Women in combat

Greetings /pol

Why do you believe women cannot be into military?

>Women are too weak
what does physical strength matter when modern guns shoot over 9000rpm
>Women are too emotional
actually, studies show the opposite, women are calmer in combat situations due to lower test
AND women suffer less from PTSD

so what's the deal?

Other urls found in this thread:


You can't honestly believe that because guns exist there's no need to be physically strong in the army

>women are calmer in combat situations due to lower test
top kek
>AND women suffer less from PTSD
top kek

>womyn calmer
>womyn more mentally stable

>sliding leaf
+ sage

The fact the ground infantry after carry ~100lbs on their back for miles, get into a firefight, shoot and move, and have the RESPONSIBILITY to pick up and carry a nearly 300lb man....if they can do all of this...


>1 post by this ID

>actually, studies show the opposite

No they don't.

Leafs -> Trashcan

It's not about emotions or physical weakness.

It's about women being women wherever they are. They polarized every social groups and destroy them from the inside. No cohesion, everybody must care about her above everything else


I know this is bait. Just for the record: women dont belong in the military and especially not in combat.

Stop embarrassing us fuck wit.

fuck off leaf nigger post sources

I don't even have to check the flag, I know it's a leaf.

women are not as strong as men. they are not mentally able to kill the enemy. when seriously confronted with violence, they cry.

You, read this.

>women suffer less from PTSD
My gf gets traumatised if someone shouts at her in the street. She cried today because I said her presentation was just reading off a powerpoint.

Societies that make women fight their wars are evil. If women enter the military then anytime our elites want to actually win a war they will need to rely on militias like Iraq does with the PMU.

>studies show the opposite
Nope. Nice try Obamaleaf

>what does physical strength matter when modern guns shoot over 9000rpm

Fire rate doesn't matter when you have to carry the weapon, ammunition, and a hundred pound of other gear across several mountains for days without sleep before you are even in a position to fire it.

>studies show the opposite

No, they don't.

roasties don't help with unit cohesion, they divide and fuck everyone over
segregated, female only units should be the only way for females to serve
and they should be a last resort....as in, never use women in battle unless everyone else is dead

lets send women as the front line in every conflict from now on. Men have had to do it for centuries and if you think that women cant then you're part of the patriarchy problem

>what does physical strength matter when modern guns shoot over 9000rpm
I don't think you realise how much shit a modern soldier carries around. Pretty sure medieval knights were lighter equipped.

I guarantee the military will drop the female infantry meme the very moment we enter a real war with a developed nation.

>what does physical strength matter when modern guns shoot over 9000rpm

A lot, which is why men and women compete separately with guns at the Olympics

>actually, studies show the opposite, women are calmer in combat situations due to lower test
AND women suffer less from PTSD

No. They are on average more anxious

>what does physical strength matter when modern guns shoot over 9000rpm
never been to war

>I guarantee the military will drop the female infantry meme the very moment we enter a real war with a developed nation.
women will prego themselves out first


They should all be crew on tanks and fighter jets.
They are physically weaker and have a smaller frame. Space, time and money would be saved along with maximizing their physical advantages and minimizing their disadvantages.

>what does physical strength matter when modern guns shoot over 9000rpm
Because rate of fire is irrelevant if you can't carry your equipment.
>women are calmer in combat situations due to lower test
AND women suffer less from PTSD

>what does physical strength matter when modern guns shoot over 9000rpm

It's not about the weapons you stupid fucking leaf. If a squad mate is wounded how is a woman going to carry his ass to safety?

This is a huge problem in my area.
They all join up, get pregnant and live off government tit forever after.

Because men make bad decisions around women. In a combat situation, they are more likely to get themselves killed in an effort to protect a woman. If captured, they are more likely to give up information at the threat of harm to a woman than they are to actual harm inflected on their own person.

God plz glass canada

Eww a jew.

>what does physical strength matter when modern guns shoot over 9000rpm

Top notch bait leaf, retards WILL fall for it


Musculoskeletal injury rate for women was 40.5%, compared with 18.8% for men.

All-male units performed better than mixed-gender units on 93 of 134 tasks issued.

All-male infantry squads were faster in each tactical movement, with differences more pronounced when "crew-served" weapons such as machine guns had to be carried in addition to the standard assault load.

All-male infantry rifleman squads were more accurate shots, with notable differences in all weapons except the M4 rifle.

Men in the provisional infantry platoon who had not attended the infantry course were more accurate marksmen than women who had, hitting 44% of targets with the M4 rifle versus 28% among women trained at the infantry school.

All-male squads were notably better as a group when tackling obstacles and evacuating casualties. For example: "When negotiating the wall obstacle, male Marines threw their packs to the top of the wall, whereas female Marines required regular assistance in getting their packs to the top."

When carrying heavy loads — lean body mass and peak oxygen uptake. Women scored lower in both areas. The men had an average of 20% body fat, compared with 24% among women. Women had an average of 10% lower peak oxygen uptake than men.

Honestly it's mostly Ontario, Montreal, and Vancouver. But if we all have to die to finally end this national shame then so be it.

They're terrible. I've seen them panic first-hand in combat, and be totally useless in training due to their physical limitations. Anyone who can't see this is insane.

>Why do you believe women cannot be into military?

Rape. With out females this is one variable that does not enter the battle field.

Physical strength matters because someone has to carry the gun and the ammunition for it into combat in rough terrain. A woman can't carry 100 pounds of bullshit across a sand dune and then hold up a large metal object and control it while explosions go off inside it. Let them join the air force but a woman in the army is ridiculous.

>deployed men for 18 months and Sex-starved
>women in unit
Guess whats next
Woops, there goes your troop discipline.
Men and women cant fight shoulder to shoulder, they are distracting each other too much, since either gender cant control secual drives/emotions effectively.
Nothing against women-dominated corps though. They can fullfill different tasks.
Women in Navy/Airforce roles arent too much of an issue either since (((physical strenght))) doesn't matter too much.

Is there even a purpose for a Canadian military? WTF are you going to do? Make the invaders laugh as they waltz over you?

The most important thing for infantry is how much ammo you can carry and women can't carry fuck all.

I served with women, the fucking useless in combat units. There rather let you bleed out before helping you and risk there live.

It's also very much about carrying the weapons and other gear. I used weigh an extra 100 pounds when we'd set off on marches. Rifle, helmet, boots, uniform MRE's, water, extra clothes, etc. Not even a real combat load because these were training marches and we didn't have body armor or ammo. Add an extra 30 pounds for that. Most girls simply can't carry around a normal combat load, and forget about being a mortarman or machine gunner. Ever pick up a mortar base plate?

Everything everyone else already said, but throw in periods and yeast infections.

Our military is surprisingly good for what it is. Of course it would never stand up to an invasion by America, but we are 10% of the population and most of our country is an uninhabitable frozen wasteland with zero infrastructure.

I'm a doctor working in psychiatry and i Will tell you that there Are at least 10 psychotic women for every 1 psychotic man. I'm in the emergency reception so i have to examine and decide if they can get treatment or not.

Women Are not more mentally stable. Women in Norwegian have reduced number of push ups, sit ups and for pull ups they just hang from arms X seconds because they are too weak to pull themselves up without help. Its pathetic.

How about periods? Throwing bitch Fits and being in extreme pain every month. How Will that keep morale up? Not every girl have pain but its gonna be bloody diapers because they aint getting a private tent to change their pads(or tampon if they are roasties)

They make great Snipers oddly enough

>AND women suffer less from PTSD
Absurd. They're nuts even before they get exposed to trauma.

Sexist. I can't believe such information was made public.


So manlets aren't allowed in the military either?

>Greetings /pol
>Why do you believe women cannot be into military?
>>Women are too weak
>what does physical strength matter when modern guns shoot over 9000rpm
>>Women are too emotional
>actually, studies show the opposite, women are calmer in combat situations due to lower test
>AND women suffer less from PTSD
>so what's the deal?

This fucking leaf posted this exact same thread about two weeks ago, word for word.

>he posted it again
>he even used the same picture

Your mums a Jew.

Memes aside, women in combat is a shit meme.
All the "badass IDF girls with gunz xDd" that you see are in co-ed battalions (which are 50-50 "men" and women), and are usually held to much lower standards than actual infantry brigades, and have way lower physical tests results.
The men in those battalions are the backbones of those battalions, and are usually carrying their own gear and the girls because it's "too heavy lool xD", while the girls are instagram whoring.
Those battalions are also stationed in peaceful borders so the most action they ever see is some kangz trying to smuggle weed.

In short women in combat is a kike meme created to appease feminazis here.

Yeah. Those facts are sexist.

Most I saw were terrible shots, but some were excellent. They are more flexible and can get in good shooting positions.

The U.S.M.C has done lots of tests on this, chicks are too week to pull a 200lbs dummy out of a tank, can't load artillery all day. Suck at running. I actually have a friend who had to drag a chick by her vest during training. She just up and gave in. These are only physical aspects of it.

>what does physical strength matter when modern guns shoot over 9000rpm
Carrying those guns & ammunition, carrying wounded soldiers, etc
>actually, studies show the opposite, women are calmer in combat situations due to lower test
Oh damn, I guess I'll just forget a lifetime of seeing women cry over the slightest thing.
>AND women suffer less from PTSD
I'm sure women have fewer tommy john surgeries too. I wouldn't read too far into stats like that considering that the number of men and women engaging in various activities aren't even close to being proportionally comparable.
You also mentioned nothing about altered group dynamics, nor the increased complexity managing assignments & roles, nor incidents of sexual assault, pregnancy, or awol likelihood. I suspect there's a difference in overall cost per person as well.
All for the sake of what?

be into?

hmmmm, focus on the mission, or focus on the three blondes im currently fukking in the squad? think it over cunts. even in an all female units the dykes would fight over the girl with the biggest tits. save the social experiments for the big cities. hashtag onlydicksindanger

>what does physical strength matter when modern guns shoot over 9000rpm
because when Bubba (6'5", 250 lbs) gets shot in the leg, Stacy (5'4", 130 lbs) will be physically incapable of picking him up and carrying him off the battlefield

also, there have been multiple studies where mixed squads (men and women) will suffer because the natural male instinct is to rescue women or to put themselves in harm's way for them; men do dumb things around women

Why are leafs such bad posters? Is it the actual Canadians? Is it all the changs and pajeets living there? Explain

That's right. The Marine Corps actually rejected Audie Murphy for his size. That one was a mistake, but you make rules for the rule, not the exception.

than only let females serve, men are useless anyway

problem solved

We used to call them "crew-served Marines" because they required so much assistance

Come on man, you're giving us a bad name.


Gotta love the depend-o-potamusses

Look at team sports.
My only problem with women in the military is that they are difficult to serve with. They don't have a sense of brotherhood, and "sisterhood" is not equivalent at all. Women won't take a bullet for men. Women don't bond through shared adversity. I'll trust a brother to carry my body from the field, but I'd never expect this of a woman. Not necessarily because she's physically unable, but because she will be mentally averse to it.

Because of this, women tend to shoot for more bureaucratic positions. Except they also make shitty commanders with a poor intuition for strategy and male troop morale. Nevermind abstract concepts like valour, courage, and bravery.

No one is saying they can't be proficient with a gun or defend themselves. Women are inherently self-preservative and non-sacrificing creatures, of course they can learn to kill and defend.

Pic related. I'm supposed to feel safe in a fox hole with a woman that can't even drive a fucking stick shift without it rolling backwards?

Women are rust on the well-oiled machine that the military should strive to be.

This is civilian hunting gear. Sitka brand. This girl is hunting. Not combat.

>the most physically draining job in the army


kurde pszypau

Women are terrible snipers you leaf faggot.

This nigga
This ain't no anime where girls can kill heavily armed dudes with just a knife and a pistol

>actually, studies show the opposite, women are calmer in combat situations due to lower test
AND women suffer less from PTSD

please link these studies? Women are higher in neuroticism and more prone to stress

No shit, Sherlock

They actually were. Our austrian reconnaissance guys for example carry 50kg in their backpack (just the backpack). Full-Plate armor weighs ca. 15-20 kg, the mail beneath ~10-15kg. And that would be transferred all around the body,not just the back. Plus knights would train all their life in armor.

Women made work environment incredibly cancerous pretty quick and turned universities into glorified high schools. Females in military are a great way of permanently crippling your armed forces. War is pure masculinity. There are no place for women, fags and tranies on the battlefield.

Weapons can fire over large distances? You dont say sherlock

Does that make the ammo weigh less? Can they carry their own weight over a wall without the added weight? No and no?

Many things may be 'sexist' but this isnt one of them, its logic and reality, they test for this every so many years. Failed the usmc testing in their most recent review.

>women in combat roles
Not all women, but most women couldn't keep up with the average gunnybunny if they tried. There were reports about how women doing infantry training suffered a massively disproportional amount of bone/joint injuries because, despite their determination, their small frames simply had trouble supporting 60+lbs. of shit for days on end.

For non-combat roles, sure; I've had woman supervisors and woman commanders. But all this bullshit about muh combat roles? Fuck that.

>what does it matter
You just lost this argument HARD. And what’s funny is that because you never served, you wouldn’t know why.

That's not what they mean by women sniping at each other.

anyone had any success at being able to stop yourself being positively attracted to female faces?
it's kind of annoying. you know how you wear sound blocking headphones - what if you could filter out that part of the brain that says "she's attractive"
it would be interesting to experiment with
it's not about an ideology or end game, i am saying, it would be interesting to have control

They're good with dogs.

there are some people with face blindness - i'd love to do studies to see if they also don't trigger on attractive faces
maybe there's some drug we can take that'll let you go through your day like everyone has a plain face, until you chose otherwise
except from incel faggots who play chads on the internet

>They should all be crew on tanks and fighter jets.

No they should not. Being a tank crewman is just as physically demanding as being infantry, and they are already allowed to be jet fighter pilots.

Quit being so autistic. It has been proven that divisions with men and women combined perform worse overall when compared to gender segregated divisions.

>studies show the opposite

Wird sie später vom Hund gefickt?

Fuckin rights bud! Females lead to the downfall of effectiveness in any organization.

lmao oh really, would a woman shoot another woman or a kid that has an explosive belt that is going to explode near his squad ? i bet fucking no
also what if a fellow man soldier is injured ? how is the cunt gonna drag him ? she won t

>women are calmer in combat situations due to lower test
Wouldn't this lead to less aggression thus allowing less momentum and efficiency or something?

Im at USUHS (Military medical corps), studying to be a military physician. Even the very minimal amount of physical exercise we are required to do (basically dont be fat), puts me at a massive disadvantage thabks to my gender. Even doctors have lower fitness standards for women. The unfortunate reality is that men and women are not phyiscally equal and a gun isnt the ultimate equalizer you seem to think it is.

Please for the love of god accept women, trannies, and faggots into the military.

ZOG needs to be weakened somehow

Look, I totally get sending a Dr. Ruth Westheimer into the Badlands as a sniper or something, but that one there, that one.... well, she'd make better breeding stock. We don't need to be sending the ones that look like her into injun territory in a haste.

women can be in military, but it is correct only in non-cucked culture and with non-cucked people

indoeuropean women can fight to defend their lebensraum same as men. even more, both sexes need to learn how to do it.

in cucked culture woman just sucks dicks, buys shit and takes jewish bullshit. cucked soldiers cant fight, they simply run away and surrender.

If they are in war, they can't produce children aka future soldiers. Why do you think you discovered something that military leaders missed all these centuries?

Oh wow I was going to refute your overly simplistic arguments with facts but now I see you posted a cute grill with a gun.
Powerful. Stunning. Brave.

I'll take the bait. Cause strength is the only thing that's gonna get a SABOT or HEAT round into the breech in under 5 seconds. Also, one would assume women are "less affected by PTSD" because they don't see much combat. You know you get a CAB for just being on a fob that's taken indirect fire right?