>first transgender elected
>trump team slowly being picked off by mueller
>michelle obama going to sweep the floor in 2020, starting an obama dynasty

Well, it's the beginning of the end boys. Will you flee this god forsaken country or wait til the Democratic LGBTQ/ Marxist/ Anti-Racism squad kicks your door in and arrests you for being white?


Other urls found in this thread:

>dems have this one chance to appeal to moderates and working class whites after losing them in 2016
>they put a tranny communist in office


virginia has had a massive increase in hispanic population for years, it's prime democrat territory now because they replaced whites

>he fell for the trump meme
this is why you fail newfag

>we should follow an ideology that failed so hard its founder killed himself like a bitch nigger

>dems finally stop losing
when your team has won but is still 1-10 your not going to the playoffs.

Have some self awareness and use a better pic, fag.

We are a much more multifaceted creature than that.

What economic plan does the right have for the working class again? Your arguments are solely cultural, no deals whatsoever. Whatever happened to that infrastructure plan? Where is it? What about bringing jobs back? Any such case? No? Just cutting healthcare despite promising better healthcare and more tax cuts to break the deficit with?

Yeah. The second the democrats elect a economic populist, whatever social views they have will be irrelevant. Obamacare still is around for good reason.

I don't think you republicans get that, given your obsession w/ cultural wars. It may drive out your base, yes, but we shall drive out everyone else and as these elections show, we are able to vote in anyone no matter who they are. Socialists, mi origins, transsexuals. Women, men, it doesn't matter. We probably could beat some of your reps using cats and dogs if we really wanted to.

>USA has ELECTED a tranny


go be a nigger somewhere else

Fuck you guys. Love always wins in the end.

They're going to inject them and every other type of immigrant/ minority into places they didn't already exist at in the name of "multiculturalism and diversity." That's really just a sly of way of fucking the republicans out of their respective electoral votes, the only thing they really have left.

You're stuttering, sweetie. Does mommy know you're on Sup Forums without taking your medicine?

Since what fundamentally matters is strengthening the middle class, breaking some monopolies and taking the healthcare burden off small businesses. Do that and we already are in a much better place.

reminder that her father is literally responsible for Al Qaeda.

Republicans are only winning in rural and suburban shitholes.

Democrats are winning all the places where people want to live.

>Hillary lost to an Obama in 2008
>she loses again to the other one in 2020
Hillary is top cuck.

Obama is a right-wing capitalist.

Be realistic, Michelle Obama is nearly as disliked as Hillary, the center of the country has been more galvanized by the last year of Trump abuse alone. Dems aren't as big or as influential as you might think, they're just loud. It's like you've learned nothing.

>We probably could beat some of your reps using cats and dogs if we really wanted to.
Do you think this statement makes your political views look good?

so nothing will change.

Lol most our urban areas are shitholes. Smart people live in nearby suburbs.

I know what you mean. I'm just meme'ing because all of the energy in the air, today. And I'm a little bit butthurt because of the tranny winning. Regardless of the outlook for the future, THAT isn't a good thing. Its a flag for the far left to rally around in the future.

>first nigger, first tranny, etc.

No, but it's pretty much true at this point.

>hyper-local election elects retard with mental disorder
>upset about it

did she just imply that MS13 is the positive alternative to white nationalism

You mean people who are too fucking stupid to realize how shitty their crime infested shitholes really are? Fuck off leaf fag.

Why do you want social change so bad?

Hitler died in South America.

You have no economic views.


>>michelle obama
It's Michael.

Virginia Dem here, I was really skeptical honestly. The liberal wing is butthurt about the pipeline and turnout is low, lots of moderates were butthurt about Northam's truck ad.

But we pulled it off better than anyone could have hoped. Even Dem candidates in districts the state party had abandoned won.

In Charlottesville we elected the first Independent to council since the 1940s. She was running to the left of the Dems and it was quite shocking that she pulled it off. Her name was fourth on the ballot, lots of people had to single-shot for her. Our shitty mayor is shitting his pants.

>Being this misinformed
Hitler made it to Columbia in '54 and was in Argentina by '55

this is the obvious truth that even (some) liberals were begrudgingly admitting after Trump's election, and yet Sup Forums will still deny it.
people care about their livelihood first. everything else comes second, unless you're an underaged fatso with no livelihood to speak of.

that's even fucking worse
>following an ideology of a leader who pretended to kill himself then hid in isolation waiting for the world to make him cuckold porn to fap to

>Dems aren't as big or as influential as you might think, they're just loud
what the fuck
you have a two-party system and the dems are one of your only two choices
they WON THE POPULAR VOTE for crying out loud

>>dems have this one chance to appeal to moderates and working class whites after losing them in 2016

Wouldnt work either way. Conservatives will vote for the (R) no matter what, especially if he's a loon like Roy Moore. That's where the GOP is right now.

>they WON THE POPULAR VOTE for crying out loud
right-wing candidates won the populate vote

Kek, lefties have been losing so long that they win one election in a blue state and they think they’re in control. Sweet summer child, it’s only gonna get worse for you lot.

well yes, obviously. your system is shit and pretty much lacks any genuine leftism besides maybe Bernie

Who gave you the idea that MS-13 is in Virginia?

Stop listening to right-wing hysteria "news", holy shit.


>Who gave you the idea that MS-13 is in Virginia?
idk maybe because they're killing people

Don't criticize our system when you live in an ethnic nationalist state. You are a modern day nazi for what you've done to arabic people in the middle east. 1/3rd of a holocaust already.

At least our system is not based on cutting off forskins.

VA is also notorious for giving illegals drivers licenses.

I bet you go around free market threads and openly defend your entire economy being cucked by Wall St.
the Democrats are economically more right-wing than literally every party that's been in the Knesset since like 1995

It's just so much more tolerant and progressive!
Yeah I mean drug cartels beheading people in the streets is bad, but would you rather have that or some EVIL SEXIST RACIST all-white, low crime, happy suburb? Not even a question, unless you're a RACIST ALTRIGHT NAZI! Remember, the tolerant future has #noroomforhate and #noroomforwhitepeople! Teehee, isn't this GREAT! Boy Howdy, I sure am glad we sent millions of white men to die for their descendants to be culled out of existence in their own nations in the future!

Okay, I stand corrected.. but surely you're exaggerating if you think Democrats are gonna let these people run around like they're above the law. Thats what Trump and the GOP is making it look like.

>but surely you're exaggerating if you think Democrats are gonna let these people run around like they're above the law
maybe they could create entire cities where the lawless get to roam free of persecution from police
maybe call it a 'sanctuary city'

And anything to the left of Hitler is "liberal" to you dum dums... it goes both ways.

Once the electoral college is removed, probably via violent revolution, there wont be any problem. Dems win over and over and over and over forever.

>implying the right cares more about social issues than the left
That’s all the left has cared about and campaigned about, it’s why hillary lost. The left cannot get a coherent message together it’s all “fuck drumpf” and “trannies should use whatever bathroom they want”. It’s why you will keep losing. Only minorities prefer Dems and that’s for the gibs.
>implying dems don’t just need run neolibs
The new Virginia gov and most of the established dems are just neoliberal, similar in many ways to the neoconservatives across the aisle. As a centerist I’m not completely opposed to voting Dem but the party has no interest in moderates and won’t run anything but neolibs and socialists.

national socialism was socialism
the only people who deny this are — ironically — liberals.

>you live in an ethnic nationalist state
gotta love this stupid meme coming into use since Spencer begun spouting it at every available opportunity
the assumptions behind this line of thought betray you (and Sup Forums in general) for the uninformed & indoctrinated teenagers you are
and before you type out that response, know that I'm coming at it from the completely opposite direction you probably think I'm coming from

>michelle obama
He will be the first transgendered president

Also lefty, this is a blue state lol. You guys act like you turned a red state. Ever since VA was flooded with spics and Muslims it has gone blue.

>National SOCIALIST German Worker's Party



win in hillary voting places/blue places duh

move it along folks, them getting cucked is expected now, this is the (((democrats plans))) to make 2020 more blue so then they can possibly start ww3, or black mail trump and his family to start it. We can expect this to happen to the rest of this country aswell, forced immigration antifa protests everything in the cuck manual, to make sure the cuck wins. The military should just coup already they would probably run it better then our current war mongering state.

You're a faggot.

It will be ok

After a generation the Hispanics will embrace constitutional conservatism

Gillespie wasn't conservative enough. Listen to Ben Shapiro.

jew piece of shit. you cant even help yourself can you?

>This Jew tossing knock out punches one after the other and you just scream communism like a 1+ Chromosome ogre
I've told you morons this 1000 times but I'll do it again, socialism and communism are not the same thing. Socialism is the engine in the car of communism, and its a good engine, the car just sucks. Take it out, put it in something better, and it works perfectly.

>but surely you're exaggerating if you think Democrats are gonna let these people run around like they're above the law.
[laugh track]

Your religion is an ethnic supremacist religion as well. I don't care what phony direction you come at it from.

This kike is fucking destroying you, its hilarious.

>Take it out, put it in something better, and it works perfectly.
>nazi germany, a country that existed for a length of time less than I've spent shitting

Eh, Italy elected its first transgender MP in 2006, lost """her""" seat in 2008, no big deal
Only problem is """she""" gets the fat eternal pension for former MPs as well now
But in any case if your leftists have a 10% of their brain still active and aren't just tools they'll see the reuse of electing these people just for the sake of it and come back on their paths

This state was lost by 2004. Pajeet and Pedro flooded in and we've been fucked ever since. Blue Valley and SW are still pretty legit though.

Moving to PA, anons. Need COMF.

But seriously, seeing how Antifa and other radical groups get cuddled by the local dem government, they would still support you even if you were fire bombing churches as long as you call conservatives names and intimidate them.

It's not even that. Northern VA is effectively a Democratic stronghold, generates huge amounts of $$$ because of DC, and is politically savvy.

Southern (red) Virginia is weaker politically at this point. It swung Clinton in the presidential election, and Republicans only stay in power if they're moderate enough. Trumpublicans give Virginians the creeps, thus the voteout.

>>michelle obama going to sweep the floor in 2020
dumbest thing I've read all day

Can confirm. Boomer libs, fagget millenials, and nonwhites.


>national socialism was socialism

Lmao, who are you trying to fool with this bullshit? Anyone that actually knows what they're talking about knows that Hitler just used the mantle of "socialist" in the party name to get the common folk to support him.. he was a fascist through and through. He murdered the actual socialists.

Hitler is what happens when people are ignorant of politics.. just like Trump managed to fool so many people in 2016. They still actually think Trump cares about them haha.

>okay, so I was wrong, but let me backtrack real quick and ignore that there's multiple sanctuary cities in VA and Northam wants to make it a sanctuary state

Congrats leaf, your bait worked on some anons

>*tips fedora*

Europe, where it works absolutely flawlessly.
>Euro maintains value above the dollar, which falls steadily.

>Once the electoral college is removed, probably via violent revolution, there wont be any problem.
lol, you soybois have some interesting ideas on how things will sake out.

how would europe function without a capitalist mega-country giving them the tools they need to maintain society?

>Will you flee this god forsaken country

Fuck that and fuck you.

I will turn this shit around, and I don't care if I die to do it.

>Once the electoral college is removed, probably via violent revolution

And you fucks call us delusional.

>everything in the cuck manual, to make sure the cuck wins

Nice Larp



>Ignore the will of the people and spit on them constantly, maintain the elite's stranglehold on society, take turns stomping the working class, I'm sure they wont rise up and burn your ivory towers to the ground, rape your family and beat you to death with your solid gold toilet.
America follows the path of Tsarist Russia steadily, tension grows higher and higher, eventually it will reach a fracture point, and no amount of drones and overpaid security can save this oligarchy.

Anywhere here remeber when VA was red?


Also how exactly do you plan on winning a revolution when you gave up your guns?

i want to be out of america by 2020, i can't take it anymore, i'm already on the edge of isolating myself

that wont happen anyways but do you understand if it did and you completely disenfranchise white people and remove all of their peaceful options whites will absolutely slaughter sub humans. Honestly I wish you dumb fucks would remove the electoral college so we can hurry up and get this done

it also had 0% hispanic population

If they didn't get it from us they'd get it from China, most likely. If America wants its citizens to stay in America, it needs to change, soon.

>Once the electoral college is removed, probably via violent revolution
Welp, if the new ranked voting system of Maine goes well I don't see why it wouldn't be adopted for the rest fo the US
It would make things fairer while maintaining the electoral college

you are the worst political analyst I've ever seen anywhere, ever. Just stupid as fuck.

>anti cop
You lost me there faggo

Maybe you just hear "cuck" a lot because...well...never mind.

Except Virginia is purple, honey bun.

But Republicans still got ass ravaged by tranny liberals hahahaahah.

>they'd get it from China