How am I supposed to save the white race when no girl is willing to be my gf
How am I supposed to save the white race when no girl is willing to be my gf
have you even tried?
No girl wants to date a loser so dont expect one to turn up in your basement unannounced.
Join a club, dance group, dating sites, be brave and ask be polite and confident we respectul, the worse they can say is no and then you move on.
its a numbers game, play the %'s
Facefuck leftist qts as practice
>No girl wants to date a loser
Or a scrub NEET
Get a job and be proud of what you do. Looks are not important to girls as they are to us, they look for a good man with a job and a future. you dont even have to be rich, but you need to be in the black.
Because they cringe at someone like you. maybe stop showing your power level.
how do you look like ?
are you destiny-tier
or like nick fuentes-tier ?
are you a chad or a nu-male?
be more specific user
Your race abandoned you. Kill them all.
lie to them like everyone else. say youre rich.
YEah be real basic when it comes to politics, be firm and strong about your beliefs and make sure they tick all the boxes.
dont deviate to the extremes, thats a big turn off , let them think they can change you becuase they will want to.
they love thinking they made you a better person so give them a blank slate to work with.
you abandoned your Asiatic ancestors and turned into a poo
Build yourself and women will come.
Otherwise fap in the corner alone, your choice.
You have no innate value, why do you think society sent millions of men to die in the 20th century?
no, defeatism and spinesless cowardy is never an option
Just give up. Women are a waste of time. Focus on your own shit and go monkmode.
Sure it is
Why deal with tinder thots and millennial women dude? You're better off just focusing on money.
Move to Mongolia and stay out in the Steppes for a couple years and then come back
better yourself, make more money and they will come.
Aim low. you're not going to find a 10/10 blonde qt 18 yr old who is 100% devoted to you and you dont want that, it will drive you mad becuase you will know every bloke wants to fuck her and she will know it too and eventually leave you for someone richer and better looking.
No they won't lmao. He needs to chase them. Quite frankly that's my only problem as I can't be fucked to chase some roastie for sex.
After the day of the rope, brave virgin warriors who helped us exterminate the leftists will be given leftist women, stripped of all rights, as breeding partners. The bitches will do as they are told, and bear your children. These lib baby producers will not be able to vote, or divorce or leave. You can slap her around, rape her, even kill her if you want. I you kill her before she has your children, we will give you another leftist cunt.
So they could create a generation of soy boys that would willingly let their country be invaded by third worlders to keep up the ponzi scheme of debt to hold this fake society together.
Or you know, because white people hate themselves.
you do know that (YOU) are literally a mutt right?
Do you look like a chink?
If not then you are not a Turk and can drop that meme right now.
You are a shitskin now and your racial kin are poos, arabs, and pakis.
I can get /fit/
get a real job, etc.
but how can I find someone to spend my life with if I have to reveal my power level at some point
Obviously, you need to deport Paco, Tyrone, Chaim, and Chan (just to be sure).
Women will be all over you, then.
Marry a QT ladyboy or asian grill and adopt white babbies?
>Mutt arguments
copulate w. ur sister
Go to a non-cucked church.
I’ll be your boy gf if you want
> I agree
> Bahamas
kek hurricane irma and jose rekt you niggers
>be me
>used up old bags try to guilt me into taking back girls on this very board
>say thanks but no thanks
idk what to tell you
my advice is never start a relationship when you're about to make a life changing career move tho, it will only mess with your head and get you off focus
It'll happen user. Enjoy your free time with zero woman to deal with right now. Do things that make great stories that can tell your future kids about. Girlfriends are a mixed bag, especially if you are young. Men aren't as rushed by our biological clocks thank god.
Why do you need a girlfriend to impregnate a girl?
Come home white man. The future is hapas.
This is such bullshit. stop posting canned advice that has no bearing on our current society.
Why would you want one? To drain your time and your bank account? To force you to watch shitty Netflix shows when you should be reading Evola? To take away the little time you have in the evening after work to lift weights? Don't even bother, all the American ones are sluts anyways.
It's been proven that because of porn women's standards are too high.
>they cringe when you are real about real things in real life
Yes, the answer is to be fake and develop multiple personalities
You can always turn yourself into a trap and let me get in on that white boipussy with my PBS (Persian Big Schlong)
Yes goy go out and be a part of the machine.
>make a tinder
>fuck a few sluts
>stay with one you like
Thats how it works now
don’t listen to this user persians are mean and will try to make you get your penor snipped