Repeal and replace the second amendment

Repeal and replace the second amendment

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I refuse



Sheeeit I didnt know the US had Lancers already

>chainsaw bayonet
Is a very real thing.

Also, the shooter was stopped by a man with an AR15 that he had to get out of his safe, and load his magazines from a box of ammo.

I thought that the hero was using an AK?

Ah yes, the tactical option for the queen on the go.

Noice waifu

Did that guy really kill the shooter?

He shot him, or at least at him enough times for him to leave and then shoot himself. So basically, he neutralized the threat through force of arms.

It's just a shame he didn't have any magazines loaded in his safe, because he could've certainly saved a few more lives.

Interesting. Thanks

i agree
if democrats want gun control, do it legally
(They will NEVER be able to FYI)

Over my cold, greasy hands, you fucking commie.

The would need a 3/4 majority of all of the states and a 2/3 majority of congress. Laughable. District of Columbia vs. Heller put the whole "2A only applies to a well regulated militia not private ownership" argument to bed for good and was a massive affirmation of our constitutional rights. Dems and libs will continue to pick away at this or that and try to pass bans on shit like "assault rifles" and semi autos and suppressors and whatever the fuck else they think they can get at. They want an outright gun ban but they know they won't get one. This shit is rinse and repeat. The gun grabbers will come out after every media spectacle shooting. They'll get nothing or very little. It'll be like this until the nukes finally launch and end this shit show once and for all.

I wish your mom would repeal and replace you with someone smart

no thx
we're good

So uh, where do I buy this?



I don't know why people don't keep loaded magazines ready. Defeats the entire purpose of owning a gun.

His story was crazy. When they were pursuing the shooter in the truck he only had 2 rounds left. 1 in the chamber and 1 in the mag. That guy was a hero but also pretty fucking dumb when it comes to tactics. Imagine how much quicker he could have been on the scene if he could just grab a 30 rd mag that was already loaded.

HOLY SHIT, I WANT ONE! Imagine just how jealous /k/ would be?

>1 post by this faggot
From my bloody, sooty hands.

For a chainsaw attachment, this thread severely lacks 40K memes.

It's an electric motor, so it'll suck

You're supposed to say, "common sense gun reform".
Don’t let the goyim know what you're really up to.

Here is Steven Crowder's interview with the guy who stopped the shooting.

Would suck for cutting wood, but I bet it would cut through flesh just fine.

>chainsaw bayonet


We Gears of War now.