Nigger wrote racial slurs that shook Air Force

Breathes in


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The proper nomenclature is "African American."

>hey Tyrone whatcha doin?

The real story here is that an uppity nigger who wasn't even an actual cadet yet was able to make General Faggy Pants dance like a little bitch.

so what did the nigger write?

i bet the general gave him a pass

hahaha hopefully general fag commits suicide for getting his jimmies rustled over nothing



get this stupd nigger out of my co spgs news

did he at least get jailtime



I am getting sick of what the left is doing to depict whites as the universal enemy of everything. They're really stepping up their attacks with it, too.

And the thing is sooner or later whites will get fed up with all the name-calling, false-flagging, bullying, and villification, and start retaliating.


Basketball american

HEY RABBI watcha doin?!

The retaliation has already begun, we see in Congress the liberals and cucks only try to obstruct- which forces us to force them out, and move further to the right

If anyone wonders why revolutions and backlashes are always so radical, it's because the other side always refuses to give up power when they've lost which results in the radicals becoming more radical and succeeding as the population becomes radicalized as a whole.

By 2025 every nigger will be in jail and every beaner back in Mexico at the rate of radicalization of white politics.

What these niggers don't understand, that whites are literally the only race on the planet that tolerates their shit.
They should spend a couple months in China, India, any South American or Latino country, or any Middle Eastern Country.

I do a lot of Travelling for my job, and non-white races are even more racist towards blacks than whites could ever hope to be.

this literally happens all of the time

They will be called Americans when they earn it back after throwing that right away.

every fucking time

>maligning a race based on its worst people
That's the same as calling all white people trailer trash and showing a picture of larry the cable guy.

Newsflash: there are good and bad people of every race and nationality

>written by one of the victims
Victim of what? They wrote it. What?

Lie. There are no good Russians or Chinese.

Wow they made such a big deal about that. I bet the baby boomers loved that cucky talk about "no toleration 4 intolerance."

Actually the proper term is "African American Nigger" FYI.

Fucking niggers

They were wrongly accused, he dindu nuffin goys! I swear by me mums digits!

American military is an expensive joke


Hate crimes and mass shootings DO NOT EXIST.

All Psy Ops, even this half assed attempt.

We need an actual war just to clean out the armed forces

I remember this general gave a diversity speech who blew up in all of American news. It seems even US military is not beyond being cucked.


Someone undermined the military and that resulted in a misuse of funds and personnel. All in the attempt to make white people look bad. A hate crime has occurred.

Yet the left is depicting whites as the universal enemy of everything now while making it a point to suppress black bullshit.

>implying they all have to be bad for it to be a problem

It's like absolutely incredible. Up until recently, I didn't full grasp just how many of these "racist" graffiti incidents were actually false flags.

The instant any actual engagements occur the entirety of every branch will shit over themselves. Some army and marine portions of course will function fine, bur be assured rhat they'll get dragged down.

God help us if the USA ever has to fight another western power.

the people who are the problem wouldn't see combat


should have just made n hate threads on Sup Forums then
shared screencaps to reddit

Clearly, they have to go black.


We need to end socialism security and cut the military by at lest 50 percent and withdraw our foreign occupations and military bases around the world. The only purpose of a military is self defense it shouldn't become a vehicle for foreign occupation of sovereign nations.

Nah he was kicked out.

We better let them all in, just in case. Let them into our countries, into our homes, into our beds, into our children. We wouldn't want to exclude any of the good non-whites, would we?

Why can't they be good in their own countries?

We got a fucking retarded email from the pentagon about thr incident for crying out loud. When do we get the retraction?

kek, why do Japs hate Chinks and Russians?

I agree


There is no low with it

Last year a black man burned a black church while spray-painting "vote Trump" on it to further stir this shit up.

And the thing is the mainstream TV news reported the arson and Trump vandalism but quietly buried the story once the false flag was exposed.

They truely are doing like the nazis did when they depicted the Jews as the universal enemy of everything.

That's not how this works and you know it. They won't ever retract or apologise. The damage is done, and that's exactly what they wanted. In fact, don't be surprised if they keep using this case as an example of the deep racism in the USA while demanding more gibs.

Butthurt because they want Kuril islands back.

Calm down there Ron Paul.

Fucking niggers

nigger self hate thread then?

his name

The popular nomenclature is DINDUS. Fuck off shill and KYS.

The same way jews use those hoax bomb threats to say anti-semitism is rising in US.

It needs to be mandated that words shall never cause any sort of commotion., Inhibit anyone free speech so on and so forth.

All fucking niggers should hang.

Top kek pikey



of course its always a nigger or something doing this


the proper nomenclature is nigger

Japs have hated the Chinese for as long as they've known each other. I'm willing to put money on though that they're salty they lost all that cherry territory in China post WWII.

I guess because technically they're the nearest white people to them and they're all fucking psychotic and it freaks them out.

Hahahahahaahhahahahahaahhahahaahaha WEEEEWWWWW who didn't fucking know that!?

Exactly. This is a key part of their playbook.
The only way to fix this never-ending stream of hate hoaxes is to force the media to cover the follow-up/retraction with the exact same level of emphasis and hype as they covered the original crime. Hate crime hoax as the lead story on the front page? Hate crime hoax retraction and apology as the lead story on the front page.

like pottery.

guaranteed the mexican that did this has a Sup Forums nuetriƱo pass. czech my numeros fagets

That was fast, the nigger wrote that shit last week.
Do they get jail time and fines for making the state loose time and resources?

Fuck you, nigger

Nigger version

Larry the Cable Guy is a character. The guy has a college degree.

How new are you buddy?

>Do they get jail time and fines for making the state loose time and resources?
lol no.
They get a wink and a pat on the head, and they get to keep all the sweet crowdfunding victimbux that they got.

>i have a college degree

Why do leftists, niggers and jews always do these kind of things? Also think about the countless other times this had happened and they gotten away with this before the internet was around.

We need to start invading other countries Old Testament-style.

That's a nice fucking scam they got going then.

hes not even from the south he is from nebraska

Hey, whatcha doing, nigger

I was going to make a thread about this but you beat me to it. This is funny in an ironic sort of way. Every time this happens the people that don't find out it's a hoax are getting blue pilled.

>chair force
I wonder how this general got his stars...

i bet 5bux the nig who did this won't get kicked out

We are going over this shit again?!

Anyways, all you have to do to destroy the US Air Force is just scream NIGGER and they will land the planes and run home crying.

I bet 10bux you didn't read the article, because he did.

Hey Coon, watcha doin?

I think it was something like "go home"


>affirmative action hate crime


There are currently 10,000s of posts and comments on the original videos on facebook about how ytpipo is rassist

Those posts should be updated with comments because the MSM isn't going to pick this up

Oh my days, HAHAHAHAA.

But in all seriousness, I'm pissed that people will shoot themselves in the foot and cry "T'was him!" just so they can get their way.

It's idiotic that people will make bad decisions that enslaves themselves in debt, but say that it's wasn't his or her's fault. Remember, it's easier to blame someone else for your own doings than to blame themselves.

honestly this type of false fagging should be considered a hate crime against whites because that's what it is at it's core.

Larry the Cable Guy is a great man you shut your fucking mouth.

Watcha doin rabbi events have been off the charts since the election.

So when is he going to be making a retraction on all MSM news channels?

that is how it goes with any kind of false story like this.

the original shock and awe story reaches X amount of people. the redaction reaches like 1/20th of X.
He accomplished his goal. the damage is done.

Holy shit. That's a hell of a spike.