Be me

>be me
>see Its Okay To Be White Post
>wants to help
>prints 30 poster
>buys tape
>buys scissors
>looks around my local uni for cameras
>spots them all
>goes home
>makes plan on getting in, getting out, and where to put posters
>time for action
>but misplaced scissors
>30 minutes later, I now have scissors
>heads out
>avoids anyone walking by
>doesnt look at cars that go by
>looks away from shops with cameras
>gets to starting point
>puts on mask
>hair is blocking eyes
>moves hair
>beanie is pushing mask down
>fixes beanie
>hair is in the way
>10 minutes later
>bingo, I can see
>casually walks in acting like I own the place
>go to where I will start putting up posters
>grabs tape
>cant find the end
>searches for the end of the tape
>use scissors to cut and end in
>cuts tape
>and finger
>blood goes in tape, posters, scissors, the ground
>its a mess
>thinks I can sill recover
>tries to cut and end
>ruins tape attempting so
>grabs everything and moves around a corner
>still thinks I can recover
>spend 20 minutes making it worse
>quits idea
>walks home
>10 minutes later
>hears something
>am paranoid
>runs away thinking he will stab me
>hides in bush till he's gone
>10 minutes later
>walks again
>swears to self for a while
>hears the moan of a drunk student from far away
>It's him
>I run fast
>tired before noticing that im half way home
>cries the rest of the way home as plan failed terribly
>blame the autism



gz, your dna is now all over the place and your life is over kiddo

Autism: The Novel

>National Bolshevik
Good riddance.

I laughed

That's not autism, it's pure retardation. wtf user?

Good job Joel.

Are you an albino nigger?

Please suicide yourself

well at least you tried autist burger. good for you

a true war hero
they will sing songs of this day

Try again tomorrow night? If you fail you can tell us another story

There is no way this story is real.
No one is this fucking autistic/retarded.

I always carry bandages in my wallet.

Just put them in the bathroom. That’s what I’m going to do

if you brought duct tape like a real man then you could have used the tape to patch yourself and continue your mission

so close yet so far

back to bettering yourself

>>searches for the end of the tape
>>use scissors to cut and end in
>>cuts tape
>>and finger
>>blood goes in tape, posters, scissors, the ground
>>its a mess
>>quits idea
>>cries the rest of the way home as plan failed terribly
>>blame the autism

Our promised Messiah has arrived!!!

Future generations will learn from my mistakes

Considering it

Embarrassment or suicide. Hard choice

It is real, I spend 2 hours just to cut my finger. send more pics soon

Sup Forums's special forces

>be me
>see Its Okay To Be White Post
>wants to help
>prints 30 poster
>buys scotch tape
>post 30 posters at uni

Cut your hair and get a job


IOTBW: Just a Scotch marketing stunt?

I wasnt kidding when I said blood got everywhere

Here you go sweety. They're called tape guns. But what you should really do is paste them up with paper maybe glue. Mix flour and water together then use a wide paint brush to brush on a coat on the back of the poster honey. Then you post it up and apply the gluey mixture to the front and edges making it harder to tear down or deface your poster cutie. Leftists have been doing this for decades.

Paper maybe = paper mache

Cunt, get your fucking shit in the one sock

>Those fingers

>Be med
>Greentext story time on Sup Forums
>Realize its fucking autistic.
>Realize where you've been for the past two decades.
>*Turns off computer*

What the fuck is wrong with you

holy fuck joel! - i dont know if i should abandon thread or see it out til it 404s --- here's some jew tits for you efforts

Khazar milkers wasn't just a cherry picked meme

It took me a while to realize it wasn't a mangled pencil penis, but a finger.


Autism high
cut my finger while putting up IOTBW posters
blood is fucking everywhere on my uni grounds.

your dick looks weird

blood and fingerprints available
>find another method user

just on of these days user

>has to use scissors to cut tape

>tfw no khazar milkers in poland

You fled from battle. There will be no Valhalla for you.

You'll be great in the chaos to come. Just give it your best.


You have a gross looking benis

What are you, A faggot? Can you not just tear the tape with your teeth, wtf you need scissors for you poncey cunt.

you are so autistic

I had a chuckle.

well user the only way to preserve your honour is to take your blade/knife and commit harakiri. Then you will be judged by your ancestors.

Praise kek indeed Pedro

same desu

Seek help from another autist and try it again user.

Damn dude.

I know a lot of people are going to shit on you for sperging out so bad, but at least you tried - it's more than a lot of people can say.

Try masking tape next time. It will stick to glass and paper, and rips easily - no scissors required.

You tried man :)

Either fake as fuck or you need some tips and more practice.

Do all your cutting work before you get in the field. The tape does not have to be super strong. The message must be clear. That is why the IOTBW is the one being pushed right now.

You could do this with scotch tape and achieve the same effect. Masking tape tears easily too. You can also drop the flyers or simply place them where they will be seen.

The best pranks are discovered quickly but not immediately. Late night work makes for a great early morning surprise.

HAHA oh my god.
Thank you for trying and thank you even more for posting user.
Atleast you learned something right?


>It's okay to be autistic

the post

>be retard
>post blog on Sup Forums
>suck cocks

oh fuck man - i cant't wait for the post that follows

you will not be in my elite tactical white squad.

You're a fucking retarded sperg. You should have bought label paper, and skipped the tape, scissors, and the whole deal.

Your hair got into your eyes? WTF? Do you have long hair like a girl or a stupid degenerate faggot hippy?

You're a failure, kill yourself.

>white people will defend this

Autism: the thread

Wtf I love Jews now?


on the way to creating the next dylann roof

>will be to much of a pussy to attack the niggers causing trouble and instead attack peaceful old church goers


All non-whites must read Pic Related.

At least you wanted to help autismo-bro.


yes OP do this

Typical Pooles

learn how to greentext properly faggot

When I came back to this thread for some reason it redirected me to your post and it scared the fuck out of me and I was confused because my name is actually Joel. Weird how he got that rare ID.

Poles and Jews are basically the same people :^)

>putting them up in your school
You see, you have to to to another one and put them up so you won't get caught.

typical homosexual