We will overbreed you

I am a gypsy and I hate that on this forum you insult us every day. What's funny is that you don't want to accept that we are the future of most of your countries. Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Serbia, Albania will all be gypsy majority by 2100 considering you leave your countries to work in the West and barely do more than 2 kids. We do 5 sometimes 8 kids. We will outbreed you so hard. And after we are done with Balkan, you are next Western Europe. The strong survive and reproduce, the weak, marries at 40 and has a dog, fucking crackers, you will go extinct. Soon we will also ally with our muslim brothers in the West and destroy you whites completely.

Other urls found in this thread:


You have got to be the dumbest shareblue demon CULT jew that has ever graced the world.
Gypsies don't use any tech and never will.

Gypsies don't know how to use a computer. Fake & gay

I know it's bait, but you fucking retarded OP don't know that gypsies often kill each other, and no they don't consider anyone outside their pathetic camp to be their friend.

I know this is bait but are gypsies actually allied to Muslims? I thought gyppos were Christian?

Do you still get paid when your shill tactics are this shit-tier?

That's ok, bullets are cheap.

>t. A CEU student who works for Open Society Foundation.

I'm Bulgarian and the gypsies here are muslims andreally radicalized. They consider themselves turkish and constantly terrorize christians. They claim that they will reconquer us "christian dogs" in the name of the ottomans. Meanwhile the Erdogan controlled turkish party in Bulgaria pays christian gypsies 15$ to convert to Islam and most accept.

In this video gypsies are vandalizing a Bulgarian christian tombstone. This is the least they do. In many villages gypsy gangs beat up Bulgarian old people to rape and steal from them. In 1992 there was an incident where muslim gypsies kidnapped a dozen Bulgarian women and used them as sex slaves in their ghetto. thankfully our government then still had communist elements and wasn't as cucked and they bulldozed the ghetto with tanks from the Bulgarian army.

Fuck this is the video

Not all of us are Christian but you guys are racist and think we are useless scum, we will show you who is useless scum when we outbreed you,

>Breeding a sign of worth

Damn, nigger africa must be heaven on earth....wait

>I am a gypsy and
I'm sorry for you bro

Lmao Gagi stop shitposting and go back to digging dumpsters and scraping metal

and maybe he should also return the device he is posting on to the rightful owner

i want to leave earth forever

Show your flag. I want to laugh at the country that you've chosen to infest.

You mean Romani, you cunt OP? You call yourself a nigger ?

begone, frog-fearing subhuman


>I am a gypsy
I could smell it before you said it.

>will all be gypsy majority by 2100

How can you claim this when you can't do the math yourself?

>we will show you who is useless scum when we outbreed you

There's no need to show us that. We already know you're useless scum without you guys outbreeding us.

Fake and gay, g*psy can't read / write

Totally not a "LARP as the enemy thread"

"You are net west europe"

Spain is fucking infested full blown gypsis, the only good thing in spain is gypsis natality drops are droping aswell but for god shake fucking gypsis in spain they are so fucking disgusting niggas that try to steal you every fucking time

True & straight

Hi Rabbi.



Its always been telling that even liberals hate gypsies

La Rioja guy, right. Immigration from the Eastern Europe will continue bringing Roma, more aggressive than Iberian Kale including the Muslims ones from Macedonia, Bulgaria, Bosnia, etc.

Today, there was even a shooting today in Murcia, Spain - situation created by Romani gipsies. It was even reported by Breaking News twitter account and MSM and even Sup Forumsacks made a thread here
Translated to English and Archived (.is): archive.is/KWKoQ
Previous thread:

Over the years gypsies who were relatively decent integrated into society and stopped being gypsies. In every generation the ones that were genetically predisposed to being parasites stayed and continued the gypsy culture while the decent ones left. This is strong, fast acting evolutionary pressure that makes gypsies become more like gypsies every generation.

Prepare to starve then, because if you outbreed the breadwinners, there won't be many left to pay for your gibs, you retard.

Curry house paki always chats shit about gypsies whenever i go in, i always thought they ahd enmity

> The strong survive and reproduce, the weak, marries at 40 and has a dog, fucking crackers, you will go extinct.
> Not all of us are Christian but you guys are racist and think we are useless scum, we will show you who is useless scum when we outbreed you,
Didn't really think about gipsies so far, but if you are a good representation of the average case, then i want you fucking gone from this planet. Or at least away from my country, thank you.

That aside, why do you think it is that the places you come from are shitholes, while the west "filled with weak people" thrived? I'll tell you: YOU LOT ARE THE REASON. Sure, you can outbreed "Muh evil rayciss whites!!!!!" and create your islamic caliphate in western europe, but what then? Who will pay the social welfare that you depend on? Whites? Sorry, but they will be extinct, so no money for you - and no scapegoat, either. Go a step further: no Christians in Europe. That means you have to slaughter each other instead (ohh, and Muslims are really great at that when they've run out of non-Muslims to kill in their general vicinity) and get your own comfy warzone. Since there will be no White police anymore to keep law in check, you will have others (more corrupt) policemen working with crime gangs instead. Just look at Africa, and you can get a general idea what your future would look like.

But hey, everything's okay if you can just get rid of "evil whitey", right?

Your use of English is way too good for you to be a gypsy.

>Gypsies will take over
And what a fine, healthy, strong society that will be. What will they do, beg from each other?

Most of Islamified live in Balkans and in Turkey
I've started researching it when they said FYROM gipsies were entirely Muslim
Have an another source.

Are Gypsys white? It's hard to tell by Google images.





Inbreeding hardly compares to breeding. My two white children are worth about 47 inbred gypsy mutants. Keep breeding gypsy bro, you can’t match my stellar genes

Lol the Muslims will just see you for what you are, pagan corrupted mutt shitskins and behead you for being pagan. And what would you do if you took over a single country? Burn it to the ground and sleep in the ashes like the subhuman trash you are?