weren't able to advanced enough to leave behind a legacy.

And who's to say which subgroup actually belongs in each nation?

Based Tucker shows the world some common sense.


And you don't think that'll lead to self destruction?

>omg guys white pride is unnecessary because you can already have pride in your separate white identities

It's not hypocritical because white pride and black pride have different historical contexts. To argue otherwise is dishonest.
Instead, let's discuss why you feel the need to plaster this poster everywhere?

>all in the same handwriting.

don't act surprised, it's the exact reaction you wanted. good on Sup Forums for doing a successful public trolling again, cheers

Look at her. You know if she's married her husband cheats the shit out on her. She's old, ugly, and grasping for straws. Let her have something.

nah how about fuck off kike

Columbus day is racist. There are racist Italians. Black American history also has some instances anti-black and anti-white racism. These histories aren't defined by a single person or event.

>same person covers the poster in messages pretending to be multiple people
>"you're insecure"

Ah yes, the "clearly there are no white people because of regional ethnic differences" meme. Strangely enough the people that make this argument always seem to figure out exactly who the white people are when it comes time to dish out the gibsmedats and nigger refugees. If there's no such thing as 'white,' why are Swedes subjected to so many nigger refugees and maligned so much in their own academia and media when they did not participate in colonization, slavery or any of the stuff the anglos, french and meds got up to?

Well clearly the Anglos belong in Italy and the Greeks in Norway! DUH! Was that so difficult??

>She's old, ugly, and grasping for straws. Let her have something.

She is old compared to us.

In the world of old ladies, she might be considered on the younger, prettier side.

>But I bet she has a bathroom full of astringents and creams and other old lady stuff like my grandmother.

Anyway, she probably didn't write that copy - she is probably only a reader.

don't call people a kike dipshit it's anti simetic

Racism. All white people are the same to them, so they leech and play victim to anyone stupid enough to put up with their horseshit.


If the flyer had "It's Okay to ONLY be White" on its face, then you would have a point. This flyer is merely pointing out that lacking high melanin content in the skin is acceptable, which it is. Brainlet leftists are interpreting the message to mean "Kill all non-whites" because they are indoctrinated to respond to certain stimuli in a certain pattern, just like Yuri Bezemenov claimed.

Regrettably, a parallel campaign should have been launched in which anons would post "It's Okay to be Black/Asian/Hispanic/etc." in order for the original message to appear more amicable, and reduce confusion. Oh well...

>who hurt you?

They could have Liberian pride if they moved there as was originally intended for Liberia

all stfu and do your job. print the IOTBW slogan out and move your lazy, fat ass to your university/school you brainlets

It is devisive
It devides humans from kikes and there golem