How? how did we take Europe so easily?

How? how did we take Europe so easily?


Because this time the Jews helped you

Why did they just hand it to us?

It was all over once Europe decided to embrace liberalism and reject traditional paradigm of order and hierarchy. Nowadays anything goes. One day you will have a degenerate gay pride parade, the next a Muslim prayer, the next some Hindu procession or brown people protesting for something that doesn't concern Europe at all, all on the same street. Our identity has completely been eroded. We did this to ourselved.

Because of the faggotry.

> implying you are not getting corralled to be slaughtered


They opened the gates in Spain after all.

because we are empathetic humans

Jews have to destroy Europe first. They just can't get over the holohoax and the prosperity Europe exudes. You should know this, Ahmed, a Jew is unhappy if even one shekel is outside of its grubby palms.

Good times create weak men.

Give me Amerimutt memes all you want atleast white Americans are putting up a hell of a fight and we openly hate Islamics.

You fucking eurofags just....gave up

Because you are useful idiots for them

For now

Because Germans decided to destroy the entire continent and decimate the population with two catastrophic wars

who fucking cares, the good guys died back in '45. just come and finish us humanity is already doomed

You didn't, Europe allowed and assisted you in it. It's by design.

We're all pawns in the Jews game.

>10 guys are praying for palestine
>hundreds of journalists
>we take europe n'sheeit

What are these people doing? Are they looking for a lost contact or are they in some type of mass hysteria where they are in deranged heat like a cat..I.e. Their butts are sticking up in the air...


Get out! Your own nations and cultures are dying. Now you come and fuck us over with your retardation too!
Get out before you become a shekelboy.
What do you own? What do your friends own? What does your family own?
You own nothing, you will never own shit except what the sons of the devil will let you allow to have.
You are doing the work of the sons of the devil and you think you are conquerers.
You are not conquerers.
You are semetic tools.
You are not the enemy, you are the weapon of the enemy.

this and these

in order to create a superstate (eu)the naciolal identities must be eroded so ....

i think le frexit was the last chance of european people

> One size fits all culture > centuries of independent European cultures
EU cucks are this stupid. Memeflag is right though, it's a power grab.
Poland should give you hope.

>a hell of a fight
>barely elect neocon that occasionally throws civic nationalists a bone
>massive actual right-wing revival across europe in response to 5-10% of their nations becoming non-white

It's not over yet.
Just wait. Historically, white people are really REALLY nice... until they are really REALLY REALLY not nice.

at leat east europe will survive they should aliate with russia

jews own the media
they mind fucked us
we are starting to awaken
we will fight back pretty soon

This picture makes me sad and is a perfect depiction of what's going on.


you retards speak as if it wasn't the politicans did it, but somehow the general euoropean population said it to be...

and vice-versa, you americans yourselves didnt do shit.

You cucks keep saying that untill your countries are all fucked. White people are done. Europe will be under Islam

We're living in a time where rather than kill a dying rat, we'd try to heal it.

Apparently we're doing the same for your species.

Assblasted European alert.

lol muslim arent worth a shit they are only little pawn,nothing more

The Germans were the good guys certainly in the Second World War if not the first. It's just a pity we didn't have Oswald Moseley. If we did the migrant crisis would never have happened as Jewish Bolshevism would have been eradicated by a glorious alliance between the cousins: the kraut and the Anglo.

History is not even close to over. Blood will be shed on both sides. Jews will have total power over the earth, then Christ will come to cleanse it.

Try saying that in any of the major European cities, oh and America literally was made with blacks here from the beginning, so hardly the same leaf faggot.

way to miss the point retard

also we were the first country to BUILD WALL, we have 10refugees, and our governement is full anti-migration and biggest critique of EU

so gg keep mistalking but us Hungarians are immune to it:)


I mean yeah, they boiling frogged us pretty good, but the burners are goin hot for all of us now

Are you guys still in 2015?

Refugees migration is grossly reduced compared to last year. With the Turkey deal and EU paying Lybians, while there are still some asylum seekers its like 2 magnitudes less people.

I don't understand this fatalist retardation either, poiticans realized it'll cost their seats if they keep doing it and the actions of 2015 is now widely seen mishandled at best.

And where have the Muslims gone? Not only that but the EU wants to open up centers in Africa to import Africans.

iv heard ALL dirty fucking Muslims should be hung by their toe nails than shot in the back of the head so the exit wound blows their faces apart.

I know somebody that's been spinning in their grave like a weather vane in a tornado.

>ohh hurr derr Muslims lowering the percentage of degeneracy

Bending over and raising your ass in the air five times a day doesn't leave you much room to talk about "degeneracy".

Yeah, that's objectively worst that putting dick in poop once a day.

sopa de gorilla

Rome is reaaaaally bad. It's like Paris if Paris had zero cops and all refugees are selling selling sticks every 2 steps.

>he doesn’t know yet the muslims are going to die in the planned european war in 2050 which will merge europe into one country with 1 set of laws, one army and one leadership.

The people will beg for their freedom to be taken

The jews have weakened all of the west's natural defenses. Like a virus that has weakened an immune system leaving the body weak to infection. Islamic victory in Europe is Jewish victory. It is division and elimination of the host nation. By ushering in a less complacent populace the weak and benign host country gives up its power while the Jews consolidate. The new populace will fight against the dying old while the Jews remain outside of the conflict. Again and again they do this.

I wish only that Christianity and Islam could realize that we are all people of the book, and purge these parasites from our homelands. These false chosen have infested and corrupted every system and convention to pit us against one another.

>ottoman empire
was mistake