

>weak bait
>same shitposter

again, sage & hide

Yeah, only the first of the 14 questions has anything to do with Natives.

eye wud lik 2 thnk hukd n foniks 4 teechig mee 2 reed gud..

its not about whining, its about the moral appropriateness of white nationalism.

>moral appropriateness
Whew lads

Lmao do you call yourself a marxist

Holy shit witnesses

even if you don't have moral beliefs you can hold others claims up to scrutiny and cause them to question their beliefs and send them into a crisis, which is what i'm trying to do

You got spooked hard, fucking moralist!

Lmao you're silly and your politics are boring

Pretty poorly I might add. Attempting to reveal a persons moral inconsistencies doesn't work as well on the right as it does the left.

1. Nativeness does not matter with nationalism ironically, it's just rhetoric useful for distinguishing different peeps all that matter is the race and people of the nation.
2. They can if you want to, but that would defeat the point of nationalism
3. Don't be a capitalist, work don't mean shot
4. See above
5.Because white people like to whinge, but their moral hangups mean they can only express any racist sentiment via economic arguments
6. Rights are only rights if you can enforce them, wypeepl can, so metaphysical legitimacy is not required
7. Once again geography don't mean shot
8. Wut
9. Your capitalism is showing
10. That's an interesting cultural and economic phenomenon that none of us have the information to grasp as we are not sociologists
11. Inevitability a shit, we pomo here
12. Because we enjoy them. Doesn't require loyalty to the person making the content, in the same respect that eating a Cadbury chocolate bar does not require loyalty to Cadbury.
13. Your capitalism is showing
14. Your capitalism is showing.

100 percent a liberal wrote this

>1. Since white Americans aren't native to the Americas, should they go back to Europe?

Yes, we also want all your unicorns while you are at it.

>doesn't have morals
Boi politics is nothing but morals



I guess you can't see the world in black and white LMFAO!!!!11

your entitled to have that opinion

seems like you're dropping any attempt at reason altogether and going materialist, fair enough.

it's all about morals but also all about brute force and morals don't matter... okay faggot

That's why politics is so boring. Fundamentally, everyone is arguing over the best ninja turtle.

>getting entertainment at the price of diminishing other's personal beliefs (in your own eyes)
That's not a lack of morality, that's a lack of intelligence with a surplus of ignorance. With a deep self-loathing hidden under that, of course.

Fucking destroyed

The Quints fucking severed you man, just give it up

are you implying strong moral convictions correlate with intelligence? they don't

Let me tell you the story of how numbers killed a man.


seems like you are only obsessed with them to distract from your unease at the image

No we all kind of forgot the point of this thread. This is just a "shit on OP" thread now.

Racism is forbidden for white people of the poorer variety because it interferes with the MASS IMMIGRATION/CHEAP LABOR scheme.

Poor whites are the only group of people you can hate openly and be praised for your "courage." They have no representation as a group. (Rich whites have the Democuck and Republican parties. Also, Rich Whites can act like slave masters and be praised for their bold leadership.)

Might does make right, which is why you are having so much fun cheerleading the mixing of the poor whites. (Rich whites get to choose if they integrate or not. Brazil 2.0 is coming to all white countries and your Jewish Masters could not be happier.)

Conquest was never only practiced by white people. But you don't know that do you? Slavery was never only practiced by white people. Whites have won a lot of wars in the last 500 years.

Deportation is a matter of who controls the Central Bank, thus the money supply and who controls the Army/National Guard/Law Enforcement.

I would love to see all the white self haters try to cheer lead a non white army having its way with white people. That won't go over as well as you think and your Jewish Masters know it. You don't seem to though. Your biggest mistake was picking a fight with people who were stronger than you. Everything else you bitch about is a matter of looking good for other people. The physical fight is the important one but I bet you don't know that.

Reason can't do shit, all grand models fail on the micro because all ways of organising peeps are ultimately social constructions, there is no rational core from which to build society from so might as well go materialistic

Morals determine the interpretation of information that you receive by acting as a discursive base. You construct a narrative of how the world functions and this relies on morality as ultimately what you will do and how you interpret information, especially with regards to constructing a solution to societal issues is determinant on what you think is right. You cannot derive a moral truth from fact because there are often multiple contradictory ways of solving issues, the moral truth comes first then reason. Force is then the only way to transmit your truths, via power networks essentially, as you cannot derive them yourself, you have to be given them

well, as i said, this is not for you

I think the U.S.'s total control of the world's economic system is a bad thing and its better that the U.S be broken up into separate ethnic states. Of course i believe that minorities should be given a fair deal and not be deported.

1. No. White Americans are Americans, their cultural identity formed in America. It's their homeland now.
2. Was this ever in doubt? There are non white citizen.
3. The colonies America grew out of were formed by white colonialists coming from Europe. They had european cultural identities and their society was structured according to european rules. Therefore the base cultural identity of America is a white european one. That itself does not mean this identity can't be accepted or adapted by non white people.
4. White Americans did the majority of the work and it was their european culture that structured society.
5. If looting and mugging is legitimate, then indiscriminately killing of blacks is also legitimate. Nobody refuses a people the right of self defense or defense of their land. So don't complain if somebody breaks the kneecaps of every nigger if you think looting is okay.
6. Looting isn't legitimate. Looting is always a sign of a society in deep trouble, either by natural disasters or a breakdown of social order.
7. No, I also don't advocate for the deportation of coloureds out of Europe for being coloured. I want many of them gone for bringing their shit tier culture and religion with them and dissolving european culture.
8. Racism may be natural to humans, but it may not need to be expressed in our society. Many natural urges are supressed in a lawful society after all. And black people have many privileges in society, like uni acceptance rates. If anything, whites are the disadvantaged.
9. Because the chinks succeeded in a shorter time without large scale "reparations" where nigs failed. If it were about race, blacks would also do fine. Your subculture is just a failure and irrelevant if not for your loud noises and crime rates.
10. Suicide rates are influenced by many factors. Eastern Europe has relative poor living conditions and Japan isn't a monotheistic, christian culture.
11. Because Latinos are decent human beings.

the only good point in this page is
8. How can you claim that everyone is inherently racist while denying systematic, anti-black racism?
But I would argue that I can still deny that there is systematic anti-black racism. For it to be systematic, it would have to be carried out by "the system" as in government. But laws have made discrimination based on race illegal, and have even set up reverse-discrimination, affirmative action. I believe that whites are far more likely to obey the law than blacks, no matter what's in their heart or their subconscious. They will exhibit their in-group preference in things that are not illegal, like wanting to live together in suburb communities where it's safer to raise kids because there are no blacks around. But whites will restrain their in-group preference when the law requires them to do so. The effect of those laws and whites following the law is clear: even black women were able to become the "most educated group" in the country after they were propped up by whites following the law against their own interests.

If the anti-discrimination laws were undone, and affirmative action were banned and that ban enforced, whites would absolutely support their own kind, and the country would absolutely benefit from it.

12. Any nation can have all those things, whether or not nigs and spicks live there.
13. Because Whites have unproblematic crime rates and are the majority of people.
14. Because still have a very low rate of welfare use and are the majority of people. Whites as a whole pay a surplus in taxes compared to what they cost.

I'm a WN tho

>I stole this thing and owned it for a few days. it's mine now




> Whites as a whole pay a surplus in taxes compared to what they cost.
so do many ethnic minorities

1. should injuns go back to Asia?
2. They are citizens what?
3. 13% of nigs can live here too?
4. They were the grunts in a handful of industries that would not exist without whitey
5. This kind of retarded and destructive nigger "reasoning" is why you all run from Africa to other people's countries.
6. See 5 you retarded nigger
7. Not South America, but otherwise yes, unless those countries want whitey there, which they usually do.
8. systemic racism doesn't follow from people having racist beliefs any more than having a democrat governor follows from having a majority democrat population.
9. Why do you keep presenting arguments that no one makes and acting like they are typical?
10. Are you seriously trying to imply that the lack of niggers and other third world trash in monocultural societies = higher suicide rates?
11. Why am I inevitably going to die if right now I'm losing weight and lowering my cholesterol?
12. You can have those things without being overrun with niggers. Same way you can cook and eat Mexican food without being in mexico.
13. For one thing, because then you don't have the white country Asians wanted to live in.
14. See 13. Also whitey is paying for all that welfare.

Niggers and their worshipers are so colossally stupid. It never ceases to amaze me.

>5. This kind of retarded and destructive nigger "reasoning" is why you all run from Africa to other people's countries.
it debunks the ideology of 'conquest'

>9. Why do you keep presenting arguments that no one makes and acting like they are typical?
its absolutely typical lol. 'if america is racist why do asians succeed'

Nobody wants to deport Asians, man. Unless you're in the UK.

1. The natives already have their land- see reservations.
2. It technically could, but we don't want it to.
3. Because it was built for whites by whites, black slaves really only produced southern cotton.
4. See again #3, they were like modern South Asian workers in the Gulf Monarchies : non-essential non-citizens used for cheap labor
5. The Natives had the right to defend themselves. They failed. We also have the right to defend ourselves. We don't want to fail.
6. Looting is not legitimate.
7. There are pretty much no whites in Asia or Africa. Dutch settlers actually reached South Africa before the Bantu did.
8. The burden of proof is on you to prove that systemic racism exists.
9.Because both groups were supposedly "oppressed" (so were Irish, Italians,etc. by the way), yet only blacks failed to lift themselves up through society.
10. Countries with higher standards of life actually have higher rates of suicide. Compare your average Western country to your average African nation , and you will see that the Westerners with far easier and more luxurious lives actually tend to kill themselves more. In fact, even in the West, the rich/middle class actually per capita kill themselves more than the poor.
11. Interracial marriage may be increasing, but bad inter-race relations seems to be in full force - look at the LA Riots, Ferguson, Detroit, Baltimore...
12. At one time, white Americans listened to music made by white artists. watched TV shows with white actors,etc...
13. The US Government classifies Central Asians, Latinos, and Arabs as "white" . Take out these groups and white crime rates drastically drop.
14. See 13

>it debunks the ideology of 'conquest'
It doesn't. Blacks mugging and looting are already Americans. They're literally destroying their own country. Just like assholes destroying public transit systems harm themselfes in the end.
It would be a conquest if American nigs invaded Mexico to loot there.

>5. The Natives had the right to defend themselves. They failed. We also have the right to defend ourselves. We don't want to fail.
but the magical right of conquest actually does apply when you manage to steal something?

They're Americans, but they aren't the property owner. Use your brain nerd

No, reparations are a thing, you know. Why are you so retarded?

Find me one person that had their land stolen by white settlers to the US. Find me one child of one of these people, find me one grandchild whose grandparents had their land stolen by whites.

The people harmed are long gone, their descendants descendants are long gone, too.

Is it theft to make a sprawling city out of woodlands? I think not.

The property owners still pay the taxes that keeps the lights on in their ghettos.

you really have zero arguments, but whatever.

>Is it theft to make a sprawling city out of woodlands? I think not.
what a total fucking distortion, gg

5/10 trolling The memeflag gave you away.

Back to posting quotes from the Kackital.

I don't want America to turn into Mexico or Brazil. It really all boils down to that.

1.Whites settled this land, I'm not here to apologize for that. I'd be okay with giving Natives more sovereignty.
2. It has, lol. Doesn't mean i think that is optimal.
3. Yes, we had slaves. Ottomans had slaves, Romans had slaves, Arabs and blacks still have slaves today. Blacks were never meant to be seen as citizens, the south used them. What is your point?
4. Lol I had no idea that Toby and Jamaal were two of my founding fathers. Whites let the settling and establishment of communities in colonial America. If you're referring to slavery, the question is non-sequitur. Just because you used a certain group of people doesn't mean they deserve special rights. Also, in America, slavery was a failed system and only held the south back. The north is what became industrialized.
5. This is another non-sequitur question. Why should I have to deal with blacks looting and mugging? Does nothing good for whites. If blacks actually tried to take over in America, we'd slaughter them. We're just being nice now (read: cucked by federal laws). Settling land is not the same thing as being a violent savage in the land WE let you live in.
6. Looting is not legitimate. Also this is definitely not a "normal person" question, only an autistic commie would word things like that or try to equate them. If a black person tries to loot me, I'll shoot him and defend myself.
7. Whites are insignificant in Asia and pose no threat to Asian ways of life. In South Africa, whites settled the land and the blacks came searching for work and goodies. We owe them nothing. More than enough other places that blacks can be sent back to. The real problem is Mexicans replacing white populations in America, and browns replacing white populations in Europe. That being said, I'd be okay with some trade deals if that could be worked out. Pragmatism!
8. What?
9. You just love non-sequitur logical fallacies.

Wow, you are one entitled piece of shit, aren't you?

9. (cont) Ethnic diversity is not good for nations because it lowers community trust, social cohesion, and political views tend to divide down by race. Diversity implies non-equality, making one groups of people more likely to succeed, putting them at odds and increasing division with those who do not succeed.
11. Just because kikes in the media encourage a white girl to rebel against their parents and become a single mularto mother, doesn't mean it's good. The vast majority of people don't race mix. There won't necessarily be a race war, more 3rd-world immigration will jusy slowly lower living standards.
12. Kikes, also HAHAHA literally your best argument for diversity is "wow music and food" -- I can go to mexico if I want to listen to mexican music.
13. Nice false premise, but whites settled and built this land.
14. See above.

>whites settled this land
Bullshit. Natives were there first.

>Blacks were never meant to be seen as citizens, the south used them. What is your point?
USA was always multiracial, not an ethnostate

We settled the land and built our own communities. This is not for debate. Yes, at some points we came under attack or had confrontation with natives. But we still built the communities that became America.

You do realize one of our first immigration acts was to only allow good-standing whites from Europe right? Blacks were never meant to have citizenship on equal standing with white Americans.

WHY is diversity good? Why should I give up my country and allow it to become a shit hole like Mexico or Brazil?


>Yes, at some points we came under attack or had confrontation with natives
...because they were there first.

Okay. In some parts. So what? Doesn't change anything. Why is diversity good? Wasn't good for the Indians.
Fuck you, you just post an image and then make snooty short sentence responses while ignoring everything else said. Arguing with Jews is fucking annoying.

Normal white guy here. Not even a white nationalist.
1. No
2. It could
3. Same way Israel became a Jew homeland
4. Because we brought Western civilization as opposed to tribal territories
5. Because conquest is warfare and politics, the other 2 are outright crimes
6. It is not legitimate
7. No
8. I don't deny it but it is blown out of proportion by delusional nigs
9. It doesn't because Asians =/= nigs
10. Because of culture/weather. Japan is work 900hrs/week and East Europe is cold and grey all the time
11. Racism has just changed faces from "fuck off nigger" to "Nigs-IMEAN PoC's require different goal posts to succeed"
12. Because we're in the decadence stage of the empire and because all music, porn, and TV being produced is by nigs or pushing for nigs
13. Because blacks commit an ungodly amount of crime, white's just commit a lot because of shear numbers
14. Second verse same as the first. Nigs use it in ungodly amounts compared to everyone else, white's are due to shear numbers.

>whites aren't native to the americas
Excuse me?

>the same "communist" LARPers that worship the CCCP only care about race egalitarianism and sodomote rights
>meanwhile the CCCP created individual republics for different ethnic groups, tried to ship the kikes to siberia and persecuted homofaggots

makes you think

>14 Rhetorical Questions
>that you have perfectly satisfactory answers for
>which I don't want to hear and will reject without applying serious thought

>Because it would be exclusively for whites
>Because those people weren't even considered to be citizens let alone people to begin with
>Because they were nothing more than a tool for us to use, a tool that some countries still use to this day
>Who dictates what is legitimate and what is not? Only the victor matters.
>Yes. Those people would be much better off surrounded by their own kin in their own homelands.
>Because blacks despite being 15% of our population commit nearly 50% of the crimes.
>It doesn't, Asians are genetically different to that of blacks and have created a generally more stable environment for themselves and their families, on average.
>The amount of "diversity" in a given area has nothing of relevance with suicide rates in any way.
>Because reactionary forces have started boiling over on many sides. Pic related.
>Pic related, it's imbedded into our culture by a ruling elite in order pacify us.
>They're going to be deported either way.
>Because the country does not belong to Asians.

Forgot pic like an inbred retard.

If global warming is real how do you explain winter hurr

it's the exact opposite retard
>if racism is declining then explain my cringey protests

1. If the US would only be Native their would only be around 2,000,000 people in the US and all the infrastructure would crumble.
And I thinks Natives should be given their own etho-state witch would stop their culture and race from fully dying.

2. Because we don't want "POCs" in our countries.

3. They were slaves that got orders from whites, blacks did labour whites did the thinking, brains are more important then strength and black were a very small proportion of the population when slavery ended only 4-6%.

4. Same answer as 3

5. Conquest isn't what lets whites clam America is that whites built it see answer 3. if you think whites didn't build America.

6. See answer 5.

7. Sure it will be bad for all of them but if want to do it I'm fine with that.

8. People have a preference for their own race but the propaganda has caused whites to loose this and the pro black racism has greatly candles out the anti black racism.

9. Because Asian were discriminated agents but still are successful.

10. Eastern Europe because it's poor as fuck due to the Bolsheviks and japan because 90% of people live in over crowded cities.

11. Minorities are hating whites more and more every year the increases in inter racial marriages is due to an increases in other races.

12. Blacks make good musicians but not good neighbors.

13. If they wanted to deport whites from Asian countries due to high crime then they can do that but American is not a Asian country.

14. See 13

>commie flag
>first couple questions are bitching about whites owning America
kill yourself faggot

I couldn't even get past question 5 without getting rage.

1) No because it's our fucking land now

I'll take this as a complement

>1. If the US would only be Native their would only be around 2,000,000 people in the US and all the infrastructure would crumble.
But Native Americans might prefer this. It's really a matter of 'would they have a right to'?

Communists aren't worthy of answers to their questions.
You are literal subhuman filth, please die in a fire and do the world a favor.
>or starve to death, to be historically consistent

Yes but the US government won't be able to help.

1. who should leave the americas is a question of who can hold them - that alone determines when and why a homeland exists
2. what turned america into a white homeland was the white ability to hold america for itself, what may turn it into a homeland for PoC is the ability of PoC to take it
3. america is not made of cotton, and its status as a homeland is irrespective of this claim
4. who "built" america is irrelevant to this discussion. with that said, america is not made of cotton
5. it is perfectly legitimate within the context of tools blacks might use to take and hold america - within the context of whites, it is a threat to their ability to hold america. what leftists necessarily fail to grasp is that sometimes in life groups must have opposing interests, which does not make either group evil, just human
6. by the tacit admission of your picture, law and regulation only exist within the context of racially bonded groupings, hence why we believe in the forging of an ethnostate even through the use of violence, just as blacks believe in the use of violence to promote their interests. people may only be safe, may only be said to morally posses property, may only be truly actualized, within a non-diverse setting
7. what those countries do to secure their own existence and the future of their children is of their concern
8. i don't
9. i don't, nor do i care
10. suicide rates being the only thing you could cherrypick out of a plethora of social ills, the loud omission of which make the case
11. there has not yet been a single year in which racial tensions have improved, EVER.
12. it is on the asker to establish and concede the both significance of these factors, the context in which they exist, and the conceivable reasons as to why they are exclusively possible while we are in the same borders as one another
13. who can deport who is a question of willingness and capacity
14. ^
stop thinking in terms of "entitlement", lefitst - this is real life.

come on leftist, I'm waiting.