Make it stop
Other urls found in this thread:
>don't have kids, goy
>oy vey, you goys didn't have kids so now we have to import third world subhumans whose values are completely opposite of yours
>don't say anything or you're racist
>make more goyslaves, get in debt for a mortgage, completely lose financial independence, enslave yourself to the failing system
Getting tired of these gosh darn kikes
>Don't have kids
>We need rapefugees because we don't have kids
They all have to pay, in blood, for the shit they're forcing upon the minds of our young girls & boys.
>there is a moral case against procreation
They are right though. Having children may boost your status and make you seem more normal. But morally having kids is a very evil and sick thing to do, it's disgusting actually.
Just looked him up
He basically hates humanity and wishes we'd all kill ourselves. Apparently he also wrote something about how men are discriminated against (The Second Sexism: Discrimination Against Men and Boys (2012))
Angers what's left of my soul
Fuck off meme flag
Good luck fighting (((them))) when there's only 5 white people left.
Fuck off, rabbi.
>be me
>hit 30
>all i've wanted since I finished high school was to find a nice girl, settle down, and raise a big family
>every relationship I've had in the last decade has ended the moment either of us brings up the topic of kids and she inevitably either doesn't want any or wants like one and would prefer to adopt, and then I admit that I'd prefer to have a big family and she immediately looks at me like I just casually proposed eating her dog or amputating her legs
I just want to have four or five kids and be an awesome dad... when did that become such a fucking social faux pas
read some fucking Nietzsche: "all virtue is animal". if you don't procreate you are a failure
I agree, Rome failing to conquer Scotland was a failure as well. Doesnt' change the fact that doing both those things is immoral, disgusting, and selfish
It's because you'rre selfish.
>nature is disgusting
says the jew
I feel the same way, except I'm 19
>nearly 20 and have never had a gf
thats actually pretty neat, your point is lost
Fuck off you dribbling spastic
Because for the last fifty years crusty bitches have whined about the "awful agony" of pregnancy and childbirth (even though it's something like 95% of all women in history have managed to do multiple times) to milk sympathy and pretend they're amazing and strong.
With the amount of hysteria surrounding the 'pains' of childbearing, and the sheer gullibility of young women, I'm not surprised they don't want it.
Having said that, I'm sure there's plenty of young women who just see a child as something that draws their man's resources away from them.
Of course once their biological clock starts ticking they won't shut the fuck up about "where hav all teh gud men gone qq :("
because it's in black and white? I can spot 3 black babies
Kikery? Just say no.
It is possible to make a moral case for how many children a society is having, iff it is producing far above the replacement rate. But the West isn't doing that, and in fact is shrinking without immigration, so we really do need to have more kids.