Why don't you own an AR15 yet?

Why don't you own an AR15 yet?


who fucking cares go away, theyre expensive and our population is overly saturated with the like

Because it's a meme gun

>after the Trump victory
Wake up grandpa.

the guns are cheap, range fees and constantly buying ammo is not

act like you can just buy one and keep it stock, you cant

t. former scar owner

i'm not a mass murderer.

I do tho

Because I own a large dog and I also possess a cellular device that I can use to dial the police should I need to. I also have an assortment of melee weaponry at my disposal.

What's the average response time in your area?

>he bought a gun solely for use at a range

Yea these shouldn't be allowed.

What's the point?

I'm a neet so guns are really expensive


>can literally buy one for $400
They won't get much cheaper than that. It's getting hard to find mosins for under $300 nowadays


Bitch you can build one for like $400 now. This isn't 2013 anymore.

>muh scar

should have gotten a 17 idiot.

is it too scary looking?

I do own some. I only buy guns that take standard NATO rounds except for 12.7x99mm, it is a bit excessive and overpriced imo.

What's the average price/round for 308. Win. and 7.62x51 where you live if you do not mind me asking?

>VFC rollmark on the receiver
That's airshit nigger, you aren't fooling me

But I do. And I have an M16 in the trunk of my unit, though the fun switch is taken out :(

It's unnecessary? do burgers carry these things around? I wouldn't think so.

~6 minutes

Because your underdeveloped brain can’t comprehend everything attached to this Scar, so it looks menacing and scary to you? What a Nancy boy faggot.

plenty of time for you to get shot in the face

>What's the point
Tactical shoe tree

I want to, but I dont have money. And I live in Puerto Rico which has strict gun laws.

But when I get out of here I want to build my own AR, I wanna go for a retro modern hybrid. Ive seen wood furniture that looks amazing for AR's.

Took me a while to figure out just wtf that was

i do. they're fun to shoot at the range.


Because my country is protected by gun laws, cant even have a taurus, but I know its for our ownsafety, its working out pretty well

Your AR-15 looks like shit.

More than enough time for me to kill you, steal your TV, and have a 5 minute head start on the police.

My underdeveloped brain knows that I can defend myself with my own fists. They only people who carry are far lazy maggots or solely boys who can't fight for shit.

Which one are you?

>do burgers carry these things around?
yes, some do. Its called being free. And it is glorious.


>Gun laws working well

Oh no, its retarded.

Do you not see the dildo sticking out of the tip?

LARPer or nah?

AR15 is for fags who can't hit the broad side of a barn.

A lever action 30/30 will blow a two inch hole in anything and effectively kill big game.

I opted for the chainsaw bayonet instead of the black dildo barrel.

a pistol is good enough for home defense, not looking to go to war just yet

How is PR doing?


nothing spells being free more than toting a killing machine around to strike fear into children and women and shooting up schools. Americans sure know how to live amirite?

That's why it looks like shit.

What if someone comes at you with a gun or a knife?

Are you going to beat them with your fists? Why put yourself at that disadvantage?


lol poor

AR is pistol too

>AR15 is for fags

>A lever action 30/30 will blow a two inch hole in anything

different guns different purposes, why limit yourself? all these flavors and you choose to be salty.

The one I want hasn’t been shipped yet

I'll flee and contact my local police. This will never happen though because no one has guns where I live and crime is non-existant.

I own several.

yes, yes we do.

i was just responding. the poor user ran out of data.

308 is cheap af.

Anything less than a battle rifle and you're a poorfag.

that's 7.62 NATO for you redditniggers

>being this retarded


>he bought a gun to fulfill his apocalypse fantasy, the truth being it will sit in his den until he grows old and gives it to his kid

Its starting to normalize i guess. still no power, and no internet. im using my phone with a laptop so maybe thats why i get the US flag instead of PR.

Cause I have a AK, duh

We're not allowed to buy guns here :(
Would love a double-action revolver to be quite honest, even just for recreational purposes.

If I ever travel to the U.S.A someday for a few days, I'll visit a gun-range for some hands-on experience.

Because AK's are better

nothing spells being free than not being allowed to own interesting mechanical devices because low-t beta males say such things should be kept away from citizens for their own good.

Geiselle upper. Amazing craftsmanship. You must hand it to me now.

good larp, pal

foregrip is on backwards nigger

556 Is pretty cheap what are you talking about? Also, public ranges are cheap. It's 25$ for a year long range pass here. You're talking out of your ass.

I prefer AK's and AK derivatives.

I got an AA-15 for 550. The salesman talked me into piston instead of gas. They really get you with the site costs though.

I do. I also own that same blanket.


>No crime

Because I spent all my gun money for the year on an AR-10 set up for long range.

>not shooting on BLM land/desert
>not buying in bulk online

Already do. But it doesn't look like the faggotized oversized fleshlight in OP's photo.

Yea it's all fun and interest until you end up getting involved in a daily mass shooting

buy online not in store you dumb fuck.

>It's unnecessary?
see the way you type. you have a mind virus and need to cure it. speak plainly, not like an emotional little girl.

>falling for the piston AR meme
Sucker born every minute.

On what planet? Stop Airsoft LARPng

>he thinks I care for black lives

Congratulations! Quad naughts! Kek has spoken loud and clear on this night!

>No last round hold open
>Have to reach over the gun to rack the charging handle
>piss poor sight radius
>exposed gas system to burn the shit out non feminine sized hands
>large, slow, stoppan-powah round that hasn't caught up with the controllability/volume of fire meta
In what universe is your slavshit better than a good AR pattern rifle?

Man the FAL really allures me, but i dont know if the larger round is really worth the tradeoff.

Name a cheaper rifle

You are a fucking retard. Please, never buy a gun for the sake of humanity.

But I do.

Your underdeveloped brain will get splattered all over the pavement if you try to take on an armed individual with just your fists.

Marlin .22.

>I can defend myself with my own fists
not from a nigger with a gun you can't

I visited my cousin in virginia and we went to a gun range where i shot for the first time. All I had to show was my drivers license.

>Spending money on airsoft

those foregrips are ass

That great thing is I can just buy both configurations. I’m glad I live in a state with freedom. There’s been no talk of bans since the incidents.

>252 rifle homicides in 2015
>Nigger math

Because my fleshlight gun is better, you faggot. All you're doing is holding a substitute penis whereas I'm getting sexual thrills from my gun. I'm the one with the dominant dick whereas you're being owned completely by your gun-penis. Fag.

Can't fight an armed individual when there are no arms to begin with, fampai

Then don't fucking buy one. It's not that difficult of a concept.

Of you’re into missing a target beyond 25 feet buy another one

It's the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Necessities