What is everyone on Sup Forums reading? Looking for some new books to open my mind. Don't really care what the topic is, but preferably politics.
What is everyone on Sup Forums reading? Looking for some new books to open my mind. Don't really care what the topic is...
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Read all of Gustave Le Bons work right now.
Fountain Head, Ayn Rand.
Fountainhead, Ayn Rand.
Sorry, phone glitched up
just finished up the impeachments of man by
Savitri Devi about to get started on revolt against the modern world
Just Warhammer novels lad.
I usually read more scientific stuff, but my favorite authors haven't produced any new material.
The road to serfdom.
Hayek basically refutes any kind of marxism and central planning, it's the cornerstone of the critique to communism and the big state.
Any books about how "cultural marxism" "critical" theory, frankfurt school stuff , "racism" etc came into existence and became successful during the 2nd half of the 20st century?
Im reading a war memoir right now
The Republic
I was reading 'Men Among The Ruins' until my printer broke, so now I'm reading 'The Art of The Deal'
Shattered Sword, the untold story of the battle of Midway
Americans back then were based as fuck. God I hate liberals
Can you suggest any particular titles related to Frankfurt School stuff that are good to start with?
Culture of Critique, read it now Hans. Though I doubt you'll get your hands on a paperback in Germany. Maybe search for the PDF online.
Video related too youtube.com
any good starting books for a guy that doesn't like to read?
>i have read less than 5 books my entire 27 year long life
and how do you have time to read? i have other stuff i need to do all day
This is the REAL ancient Egypt.
Modern (((egyptology))) is a fucking joke.
the audacity of hope
In a political vein, Robert Bork wrote a couple of books that are fantastic. "The Tempting of America," and "Slouching Towards Gomorrah."
The first one is mostly restricted to the Supreme Court and all their fucked up rulings, the second is about culture in general and how libshits have fucked it up. It was written 20 yrs ago, so I can only imagine what he'd say nowadays
What subject user? Have to be more specific
Modern right wing:
Armin Mohler
Alain de Benoist
Paul Gottfried
Conservative revolution:
Oswald Spengler
Ernst Junger
Martin Heidegger
Edgar Julius Jung
Carl Schmitt
Traditionalist school
Rene Guenon
Julius Evola
mircea Eliade
Emile Cioran
Titus Burchars
Augustine of Hippo
St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Gregory of Nissa
St. Hyeronimous
G.K Chesterton
Joseph Ratzinger
Edmund Burke
Joseph de Maistre
Louis de Bonald
Juan Donoso Cortes
Interesting leftist:
Zygmunt Bauman
Slavoj Zizek
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
harry potter and the sorcerer's stone
Amazon does list a german version.
Cold War intelligence books is my achilles heel.
Some nice family entertainment
Recently read:
Gulag Archipelago
Thus Spoke Zarathrustra
Modern Man in Search of His Soul
Ways That Are Dark
Behead All Satans
Douay-Rheims / Clementina Vulgata
I recommend them all user
Eric, or, Little by Little
Well, what fucking interests you?
Read a couple of hours here and there when you feel like it. On the weekends, when you go to bed, etc.
I don't know how you fuckers read political books, I'd rather have my teeth pulled. They're usually dry as fuck and I'll read just about anything, fiction or non. Even fucking law textbooks have more zest about them.
Try Battlefield Earth, Confessions of a Crap Artist, the Trouble with Gurley Pets and Acorna.
If it's an important but incredibly boring subject, I always get audio books and play it in bed until it knocks me the fuck out.
Aristotle's Ethics. Not sure how long this list is going to take me. A lot of these books are thicc
Dangerous - Milo Yiannopoulos
Gorilla Mindset - Mike Cernovich
Barbarians: How Baby Boomers, Immigrants, and Islam Screwed My Generation - Lauren Southern
The Art of the Argument - Stefan Molyneux
Just finished reading Fahrenheit 451 for the millionth time. Decided to finally pick up my copy of The Republic. After I finish it, I'll read 1984 and we'll see from there.
I've been trying to get back into reading so I can enjoy life a little more, ya know?
He's convincing on the Sphinx being a kang. We should give (a little) more time to WWKism
>Reading 1984
>To enjoy life a little more
Do that with Gulag Archipelago, it can get repetitive and exhausting at times but it's critically important. I listened to it during my long ass commute and sometimes before bed.
Also I mentioned Ways That Are Dark but I seriously recommend reading that physically. Its not dry but sometimes you just need to go back and re-read what was just said to let it sink in. Best explanation of Chinese culture I've yet to encounter.
Antifragile: things that gain from disorder- Nassim Taleb
Solid book, interesting concepts, kind of a long and dry read at times though. Also, Taleb isn't a mudslime. I'm sure you were very concerned.
>here's instructions on how to think for yourself
You should always write his name as Nassim Nicholas Taleb when you mention him here. Muslims aren't named Nicholas
And it's funny, most of his twitter is him trying to convince people that he is Mediterranean and basically Greek, not Arab, and being proud of his Greek Orthodox Christianity
>Gulag Archipelago
Heard a lot about it, and got a tl;dr in some documentary about Solzhenitsyn, but I'll order it for later.
Got about 30 pages into the Archipelago and gave up, despairing. LONG ass book, and I already knew the Commies were evil as fuck. Is it worth it to restart, user?
>being critical of your own post
Three Kingdoms.
If China is to become our overlords, you really need to know more about their culture, and east Asia is obsessed with the book.
I knew I was to intelligent too receive a thought provoking reply to my post from anyone other than myself.
Long as fuck and yes it's mostly just an explanation of how Communism is genocidally retarded, but it's worth getting through to understand how Solzhenitsyn dealt with it personally. You can gain a lot of personal maturity by following the methods both said and implied in the text, namely accepting your responsibility of a giant social machination even if you did nothing to personally aid it. Plus you know, it's sobering to hear the specific, repeated, terrifying depths of what humans are capable of and how communist bureaucracy can continue for decades.
He's very Phonecian, as he would have you believe. I would love to ask him what he thinks of rising percentages of Muslims in Europe given what happened in Lebanon. He lightly touches on the subject but I would love to hear him let loose.
>actively preparing for takeover
You should be reading CIA torture manuals.
Jim Marrs’ history Of the Kennedy Assassination, “Crossfire”.
Also, starting to tackle “Tragedy and Hope” by Carroll Quigley, which many consider to be the Ur Document of 20th Century History.
His commencement speech to Harvard is amazing. Want to say it was 1978 or something close. A great man, that's for sure
The Greek philosophy seems to be working.
The Complete Greek Tragedies: Volume II: Sophocles
Greene and Lattimore
Prisoners of geography by Tim Marshall is also a good one. Digestible chapters filled with tons of good info. It's basically "Geopolitics: QUICK RUNDOWN"
Agreed, I have to say he and Dostoyevsky are some of the most thoughtful writers we've had. I love how Russians usually just quietly put up with shit, but when one decides to articulate their problems they really fucking go crazy in articulating them for thousands of pages.
Awesome. I recently started reading that chart as well, though I am slightly behind you. I lack about 50 pages in The Republic. It's quite the list to tackle, but it's already felt rewarding for me.
I'm learning Greek to read the Greek NT (Textus Receptus).
Heart of Darkness is amazing
Finishing Light in August by Faulkner, then I'm about to read The Recgonitions by Gaddis.
>people in this thread only reading literature/philosophy that agrees with their own viewpoints
Luo Ganzhoung. The Romance if the Three Kingdoms is one of the great classics of Chinese literature. Magic had a set based on it.
I got into literature by reading Gravity's Rainbow.
/lit/ meme'd my shit up senpai. But it was worth it.
Just learn latin.
Go balls deep if you are going deep.
Rand was a shitty novelist. She should have stuck to strictly philosophical works, because her stories were boring as fuck.
Pic relates is a good start if you want Babby's First Book on Anarchism. It was written specifically for normies and libertarian minarchist types, very easy to read. There is a torrent floating around if you don't want a physical copy.
Ugh, good luck user. I tried that in college, (the greek that is,) got through 2 years. I doubt I retained anything useful. The New Testament is koiné and a little easier than classic, but it's still a rough road. I envy the europoors that can actually master a second (or a third) language
author is Luo Guanzhong, there's a couple different translations, personally the best one i think is the Moss Roberts translation.
(make sure you get the one with the names in Chinese, it's super annoying to research the English translations of the Chinese names. e.g. Cao Cao becomes something like Timothy Thompson. The game Dynasty Warriors and Romance of the Three Kingdoms is based off the books)
The last 80 or so pages of the Republic were my favorite, when they talk about the immortal soul and all that. Yeah the list is really daunting though. City of God is like 800 pages and the Wealth of Nations books are like 1400 or some shit put together.
It does feel good though whatever progress you make and I'm glad someone made this list otherwise I'd just be jumping around from book to book reading 50 pages and quiting.
can confirm
>actually parting with shekels over any of these youtube celebrities
If you skip ‘spirit of the laws’ and ‘wealth of nations’ and ‘Capital’ and commit to reading 30 pages a day, it shouldn’t take too long. I would also add ‘Natural Right and History’ to that list by Leo Strauss too, and I’d read it after you have read Aristotle’s Ethics and Plato.
or you can read King Leopold's Ghost, I had to read it for a class and it's such an amazing tale.
> conservative revolution
> Heidegger
every fucking time
I love Evola but I've never read Devi. How was the impeachment of man?
> reading Greeks
> in English?
What for? You're wasting your time mate. Your are probably understanding 10% of its contenent.
> what are you reading user?
> currently I'm listening to this very interesting...
I swear this board is lost
The International Jew, Mein Kampf, World At The Crossroads, You Gentiles, Germany Must Perish, The Trail Of The Serpent, The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, 200 Years Together, A Program for Jews and Humanity, Protocols Of The Edlers Of Zion, Culture Of Critique, The Jews Must Live, On the Jews and their lies, Morals and Dogma, Proof of a Conspiracy, Magick, Talmud, Zohar, The Secret Teachings Of All Ages
Find all the answers here
Black Sun is Back
we are talking about massive reforms of society being well read is essential
>Reading merchant right books
Here's the thing, Luigi: in North America, we own cars and don't have to rely on (((public transit))) like yuropoors. Audiobooks are a good way to consume literature while commuting. Listening to books is a supplement to reading them, not a replacement.
A National Socialist. It has writings by Commander Rockwell, and it's a nice short read. I have to say, he really was spot on about where we are right now. Don't know where to read it online as I own a real copy, but I would recommend it alongside his other works. Good stuff, anons. Good stuff.
Sorry, thought I had pic included.
>A National Socialist Life
a bit too preachy for me on animal rights but she shits on hindus and christains and not much in the way of racialism from her other works
I'm not questioning the fact that you listen to audiobook (even if I think that's stupid) but the fact that you compare this to actually reading a paper book.
> is a supplement
In which way? You listen to some parts and read the other?
Dies the fire - sm sterling
Post-apocalyptic scifi, for reasons unknown power and all electricic current stops working along with explosives and gun powder, those who didnt starve have to revert to innawoods skils and hema based combat. Author goes in great detail on the learning process the charachters go through to aquire these skills.
Forgot to add: no need to use public transport where I live.
The Lightning and the Sun
You read one book and you listen to another. If you're spending 30 minutes each way on your commute, that's an hour of audiobook listening you can do. You can't do anything else during that time, so you might as well "read".
"Too Like The Lightning" is fucking dope.
Amazing read. Last chapter and the bit about women are my favorite
Decent answer but what kind of book is suitable for listening to? This is an harder question.
Walden, Henry David Thoreau.
The books in these threads are all a waste of time. They don't increase your productivity in any way. Why not study something useful like machine learning?
The Epic of Gilgamesh. Then onto the Greeks etc. Go a bunch of books to get through. Falling for a bunch of /lit/ memes. Never gonna read most of the post modernist shit they recommend. Tried getting into Mein Kampf (Stalag edition) but it's a bit slow. Will try again at a later date.
La Belle France: A Short History - Alistair Horne.
read philosophy
also library are a gift from god
>Behead All Satans
Tell me more. Been trying to get a good foundation in sci-fi. I guess I like about half of what I read. What makes this one worthwhile?
I'm not reading this right now but every American should be.
What, pray tell, is the value of philosophy? No matter how much you read philosophy, none of it will be practical in real life.