Explain yourselves
Explain yoursleves
That ain't me, I haven't got to explain shit.
Go away meme flaggot faggot.
No need to explain our reach is far and wide, be afraid be very afraid
Whys the swastika backwards
False flag
No Sup Forumsack would ever wear a flag
Cause he’s taking a picture in a mirror you retard leaf
The pic is reflected
Really? Then post a picture of yourself to prove it, faggot.
>euro Sup Forumsacks
>burger Sup Forumsacks
could be worse desu
This board is pure cringe
forgot pic related
That shit was cringey in 07 and its still cringey 10 years later.
>Sup Forums is one person
Simply epic :')
They both look like Antifa nu-males.
gas them
tfw kind of look like the guy on the right
Long and unkempt hair is a tell tale sign of self loathing and depression
>be antifa
>larp as Sup Forumstard for one picture
>post slide thread
>thinks he has a point
why is it easier to assume someone is larping then assume the photo is genuine
>hippy leftist beard
>jewish facial structure on the shiksa
Because the soyboys in OP's pic are the poster children of the typically emasculated antifa incels we've all seen.
>ain't me
then why arent there bodies? why isnt up, down?