2nd amendment

what does "a well regulated militia" mean?

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It means a militia that works well enough to kill the gun grabbers when they come.

Regulate means well running. The government used the word "regulate" as a euphemism for laws not made by congress. The Founders were well before the Politically Correct Newspeak.

A militia is well-regulated when it can handle guns with precision and confidence.

i think it means the guns are well regulated to make sure no crazyfolk get them

well trained in military TTPs. by definition, raised from a previously self-armed populace.

probably that the gov should keep track of who gets the firearms

rules established in order to assure that the weapons aren't illegally traded to criminals

"well regulated" literally means well equipped and maintained to a point where said militia has a somewhat even footing against an invading or tyrannical govt.

It ties in to the whole "the militia(re:the population at large) should have access to largely the same hardware as the standing Army" aspect of the 2A.

ummmmm sweatie? i don't think so

It means america needed an Army to protect itself from invading forces but you can't allow it to become too powerful that it might be attempted to overtake the general populace which is why the right of the people to keep and bear arms is to defend against a military industrial complex that goes to far because it wasn't well regulated.

At the time it was written every family was in the local church every Sunday. You had to be dying to miss it or people would shun you. Every able bodied man was required to bring his Infantry Weapon to church with some powder and bullets. After church the men were required to show proficiency at loading and accuracy at marksmanship. THAT is what it means by “well regulated”. Showing up regularly with proficiency.

Exactly. Go back and read the debates about starting the West Point Military Academy. There were a number of patriots that thought it was a bad idea and would lead to a “standing Army”.

>well regulated
well trained, well practices, proficient

a makeshift military force made up of random men from the community of fighting age using their own arms

“Who is the militia?” Every able bodied man.


Isn't it specifically any able bodied man age 17-45 is considered a part of the militia?

From which the supreme court translates today into: the entire able bodied population of the US


In the late 1700s the word “regulated” did not mean “controlled”... it meant “in good working condition”

At the time age 45 was like 80 today. I was an Officer in the Army and though by DD214 has all zeros at the top I am well aware I could be called up any time. Once an Officer, always an officer. Enlisted can expect to be free of being called up except for critical MOSes for a brief time after retirement. I have seen some people brought back after as much as 6 months out (and most were pretty pissed) but I don’t think it would happen longer than that.

It means for all their redeeming qualities the founding fathers didn't have the foresight to safeguard the republic from commiecrats who use kike lawyers and judicial plants to twist and subvert the meaning of the constitution to their own liking.

It means that you filthy Yank gungrabbers can go fuck yourselves shitstains

absolutely wrong.

Absolutely wrong. The Bill of Rights was written long before politically correct euphemisms.

The founders literally wanted the people to be a threat to not only the likely French invaders, but to the Federal Government itself.

Who said you think at all , bitch.

>it means get off my lawn, fag

Well trained lynch mob

Personally, I think we would have a much better country if everyone showed up at church every Sunday to avoid shaming and were required to bring their Infantry Weapon with ammo for target practice after. It would fix a lot of problems.


not as bad as it sounds. by lynching known criminals maybe 1%f population/year. we US were able to establish a stable high trust community

Here's a phrase from 1812:
1812: "The equation of time is the adjustment of the difference of time as shown by a well-regulated clock and a true sun dial."

I think that a well regulated militia should have maximum firepower. It has to match the government's weaponry for it to function as the constitution sets out. I see no legal impediment for the private citizenry to have thermonuclear weaponry.

Doesn't matter what it means. "The right of the PEOPLE" is what it says, not "the right of the well regulated militia."

Of course you jest but IIRC the SCOTUS has defined “crew served” weapons as to be not included in the arms required to provide for a militia but only the “standard Infantry Weapon”. So even by that interpretation we should have access to full auto and silencers.

Basically whoever has a gun to shoot the commie dead if he tries to go door kicking.

>it wouldn't be good, in fact it's impossible to gain a foothold in the USA because your guys would drop left and right even before the military gets there
Hell our inner city thugs would ride on any foreign power that tried to establish any kind of base here overtly.
>commie gets PTSD from hearing bass thumbing and tinted windows

It depends, it used to be all able-bodied males considered by law eligible for military service

However I think it has evolved into a force which trains and may be called upon by the government, to serve.

Given how broad that definition is, you could argue that it means the National Guard, but you could also argue that any group of people who train and are also registered for selective service, could be considered a militia. However, you might find it difficult arguing against the government, so don't do anything that could get you in trouble with the law.

Well-regulated has nothing to do with government regulations.

>Given how broad that definition is, you could argue that it means the National Guard, but you could also argue that any group of people who train and are also registered for selective service, could be considered a militia. However, you might find it difficult arguing against the government, so don't do anything that could get you in trouble with the law.

My state designates any male 16+ armed or not can be called upon when shit gets real.

Basically the governor can just tell everyone like they do during deer season "if you see a (insert foe here) we got TOO DAMN MANY OF EM', so if they go diggin in yer trash come out side and you can SHOOT EM IN THE FACE!"

That seems a little ambiguous. What if a big strapping fellow is able to lug around the full Mk19 or M2 kit? Is it no longer crew served?

Is the M2 and Mk19 not considered to be a standard infantry weapon?

True, but given how the government likes to control everything, you know they would likely try to argue that militia status doesn't apply unless they invoke it.

--- Daily Reminder ---
Print and handout a copy of Pic Related to all the anti-gun advocates you know and instruct them to post it on their front door. Encourage them to alert the neighborhood and all passersby to the fact their their home is gun-free. Let them virtue signal with their home and lives of their families.

Military aged males.

My state organized the militia into 3 catagories, the National guard, the State Guard, and the Unorganized Militia, consisting of all able bodied persons 17 -70, sorry they changed it to be more inclusive recently, I just looked it up.


>Every able bodied man.
Anyone that takes up arms in a non government military organization.

Only the Navy and National Guard are required by the constitution. Armies are to be raised during times of war and disbanded after.

I like this meme

It just means the guns are clean and the powder is dry. Every White Citizen was supposed to be armed to the teeth with the latest and greatest armaments. That is the intent of 2a

I don't have to know. The following statement is concrete enough to where it becomes superfluous. Go ahead and turn the shit I already have illegal no one knows about it anyway.

Militia=citizen soldiers
Well regulated=capable of functioning

This is why trained soldiers we called regulars and conscripted peasants with sticks were called irregulars

Why wait for them to do it themselves? If you want someone to leave a message on a wall, leave it there yourself.

The Browning “Ma Deuce” as a “Unit” would be considered the tripod and ammo. It would be a pretty unusual guy that could hump all that. At the time the 2nd A was written the next step up from rifle was a cannon which really requires several people to operate and a team of horses or mules to move around. Even so, some have pointed out some of the founding fathers owned ships with cannon.

I do believe the “crew served” concept was added by the SCOTUS in the last century.

I do think the future may deal with a question of whether a corporation can own and maintain a nuclear weapon. As global corporatism gets worse.

Keep in mind, the constitution is a limit on State and Federal Government powers and grants SOME powers to the central government while leaving the bulk of domestic powers to the state.

The 2nd, tho, bans both Federal and State government infringement, unlike the 1st, which only bans the fed.

Only traitors make the idiot's argument that the 2nd takes away the right of the individual to own arms and empowers the government to have a military. Article 1 already gave the federal government the power to raise an army.

Militia= any able bodied adult citizen
Well regulate= keeping your firearm(s) in good working order while remaining proficient in the use of said firearm(s)

Then you think incorrectly

I do believe that does mean that the governor of a state can order the militia not only to duty but to come under his command. So the “militia movement” IMHO was sort of short sighted and instead of infiltrating them and subverting them like BJ Clinton did they should have been embraced by their state governors and accepted. Any that resisted would then by logically NOT militia but traitors in rebellion. But the Rat’s goals at the time were (and still are) civilian disrarmament.

“A militia when properly formed are in fact the people themselves…and include, according to the past and general usuage of the states, all men capable of bearing arms… "To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
- Richard Henry Lee, Federal Farmer No. 18, January 25, 1788

pocari sweat

Well it's not a pack of blacks or Mexicans. It is a pack of whites, since only whites had invented the firearm, and it only existed among their race. The largest infringement I see is how whites cannot use firearms to hunt a walrus or whale in the North country. Only Russian Yupik can do that.

It doesn't matter. The second amendment doesn't only grant the right to militia members. It grants the right to everybody so that there can be militias.

>They were talking about bland food, THEY DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT ASSAULT FOOD BACK THEN.

This Guy

To organize. Don't over complicated it.

Well supplied group of armed citizenry

no everyone is supposed to be part of the militia
in this way everyone is trained and able to spring together to defend each other at a moments notice from any threat

it doesnt matter what a well regulated militia means that is just an intro. what matters is that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.". our constitution is interpreted with consistency which means "right of the people" has the same exact meaning every time "right of the people" is mentioned. if only cops/military can bear arms then "the people" refers only to cops/military. in the first amendment "the right of the people peacefully to assemble," would only grant the right of peaceful assembly to cops/military. lefties enjoy protesting so its in their best interest to not change the interpretation of the phrase "right of the people".

also if the 2nd amendment granted the right to bear arms only to the militia "the people" would only refer to militia members and so would freedom of speech and literally everything else

I saw an user post something the other day that I had never seen before that I thought was pretty good. He applied all the current restrictions of the 2nd A to the 4th.

So, if you wished to excel is your 4th A Rights you would be required to purchase a license from the gummint which would have to be renewed annually. You would be required to designate which portions of listed addresses you wished this Right to be applied to and if any had “extra security features” such as a safe or a password protected hard drive or phone one would be required to pay an additional $200 for a non transferrable “Tax Stamp”.

Do you think libtards would consider these things “reasonable privacy control”?

it the prefatory clause and with the operative clause of the second amendment is clearly used to define that the militia is the people of the united states citizens and that any infringement of their rights to maintain that militia is illegal

liberals only want gun control because they fear what they do not understand. They only wish to feel as "safe" as possible. The irony is they are so stupid they dont see that the right to keep and bear arms maintains all other amendments should the government fail us. A fundamental distrust of government is distinctly american.

thats not the part you need discuss. it is the following set of words.


Do you really need these?

>nobody points out that obvious samefagging attempt
Fucking newfags kys SAGE

Anyone wondering why


It's this. The supreme court used to hold that the citizens had to have access to guns at least equal to a regular soldier(m4a1). But since FDR, the supreme court has been cucked. It was the switch in time to save 9...if the court didn't side with FDR, then FDR would simply pack the court with 6 socialist judges.

lol I'd say if you can afford it, you'll know when to use it.

Or for a nice show in the desert.

Do you really need a computer? The 1st A only covers printing presses. One copy at a time of hand set type. Do you have a right to a phone?

yes. in texas wild hogs roam in packs of 50+ weigh 100+lbs and cause millions of dollars in crop damage each year. in order to cull these animals you need a weapon that can make easy follow up shots if they decide to charge

>in this way everyone is trained and able to buy a gun when he is a convicted, violent, mental health patient and shoot up 25 people in a Baptist Church

Go back and read up on it. Even the guys that were trained on it realized the blast radius was larger than the max effective range. They were really “suitcase nukes” with a little rocket for psychological reassurance.

It is curious how this guy had at least three reasons to be disqualified and yet he just “got his hands on a gun”. Curious.

Yes. Because people like you would repeal the bill of rights and have ignored the constitution.

Because when your folk talk white genocide, you are silent. So, we must defend ourselves.

what if you are attacked by more than 5 people? you will need more than 5 bullets unless you do not believe one has the right to defend oneself in which case id say you are a dirty liar. if 6 nazis were triggering a trans jew you would probably want the trans jew to have a gun with more than 5 bullets

Nice picture.

Goinna send it to my brother. He was in charge of one of those.

an efficient militia formed of every able-bodied american citizen.

Every American is part of this militia (This is where the draft comes from) and therefore every American is permitted to bear arms.

It's not curious, it's retarded. While the majority of people agree giving mental health patients a gun is not a good idea, the people in power are slipped a big fat check from the NRA so they defend something that no sane person could defend.

A commie who cares about Christians?
Wanna tell me what stopped the shooter?
>Oh wait it was a gun.

The well-regulated militia part of the Amendment is simply saying that a well-regulated militia is necessary, the right of the people to keep and bear arms is a completely separate thought. Any regulations on firearm ownership are unconstitutional.

yeah, a gun he shot himself with.

The point user was trying to make is that no amount of senators would have stopped him, as he was already ineligible to own a weapon due to his previous history. The laws made no difference, as he bought it illegally.

Read the news past the headline, he was stopped by a man with another AR pattern rifle, from which point he fled the scene, killing himself after a car chase.

>At the time the 2nd A was written the next step up from rifle was a cannon which really requires several people to operate and a team of horses or mules to move around. Even so, some have pointed out some of the founding fathers owned ships with cannon.

Several of the Framers owned cannon emplacements, and used them as lawn decoration at their plantations after the war.

So, yes, the right to own and operate crew-served weapons.

Additionally, Congress can still issue letters of marque and reprisal, which requires private ownership and use of cannons and ship-borne weapons.

Nigger you're retarded.

Reread what you've posted.

Legally it means:



>Wrong answer smart ass
No moron a man chased him down with a gun when police weren't present. If it wasn't for a gun he woulda shot more people.

So he hardly stopped him. Didn't even hit him. Just because a clumsy fuck can't run with a rifle doesn't make that "good guy with a gun" a hero.

Libtards don’t want to enforce laws. If, by chance, some law could actually work then they would have to quit clamoring for civilian disarmament. Which is why guys like this who should be disqualified on multiple counts STILL “get their hands on weapons”.

This right here.
The gun grabbers will, invariably, be government.
And the only reason a government would want a defenseless population is because they don't want the population to be able to defend themselves - against tyranny.
That sounds tautological; I guess it is.
No matter.
A militia is a group of people who defend themselves and their neighbors against a threat.
I bought a firearm just in case I need to defend myself or my community.
And no filthy leftist cunt is going to tell me otherwise.

According to 18th century cookbooks, they had bacon-filled pancakes with maple syrup.

They also put nutmeg in EVERYTHING.

Is being at the mercy of others part of your submissive fantasy or is it a communist thing?

>Running towards an armed man who had killed people
>Get's shot at.
>Coulda died.
>Not a hero.
You are why I hate commies.

Are you saying our Founding Fathers were basic ass white bitches and hipsters?