So, Opinions on Panhandlers, Beggars, Bums asking for Charity, and the such.
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gf facetimed me while at a traffic light, showed me a bum on the side of the street then pointed the camera towards a help wanted sign 15 feet away.
bless her.
angels in disguise
giving you a chance to not let your left hand know what your right is doing
Give a man a fish...
oftentimes "help" is described as "having 3 years pertinent experience, good references, and pass a drug test"
not that there aren't ways to earn money while homeless, but normal-ass employment is usually out of the question for most.
the pork plant here in my city is the #1 "we don't care who we hire" employer, and it's a drug den behind the scenes. employees bending over to wash their hands and a pair of syringes fall into the sink out of their coat pocket
Better than foodstamps.
You actually have to do work to be a beggar. Get a peice of cardboard, write something, stand outside etc etc
i wish i was one of these people, they make hundreds of dollers each day taxfree then spend it on drugs, they could all be millionaires if they wanted to
Honestly I'm an asshole, many people would verify this, but I give money to panhandlers all the time. IDKW
But he should just go buy clean pants and suit and he'd get the job
t ameriburger
I fucking hate panhandlers and beggars from the bottom of my heart.
They're either pieces of shit, scammers, or you can't trust them.
I give to panhandlers if I laugh at their sign.
I see it as a service worth a buck.
I have no problem giving change to a bum every now and then what pisses me off is the fuckers who ask for money before you even go into the store
>food is thrown into garbage all the time because theres overproduction
>burger prefers to see his countrymen beg on street because in his mind begging is work and work is inherently murrican
Amerimutt morals everyone
I'll agree with you on the 3 years experience needed on some shitty entry level job bullshit.
But if you can't pass a drug test you should probably kill yourself.
Inb4 dozens of gen Z with rich parents and $1200 phones tell us where the homeless went wrong in their lives
Plenty of organizations/charities that would help him get clothes to get a job
They should be rounded up and gassed. Stray dogs are sent to the pound. We should do the same with stray humans. If no one claims them in a month then gas.
Lol indians have a way more highly refined system for beggers
haven't seen him for a good 5 years but there used to be a 'homeless' guy around town that wasn't truly homeless in the 'down on his luck' sense. He preferred living this wierd, nomadic life as a part of the city and actually had a job somewhere and a bank account with some serious digits since he didn't pay any fucking bills at all.
i think about the monthly money i spend on phone, car house, etc. and it's no wonder, really
Now whats that, burning them alive?
Yeah they must've made a bunch of great decisions to end up homeless begging for scraps
i'm saying that the people sitting around on the street turn to drugs as a means of entertainment and escape more often than not
Steam game beggars are why I hate Sup Forums. They clogged multiple threads simultaneously just like the anti-joooo fuctards do here.
they lack family. out of all the applications ive submitted i get a call back for 1 or 2 of them. but never make it past the interview. without family id be a bum too
Yes throwing temper tantrums over bums is the pinnacle of morality
you have no idea how quickly a man's life can go from normal to guttertrash
i lost my business last week because the person doing my financials completely and utterly screwed me
I fucking hate bums
The only people I ever give money to are kids raising money for new sports equipment or something, or people who play guitar at the subway station
If a bum wants a dollar he can entertain me, fuck off with your lying sign.
awww man my point was that clothes don't give you the job, you gotta have profession first. There is probably reason why bum is a bum. There are no idiot jobs for everyone anymore. They are gone, burger. Gone, or heavily mexicanized
Military. Make them chefs, janitors, bed-makers, clothes cleaners, errand runners, the fucking band, whatever support roles need to be filled. If they're fit and not too stupid, they can enlist as soldiers.
I always just say sorry I don't carry cash and I left my wallet at home.
go to recruiters, don't bother applying directly to businesses
a recruiter's entire job is to get you hired
if only there were a commune or something they could all go to ie detroit
This. Bums are disgusting, lazy fucks and the scum of the earth. The "not all" meme applies here though, some do want to get out of that cunty life and work to get their shit together but it's only about 0.5% of them.
>wanting a drug-addict bum defending your nation when there are an infinite supply of young, fit, eager men straight out of high school whose entire life goal is to "Serve their Country"
literally why, bums would make the military objectively worse, there's a reason why they've been completely discarded by society
The current trend is local business owners will pay the bums to hold up an advertisement of their business all day instead of a carboard sign.
The fact that you're willing to see beggars on street is sign of something worse than moral decay, its like epitome of amerimutt power-play perversion
Lazy as fuck. I pass the same three beggars outside the train station every day, they've been there for nearly a year now. They don't show up if it's too cold out or if it rains, top kek. One day one of them was angry or something and called me Donald Trump Jr. (???) when I walked by
>even acknowledging the existence of a bum
the only time you acknowledge them, ever, is if they keep pestering you. just look in their general direction, put up a hand and say "no" firmly, then ignore them again
i once had a crazy drunk spic bum ask me for money, I handed him a quarter and he swallowed it and than asked for more change.
but drugs should be legalized right
I'm willing to see bums?
So me not driving with my eyes closed also doesn't pass your weird morality test.
I know I'm not the only one to be stung by them
>Be me
>Lived in countryside town
>Only ever had 1 homeless person
>He was crazy and ended up jumping infront of a train
>Move to city to study
>Go past homeless person
>Give him a few quid change
>Go into shop
>See him smoking up
>He is homeless and had a sign saying he is staving but somehow finds the cash to smoke
>Notice the entire fucking high-street is full of homeless people
>Later was speaking to a friend about it
>The homeless bloke I gave a few quid to lives in a not so bad house and drives to the city centre everyday
>Most the homeless have homes and beg instead of working
>Only carry card now
Its shit because these cunts build up their hobo fortresses all down the core economic commercial zone for the city, all the tourists have to walk past about 20 piss soaked trash heaps, this is making the local economy go down the shitter.
should have tried giving him the hubcap off a tire
cuck confirmed.
>Better than foodstamps.
>You actually have to do work to be a beggar
Don't know man, that kinda sounds you like to see people begging even if alternative, giving them food stamps, would be rational thing to do if you check how much food your shops throw away every day
Chances are they belong in a mental institution not on the streets
too many people.
No beggar buys food with the money they get from begging. It's goes directly to booze and/or their drug of choice.
Go try to beg one day and see how easy you think it is.
>be mutt
>tip begger
I never give money to beggars. Giving bums money just encourages them to congregate. They can be homeless all they want but I resent having smelly addicts try to leverage pity on me for money.
Give to the poor
This guy gets it
Same here, one of my favorites was some dragworm crusty punk in Austin whose sign read: "Why lie? I need to get high." The kek was worth my pocket change.
>be me
>be homeless 2011-2013
>be clean
>see sign in window dishwasher
>mgr sees me set backpack outside entrance before entering
>mgr repeatedly makes voodoo gesture like umpire call 2nd base slide safe
>i. am. not. good. enough. to. wash. dishes.
>buy harp on ebay.
>teach self to play harp
>play harp on street corner every fucking day
>go to cdl school
>get cdl
>get cdl job oct 2013
>make 50K+ per annum
never asked a stranger for a single fucking dime
Many are insane and in need of mental health care. It's unfortunate that we don't have involuntary psychiatric commitment for these people.
Don't worry there is always room in the gas chamber
Congratulations on being a retard. Do you own more than anyone else? If so, immediately give it all away. Don't sell, but give away your computer right now! Be an angel! While your at it, put your organs up for donation and then kill yourself.
Pull out my phone and play how much a dollar cost by Kendrick Lamar then walk away. Thankfully I don't live in a credit cesspit where bums are common but yeah.
The people on the street are there because of the drugs more often than not, you dimwit.
I don't like the ones that are aggressive or clearly crust punk suburban kids but I gave a guy a twenty because he would scream at every thot wearing yoga pants going by saying "THEY'RE NOT FUCKING PANTS"
I'm thinking about being a Panhandler this month.
Short on rent and in-between jobs.
I begged for awhile. I made about $40 in about 5-6 hours sometimes it was ok. Angry people would shout at me and some guy gave me his lunch once but the ants ate it before I could get to it. I was doing it because I was having trouble finding a job and was trying to make rent. Many bums are just full time professional bums though. They look down on everyone that works and has a life. They call them "box slaves". You're just a slave in your box to them user. But they're so enlightened by riding trains around getting raped and murdered for their backpacks. According to the International Workers of the World website old bum sigils and commie propaganda share a lot. Figures people who don't want to work would be gommunists. So I guess #NotAllBums but I don't give them $ anymore unless I know the bum. I know a crazy old preacher bum and he tells me to go look stuff up in the bible so I'll hand him a $1 here and there but not to any young druggy types.
>giving some old homeless dude 10 pesos means I want to give all of my possessions away for free
I'm sorry snevy, that where you live there are millions of black beggars asking you for money on the hourly basis
Don't wear bum clothes, stupid mistake.
Even in the bum world, the sharp dressed man gets the shekels.
Same, except for one time when I was in Denver and I give a crackhead 5 canuck bucks because I thought it would be funny when he goes to his dealer and tries to pass off our stupid as blue bill as American.
>>food is thrown into garbage all the time because theres overproduction
>because there's overproduction
>there's overproduction
It's all fine that you love useless eater bums Finnbro but why do you hate farmers so much? A bushel of wheat has not increased with inflation properly in what 100 years?
give them fentinal laced heroin.
They feed into each other. Some of the only work someone on drugs can get is working for other druggies or drug manufacturers. They might get paid partially in drugs. Human trafficking is much more then a woman chained up in a basement. It's a catch-22 where people on drugs will end up working for druggies and those people will want their cheap under the table labor and will try and make sure they don't get off the drugs.
I'm sorry leafbro. Was it a Jew accountant?
No. If you cozy up for 8 hours straight you're not insane. They're just merchants - relieving you from your shame for a small price.
.t moron
Like why do you think bonded accountants exist.
Nobody is long-term homeless who isn't mentally ill.
There's more empty houses then homeless people in America Finnbro. Some bums LIKE being bums though. Some people in ancient times were just nomadic. You see this in some of the native tribes as well. Some settle down and farm other ones like to wander around.
Pretty sure angels don't cat call my girlfriend or shoot heroin you third world slav cuck
they should be just given bags with food that is going old soon. And probably oatmeal and some canned food.
Ohhh Finnbro you're so cute and naive. These people get $100s in food stamps (which you can mainly only do by having children you're claiming that are mostly off with the non-homeless parent but getting claimed by the bum parent) but then they sell it for 1/2 the price. I know multiple multiple people who sell their food stamps every month. All they want is the drugs and the partying. They want to be degenerate. Even if you gave them X amount of pills and alcohol per month they'd increase their usage and demand more next month until they kill themselves with over use.
You don't seem to understand your own parable and you can't buy your life back with 10 pesos. Do you really want to help? Is it going to be IV for a lazy nigger or are you going to see Christ in your fellow man?
But farmers too, as profession have been minimized in numbers during last 100 years. I don't think their profits would completely decline if your states had a system where bums can apply to get some oatmeal, corn porridge or whatever is the cheapest product your states can offer to buy from farmers with tax money
The most disturbing change I've noticed in my city is the increased numbers of beggars/homeless and the fact they are all young. I have no doubt the changes to the welfare system are the direct cause of this. Fuck the Tories.
I'm not a mommy, I'm not responsible for packing a hobos lunch.
Well that doesn't sound a long lasting problem to be honest. The problem is probably that they make kids who inherit the same lifestyle? But then again, I thought that is possible only in finland.
Yeah, that would be probably handled by city officials, with your tax money. But you specified that giving them money is the problem, then why wouldn't my tactic be better alternative? It might work
Pretty much all panhandlers are using the proceeds as a means to support a crippling drug addiction. Giving them money is putting it right into the pocket of an exploitative scumbag dealer. If you don't believe me then you're naive.
The junkies should be shot.
the land of the free everyone
Sounds suspiciously like food stamps, which they already get.
Living in the greatest country on Earth. Bums Everywhere. Why's that?
It's more of a human being problem really desu
I feel sorry when I see them. Last time I helped one was when I traveled to Italy, tho. The guy had such dead eyes and I never expected to see a white man begging in the streets there.
food bags might be preferable because would drug dealers really want bums to carry bags of oatmeal, bread and cheapest canned goods to their door?
Yeah most I see are heroin addicts. Sad yet worth to give them the buck if it means they don't break into my car.
Homeless people are one thing, but panhandlers should be shot. I gave one money once. A month later he's at the metro again with the same sob story and tries to hit me up again because he doesn't remember the people he scams. Nope. Learned my lesson. Beggars don't get my money anymore.
Where does the food come from.
USA foodstamps are singlehandedly keeping companies like Nestlé, Kelloggs, and General Mills in business. These companies wouldn't make it another year without food stamps
>Jesus once told some rich spoiled kid to Give his wealth to the poor if he wanted to do good & he refused to give any
>that means i must now disposes myself of all my possessions that I earned with my sweat
if you have time to sit around you have time to work
Sheeiiiiiii, I don't know i'm just some guy on internet. To be honest it seems to me that kellogs, nestle and general mills could produce food directly for bums and the poor then, with state sponsorship, and directing part of their former workforce and capital into producing something else than sugar-ridden awful cereals, maybe something aimed at higher paying customers. Anyway, they should kick a sihtload of people out if that really is the case.
Give a man fire and he's warm for a day.
Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
Better than welfare because with panhandling at least you have the choice to give them money or not
Sugar ridden crap is what you buy when you are buying it with somebody else's money.
and btw, why don't they export more marshmallow cereals here? I've seen people pay over ten euros per packet of lucky charms on "yankee import" supermarket shelf. And thats a sick price for something like that. Its so exotic for some europeans, they would treat it like a candy or delicacy and not like vilified unhealthy breakfast.
Generally speaking they are homeless for a reason. They don't want to work, chose to become a drug addict, and just uncomfortable to be around. I've helped out so many bums and they always try to lecture me about their BS religious ideas and alien conspiracies. I've learned to be less charitable and more discerning and never expect to be paid back for my help and never expect anyone to help me and I am not expected to help them.