Physical Anthropology and RACE

Is race based on skull shape or genetic distance?

Is a non-white with impressive bone structure better than a white who looks like a 13 year old?

also, summoning Swiss anthropology skull structure autist

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Bump for interest


It should be based on physical characteristics as it always was before the last 50-40 years.
The hijacking of the foundation of race from the former to genetics I believe is a deliberate attempt to deconstruct it.

Understanding of human races should be no different from how we understand dog races. The latter also have DNA, and you can apply population genetics argument to them and start shilling about "clines" as opposed to races and all the typical yadda yadda, but in reality when someone sees a Labrador he can easily tell him apart from a German Shepherd, just how a non mentally hill liberal can easily tell apart an Icelander from a Papuan.

Y-chromosome mutation in men helps identify haplogroups and can trace the lineage of the person by comparing to a database of sequenced collected samples

What is that image supposed to show?

Can people of the same race have a large genetic difference?

just a picture I took from an article about the genetics of some breeds of dogs around the Mediterranean area, it looks a lot like the stuff you find about human genetics

>Can people of the same race have a large genetic difference?
not if the criteria determining race are strong enough, which is a key factor obviously
if you put together cranial morphology and soft part morphology, you'll probably find that a traditionally "caucasoid" male with blue eyes will pretty much never have the genetics of a southeast Asian

it's obviously much harder with certain sub-racial taxonomical classification like Nordid vs Med
you won't be able to separate 50 genetically Norwegian Nordids from 50 genetically Italian Nordids that easily and with statistical significance

This was my post toward the swiss guy but maybe you could answer it too?

Like I can understand why certain body and facial structures are better, but they seem to have very little to do with positive personality/mental traits

Also, why are "primitive" traits automatically considered bad? Seems like evolutionist bullshit to me, as if progress is automatically better for some abstract reasons. I think Neanderthal skulls are more impressive than most modern day Nordids

>any socially dominant (= racially progressive) traits
Why would this be the standard, most people would have at least some traits

The vast majority of socially dominant people do not have a huge amount of these traits

Im not an expert, but Vladimir Putin does not look any more physically impressive than the average Russian

>Like I can understand why certain body and facial structures are better, but they seem to have very little to do with positive personality/mental traits
those are two different issues
taxonomy is just about classification i.e telling apart one thing from the other
association of mental/personality traits takes it to a whole different level with results which are not as well put I think

>Also, why are "primitive" traits automatically considered bad? Seems like evolutionist bullshit to me, as if progress is automatically better for some abstract reasons. I think Neanderthal skulls are more impressive than most modern day Nordids
"bad" is, well, a bad term to use
what matters is recognizing that compared to archaic hominins, not all humans are equally as "evolved", even at the individual level, which in this case simply means possessing a greater amount of new features not found in the past
if you compare an australian aboriginal skull with the Skuhl-Qafzeh set from 100k years ago and do the same with a Nordid male, you'll probably find the australian aboriginals on average are closer to the archaic ones
mind you, this is exactly how paleoanthropologists tell apart more modern hominins from more archaic ones when they find a bunch of bones, they look for traits which are closer to us(like having a chin for instance)
they call it "hominization" but it's the same thing

as for the social dominant thingy, I personally don't buy too much into it so you'll have to wait for the swiss guy

I think there was aryans, negroids, and asians long time ago.

Now there are lots of microraces in between.

Aryan are the most "human".

Negroids were more like apes.

Chinks are disgusting and little.

Now check yourself in the mirror and think what are your proportions.

IQ and bone structure are the best indicators to know wtf you are.

Racial anthropology is outdated trash.
What Alchemy was to Chemistry is what Racial Anthropology is to Genetics.
Stop embarassing yourself and end your retardation

you are a bad example of a mutt.

Low quality parents. Probably some negroid in your blood.

Third column bottom why this negroid look like John McCain

Thanks for the reply, interesting

I wouldnt mind looking more like a neanderthal as long as I still had a chin

It basically comes down to the fact that many people have non-homo sapien DNA, and the areas with it tend to be more intelligent.

Everything you learned about Neanderthals being brutish and stupid is false.
They created music (flutes) and some of the oldest--if not the oldest--cave art, and domesticated animals; communicating with some of them by reproducing, at the minimum, bird calls for hunting.

A good indicator of Neanderthal ancestry in a modern skull is whether or not you have a heavier brow ridge. A heavy brow ridge is advantageous because it protects the eye from damage when it sustains a blow. It's easier to injure the eye of someone with a more homo sapient or homo erectus phenotype.

Skull shape changes quickly between generations although many areas are used to indicate race the face plate can change quickly in a few generations.



Cool reff.

Thank you.

Here are some mongrels.


Man, keep it coming.




rgeat pctuitre uoy hvae trehe!

Behold! Report back on your race using this chart. Doesn't really account for mixed people though (e.g. most of South America).

This is my skull structure. Too bad I have kike nose and dumbo ears.
