Moved to Poland, AMA

Ask a leaf who reclaimed his birthright in Poland anything

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how the fuck do you think anyone cares

Where did you move?
What's it like there?
How long did you prepare for the move?
What did you do to prepare for the move?
Any advice for someone looking to move to Poland?

Got offered a job teaching. Stayed for the vodka and girls
>user posted something relevant to the board but not relevant to my interests and I have to announce it to the whole world
Cry harder fag

Are they allowing Somalis in Poland now?

Did you move there for the conservative waifus/ strong church?

How many alpha pollacks monkey mount your prolapsed treudhole on a daily basis?

> (OP) (You)
>Where did you move?
Opole, see pic
>What's it like there?
Cheap and pretty. Poles are generally bro-tier
>How long did you prepare for the move?
Literally 3 days. I'm a light packer
>What did you do to prepare for the move?
Got my TEFL, had an interview, company paid for my flight on Saturday (it was Wednesday of the same week when I was offered the job)
>Any advice for someone looking to move to Poland?
Get a TEFL (optional but it helps) and apply so semi-major cities not saturated with other expats. Opole, Gliwice, and Białystok come to mind

so you already speak the language?
How long did it take to learn it?

Technically yes, but coming from Canada, the small amount of visual minorities was a pleasant surprise. 0 slimes and maybe 4 roodypoos in my city
I won't say it didn't affect my decision to settle here
Including your mom? 1

Is it a safe haven like it's made out to be?

I niby czego uczysz?

Oh man... Polish is fucking retarded hard. I still speak like a chimp

Everything from Poland and further up North is a safe haven.

Does everyone in Poland also have a weak jaw like the girl in your pic?

Honestly, yeah. The topic comes up a lot in my classes. Women feel safe and people feel safe from slimes.
No i siema
I don't even know tf a weak jaw is

have you started to squat yet?

do polish girls like black men? i heard from my crew that went there they fuckin killed it with polish sluts. i wanna slay some polish ass with my dick

... youre a chick and you.. stayed for the girls... in poland?

Youre going to have a *grand* time.

Hmm. So I guess Pols have a weak mind too.

Here's a pic to illustrate what a weak jaw is

I've been known to pop one on occasion
Tbh they find anything foreign exotic. They might bang a nog but they'd be shamed straight into Germany by friends and family


Don't you need to speak polish to find a job?

Ale jestem fajniem Kanadyjczykiem


Different angle and light, same girl. Now let's see your gf
Nope. Learned as I went

Ayyy bud

I just assumed the image is legit and not just a google search is all.

Are you of polish decent? Why did you give up on us leafs!?

What are Polish women like?

Fuck. Thanks.
All the photos are oc, minus the canal in opole

God that slut is hawt

Yeah. Polish surname and everything. Poles have a good opinion of Polonia, do i hafty an easy time. I came here in November 2015. Guess what else happened in that time

Traditional but a little cold. I guess how you'd picture typical Russian women, but a bit more independent. And seriously beautiful. Especially coming from Canada

Tell that to the weak jaw guy

>heard from my crew that went there they fuckin killed it with polish sluts. i wanna slay some polish ass with my dick
Niggers going to nig

Question, how many people back in canada mispronounced your name?
I swear I get triggered every time I heard a polish american refer to himself as "Kołolski"

Immigrants (like you) are the scum of the earth

My name was Anglicized to be pronounced easier. But both versions sound the same almost. Just one "c" changed to a "ts" in English

You mean white? Sup, Trudeau?

1 black guy banged like 200 women unprotected in poland.

Immigrants are bad, "white" or not

Stupid "white nationalists" can't understand real identity since they have none

Sweet, I'm seriously considering doing this come springtime. I live in paradise (100m from beach) but it's calllin me..

Or fuck it what's the climate/weather like? (maybe I'll go next month)
What part do you live? Where are you originally from?
Do you speak Polish or just get by on English?
How much does your apartment/house cost?
How is public transport?
What's your favorite thing about living there?
What sucks the most about living there?

Why is every leaf so buttmad in this thread? Some sort of phenomenon

Fuck off leaf

Well I'm glad you left since it makes Canada better off without you, but I feel bad for Poland since it has to deal with your presence now

If you accept non-Poles into your country, don't be surprised when you end up like America

It doesn't take 3 of my girlfriend to screw in a lightbulb

We don't want niggers like you to care. We r trying to get away from your skanky asses.

Isn't he a pole whose family went to canada in the past

Climate? Chilly winters and hot summers. It's 5° now, usually -5 or -10 in winter. 35 in summer. I'm from Canada, and my Polish is at a medium-low level. Rent is 900zł for 30m2 in the city center, everything included. Public transport is average but reliable, well connected. Favorite thing-relaxed culture focused on drinking and salty foods, left over from communism. Money situation is poor here, it's hard to save when 4zł is 1€

>How is public transport?
Depends on the place.
Big cities have large infrastracture but you might end up in jams alot.
Smaller ones are better about it but some lines might have like hour long breaks before a bus comes.
You are shit out of luck living in the land though, at mercy of the fabled PKS.

You and your weak jawed girlfriend can fuck off back to Germany

>MFW I find myself in a situation where I encounter a leaf that I can agree with.


He said he doesn't speak Polish, so obviously he isn't that much of a Pole. I myself am also half Polish, but my Polish parent didn't even learn Polish, so I don't consider myself a Pole at all

>Still has a polish last name
>Speaks the language, even if its not perfect
>Gets a job
>Not a pole


Hating on one of the last bastions of whiteness, fucking neck yourself, make like a tree and leave.


Says the leaf next on the Muslim niggers buttfucking list. Enjoy being Venezuela soon!

Poland should care about being Polish, not about being "white." If everyone in Europe moved to Poland, it would no longer be Poland

No i meant his blood is polish, that's what that birthright means.
He is a pole by blood then.

I can see how happy you are in my absence!
Just returning to my ancestral homeland, no need to be so sad
I never claimed they were geniuses. She's from Śląsk anyway
Yep. Got my karty pobytu almost immediately, and my passport this month, thanks to blood law. My grandparents were from Pomorze, near Pogorzelica, if you know it
Wrong pole
Seriously, why so mad
Observe yourself and that leaf. And try to imagine why I left there for Poland

Tried reversing the image to look again, you took this photo from somewhere online I know it, you're a larping fag.

>you right now

I just hope Poland does not go down the same path as Canada seems to be going down

But he doesn't think like a Pole at all, so even if he has Polish blood, is he really Polish?

Nice upgrade based leaf.
You have uncucked yourself.

Nope. You can see me at the bar photo in the top right

>bails canada
>goes to fucking poland of all places
Ain't that bad

Sorry, I'm just an asshole today

Leaf, tell me all about how a pole should think.

Isn't he just posting random pics?

Also, what part of canada OP

Do you have a death wish?

>the absolute state of polan
enjoy cucknadians stealing your děvužkas lmao

Nice try asswipe. polish people are genuinely racist. Disgusted by black skin/hair etc


okay taste, awful drivers second only to W-wa

Is that you in London? Who is the waifu?

I can never return to my homeland because the kikes have filled it w/ brown rape gangs.

#RIP Germany!

If he was raised in Canada and only speaks English, he obviously thinks like an Anglo Canadian. I don't really know how Poles think, the Polish side of my family basically intermarried with Anglo/French Canadians and is integrated into Canada at this point.

You should also add that most of them were prostitutes you nigger shill.
Also it was like 10 years ago if i remember correctly.

>degeneracy den rivaling warsaw

Brat, why you butthurt.
I'm sorry you didn't get to colonise, lacking the access to sea and all.

WEW, Polish leaf! Worst of the worst. Probably Jewish, too!

Has your car been stolen yet?

doesnt every polish girl qualify as a prostitute when 100 euros is in question tho

I looked into it and the source seems to be tabloids
dunno but it sounds fishy

>tfw "American"
>tfw doomed forever to cultural alienation from your ancestors
why are we a country again? what's the fucking point of being European if you're not living in Europe it's not right. any other burger's feel like this?

>enjoy cucknadians stealing your děvužkas lmao
Why im supposed to be mad when someone is stealing trash?

The only reason a Canadian should go to Poland is to burn at Auschwitz

To be frank, im basing my opinions on trips there.
Current state of degeneracy is unknown to me

Poland's chill
Don't even get into it with angry Canadians. They're masters of passive aggression
Wpierdolę ci kutasie. Gryzę twoją wymionę
Yeah. My qt polish gf
Implying I'm not from a small town living in close proximity with polish grandparents and other poles. Honestly, why so upset?
100% white!
Bro look at your flag and re-evaluate your post

So what you're saying is you are envious he was able to claim his birthright and you can't/ haven't. P A T H E T I C

I tend to dislike poles but I can't hate someone who dedicated their lifes to something. How is it living in poland compared to canada?
The way I understand it, the western east is a step down from the west.So why?

How long have you been in PL?

Is it comfy?

Are people friendly?

tits or GTFO

Don't lump me in with the other leafs. I used to feel bad for my country then started seeing them shitpost on here and irl, and was like, what's even the point?

it's the absolute worst of the worst, biggest shithole imaginable, no wonder a fucking leaf thinks its an improvement and makes a thread

>posts her pics on the net
is she a prostitute

So you met her in Opole , made enough money teaching English to take her to London last year?