Is global warming a myth?
Is global warming a myth?
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Its the pc term for overpopulation
Is the trend of rising global temperatures a myth? Fuck no. Only obstinate retards still deny this
>Natural warming trend
not a myth
>Human activity causing it
Human activity obviously has an influence, wether or not it's really significant on global warming is another question.
Just wait for the Yellowstone to blow up and people will stop to argue about atmospheric pollution.
You're a classic retard. If you had used the term "climate change" I would have left you alone even considering you're only about 25% right.
Global warming is literally the product of cow farts.
Are you saying that temperatures aren't rising?
This and checked
Global warming being man made is a lie. The earth cycles temperatures. It's just an excuse to push leftism like "over-population"
Climate change is rising temp due to overpopulation, the actual globes temp has not changed.
effusive and explosive volcanic eruptions are responsible for any significant climate change
rising surface temperatures that is, this does affect weather patterns
How do you calculate the right amount of population?
Yellowstone could erupt, but it likely won't be a huge explosion. It'd be a series of smaller eruptions. Those graphs are worst-case-scenarios.
I don't know if it's a myth, but I'm not even slightly worried about it. In contrast, I'm quite concerned worried about whatever harebrained schemes are used to try to "solve" it.
Earth has a carrying capacity for about 11.7 billion. Were at what 7.4 billion with continued exponential growth against death rates you can already see where this is going
Don't tell Exxon you fucking idiot
No. The surface is warming due to manmade GHG emissions.
Belches actually, they release more methane than the farts
>Is global warming a myth
"global warming" simply isn't the accurate term, Climate Change is.
>are humans fucking up the planet
>is humans fucking up the planet causing Climate Change
CG happens regardless, fucking up the planet is just a bad fucking idea in general
You people forget chem trails
>don't believe what big oil tells you!
>see? Even big oil says there's global warming!
no. and anyone believing it's a myth is a fucking retard.
best word for it is fraud. fraud is a crime. anybody know what the temperature of the earth is?
Big oil kept it secret...
No but the solution probably isn't what we think it is and the new technologies meant to replace fossil fuels aren't anywhere near ready.
no, we must stop cows from farting op.
This topic really brings up memories that make me angry when discussing this with others because they think global warming as much as Clinton will win by 95% of the votes. Yes climate change is being influenced by humans to an extent but what that is is still highly debated and there are so many contributing factors and probably several factors we don't know yet that all impact how the climate will change overtime.
are they rising? are you sure? how do you know? what is the current temperature of the earth? you don't have any fucking idea, do you?
If you know how supply and demand work then there is nothing to worry about. As the cost of living goes up, people will have fewer children. In the case that people can't figure out how to manage their own fecundity, their children will starve. Either way, population levels will be kept in check.
I doubt the reliability of that 11.7 billion number though. It depends on what technology is available and what choices people make. E.g. if everybody demands to eat hamburger then it would take more resources than people eating rice.
You're right, it's merely a lie. Myth implies that people believed it for hundreds of years.
Apparently feeding cows corn starves the microbes in their guts that produce methane but doing that is considered ((inhumane)). Also what isn't common knowledge is cows burp more greenhouse gasses than they far since they regurgitate the cud to chew it again.
We are running out of oil.
this how the flat earth argument goes:
is it round? are you sure? how do you know? can you prove it to me right now? no, didnt think so.. must mean the earth is flat.
so you admit you have no fucking idea. you've heard it from "journalists." you've heard it on tv. if you don't even know what the fucking temperature is how can you believe it's warming? what's the temperature of the earth homo?
After this report Exxon donated enormous amounts of money to politicians for decades who would deny climate change. Is what I posted really too complex for you to understand? Yes, don't believe what big oil says publicly. This is something they covered up for 40 years.
trips are wasted on you, worthless neckbeard.
Going at the rate we are now though, it explains the increase in surface temp. More cities, deforestation, more CO2 means more surfaces that absorb heat instead of reflecting it plus CO2 reflects light back to our surface instead of it allowing it to escape. Less families, you mean less white families.
Yes. The more important truth is oil is abiotic, but you never get this board to believe that.
trips of truth you retarded fag
Global warming is worse than any myth or lie. It's a partial truth that globalist are exploiting to make tons of money and change the political situations of the world. Yes greenhouses trap heat and yes human activity are producing more of this than natural but the exact effect it has on the environment and the long term impacts are really not fully understood despite the MSM claim that we are literally killing ourselves from this "preventable" thing.
>Believing an Exxon employee
What we do know is that change is happening at unprecedented rates, and this is going to create change that is leading to mass extinction.
We cannot ignore the facts. We are in the midst of a mass extinction that is going to lead to catastrophic events. I'm talking insect biomass, ocean life, rainforest and more. We can't pretend we're not symbiotic with the planet. It doesn't fucking matter why at the end of the day, but it's pretty silly to not act. Humans are overpopulated, we all fucking know it. Why do you niggers want more humans anyway? Seriously we should be striving for a 1-2 billion population of the worlds best. Do you all want to live in overpopulated, polluted megacities, with all natural landscapes toxic and destroyed? I don't fucking get this board sometimes. Humanity is a herd with no natural selection, that needs to be culled for the good of the ecosystem.
What's more likely, that all the oil companies are telling the truth or that global scientific consensus is wrong?
I know that it forming from compressed seaweed makes no fucking sense
don't know why people accept that so easily
The Greenhouse effect has been reproduced on a smaller scale, but climate change is a ponzi scheme and technology will save the environment if we don't let the Greenies kill everyone first.
You tell us.
>5 to 10 year window
cute how that keeps shifting every 5 years and they keep repeating it
You forgot about the majority of the world's parasites that are going to be extinct from this.
Too bad user, nu-pol thinks it's super cool to be anticonformist--so that's why the majority of faggots here act like that.
I'm with you 100% but in their eyes we are shills for a cleaner planet that doesn't have methane concentrated in the ocean or the atmosphere.
Just let them put a plastic bag on their head and see how that works out.
>What we do know is that change is happening at unprecedented rates
what does that mean?
what's the 2nd fastest in human history? what caused that previous spike?
At least link a source kek flag faggot.
the sun causes more global weather change than anything man can do, the artic ice sheet melting causing polar bears to get aids is actually a geo thermal source
Who get to do the culling? Can we just remove people we don't like? Can I be on the list to be saved? Is there an afterlife? Plz respond
I do want a cleaner planet
hypothetically, let's say it was proven that climate change was a hoax, how would that change how you felt about fossil fuels?
you'd still hate them right?
Almost like you're just using climate change as a vehicle for a goal and agenda you already have?
LOLOL 200YRS????? do you even have any idea how minuscule of snapshot that is? the temp of our planet waxes and wanes in intervals much bigger then 200yrs
>What did he mean by this?
He means we wuz kangz n shiet
I'm not a scientist, I haven't read the studies. But I do know it's been hijacked by marxists to promote global socialism.
"If you're blown-up at an Ariana Grande concert, the mayor of London and the Prime Minister of France say 'get used to it, that's just the way it is, we can't do anything about it. But if you want us to lower the thermostat of the planet by 1/3 of a degree in 2100, that we can do'. "
-Mark Steyn
The sun's effect on the atmosphere should be orders of magnitude higher than whatever humans can do.
the same sources that tell you global warming is happening are the same ones that tell whites to not have children but too accept sandniggers that have 9 children, they know its not real, they now "overpopulation" isnt real, like are you a complete fucking mongoloid? explain how anything is overpopulated honestly, maybe a few cities are thats it, there is literally AN INSANE amount of land, and guess what! if the temps are actually rising that means MORE land will be livable and MORE food will be easily farmable
The only problem is the first world's refusal to let the third world try to survive on their own.
it's not exactly a myth
but the temperature has barely changed, there's no reason to think the trend will accelerate, or even continue, and people that claim to know why are full of shit
LOLOL 150s years??? LOLOLOLOLOLOL you know they werent accurately tracking ANY of that shit before the dates on your graph right? you think there were geos in the 1900s? that were able to measure earthquakes? fucking COMPLETE idiots who just believe in anything that confirms what they already want to be true
>MORE land will be livable and MORE food will be easily farmable
that would fall into the Climate Change positives which must be ignored.
Like Climate Change should be wildly praised for the fact a hurricane failed to hit the Gulf of Mexico for a solid 12 years
Why is that positive ignored?
This is true. But I am a scientist and it's not a myth/ not like al gore rants about either. long story short we got 75-100 years before we see the repercussions for what we've done. problem has a lot to do with unbalanced carbon flux.
Can someone explain why the acid levels in the ocean are rising.. is it the rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere?
more likely runoff from agriculture and all the shit they use.
Yes whitey stop having kids and maybe we can save the planet
fat people are the true cause of global warming, because they require jets to burn more fuel.
Do you realize the UN is using global warming as an excuse to stop the third world from building power plants and stuff?
Impeccable work by the UN as always keep it up, and don't let anyone stop you.
even if everything the shill "scientists" say is true, the global government and climate tax/credits enslavement scheme run by big banks is definitely not the solution
>Even if we stop denying science, we can continue denying basic economics
It's the CO2, reacts with salt in the water to form acid
that should concern people greatly
It's not a myth, but it's not a catastrophe either.
Within the coming decades renewable energy will be cheaper to produce and more efficient than fossil fuels, and we will have effective pollution cleaning technologies.
Global Warming as an issue will simply dissipate from the public consciousness
The Climate of the Earth varies on vast timescales. Extrapolating some sort of permanent condition with a period of 100 years is essentially an exercise in futility. We've had CO2 levels around 4000 ppm during an Ice Age. CO2 is.04 percent of atmospheric gases. Yes, 4 hundreths of ONE fucking percent. A 1000 ppm rise would not cause any dramatic effect. I predict 50 years from now the sea levels will not have risen more than 2 or 3 inches.
Water vapor is the real driver behind glabal warming. Also, look into the feedback mechanisms, of which there are hundreds.
The left's problem is that even if they are 100% right on the science of climate change (which I can assure you they are not), they are completely wrong when it comes to policy. So-called green energy is not a viable long-term solution, and only a stop-gap at best. We need REAL solutions for when our supply of fossil fuels dries up. I m all for funding research into those potential solutions, but fuck no to carbon taxes and forced adoption of so-called Green Energy.
The obvious answer is staring us in the face with nuclear energy but both sides are too retarded to invest because of muh meltdowns
Maybe plants should stop having meltdowns??
It's the cleanest form of energy until it's not. That's the problem with nuclear.
Global warming is real
>banned aerosol cans for fucking up the ozone layer
>geez it's not like there's 2 giant figurative giant ice cubes on the top and bottom par of our planet
>water world ain't bad if you don't get sea sick
Honestly were slowly dying out but as long as we're comfortable no one will care
Not all these sources are a unified front. The scientists doing climate research are not the politicians pushing for globalism. Forces that we generally find ourselves opposed to use global warming as a tool, yes, but this does not make it a complete fabrication.
I want niggers and muslims dead/out of my home, but I also want a healthy world, and healthy nature for myself and my descendants to live in. I want our national parks conserved, oceans protected and kebab deported.
paris agreement best case scenario is a temperature reduction of less than 1 degree after 100 years lmao - what a joke
who are they kidding? yes climate change is a real thing, but their phony solutions are not about solving it, they're about power and control
you fucking retarded child. my graph and your 100 graphs all show the exact same data, the exact same temperature rises. my graph is the first honestly drawn graph you've ever seen in your short little life
I'm more arguing against the gut contrarian reaction of many on this board. Just because forces we oppose use climate change in their narrative doesn't mean it's all wrong.
Overpopulation may or may not be a catastrophic reality, can we really just take the risk that "oh hey maybe we can sustain 7...10 billion. There's no information to say that we can, and a lot of signs from the planet that we can't. Why take the risk when the majority of this population are FUCKING NIGGERS AND MUSLIMS. Sterilize the non white world.
whose side are you on, sissy bitch? my graph is the entirety of recorded temperature history and the data is straight from the climate change religious zealots.
The raw heat from efficiency loss in energy use likely contributes more than pollution.
CO2 danger is an absolute meme, we can't even show it has increased more than the margin of error.
That explains why all the rich people in well-off countries have ten kids and the poor niggers of the world stop at one.
Cool post, I learned a lot.
You aren't wrong. I argue flat earth to try to pull heads out of asses more than a deep-seated belief.
It probably is flat tho.
yeah, whatever you say, mr temps-aren't-rising-man
You're so goddamn retarded it's frustrating. Your stupid graph shows 1 degree of temperature rise in all of recorded history. my graph shows the exact same 1 degree rise, but your graph is intentionally drawn to look scary. fucking brainlet.
That graph looks like the rate of change of the global average temperature vs time not the actual average global temperature. The are under that graph looks like zero.
I'm willing to see this whole world cook just to spite the shrieking hysterical Global Warming Cultists. This earth is in the process of being overrun by blacks, Indians, and Chinese who couldn't care less about the ecology of the earth, yet hardly a peep is heard about this from the environmental left. They're not serious, they're deranged, the issue of man-made global warming meets a psychological need of theirs.