Sup Forums BTFO

Sup Forums BTFO

Yea... and ? The stats back up what you are saying. Sage faggot!

>atheist are "complex individuals with specific mental health issues"
accurate desu

>When the left tries to make a right-wing hypocrisy meme but it's the truth.

Can't make this up



"Dear Jews, stop being Jewish, because of this stick figure." That's what you just said, asshole. Maybe if Bloomberg spends moe money you can accomplish something, but probably not.

60 years ago people had access to all kinds of guns and could obtain guns much easier and yet, no mass shootings. Gee wiz, I wonder why....

>muslim attack
Motivated by a belief in martyrdom, the unique trait that makes Muslims kill themselves and others to get to heaven. You don't see radical hindus or catholics like this because they don't believe in martyrdom.
Muslims are also low IQ and violent, but martyrdom and the Islamic faith is the biggest problem.
>nigger attack
Crime stats literally back this up. A majority is gang related, though they are incapable of planning for the future and have very low impulse control
>white attack
Crime stats back this up. The vast majority of white shooters had mental illness.
I'd list their names, but it'd be a shorter list to name those who didn't have an untreated condition.
White people don't martyr themselves, they have high IQ, good impulse control and forward thinking. So when this happens its usually because a few screws went loose

That's true, though. Like, objectively.


The Texas shooter was a terrorist because he was explicitly attacking Christains because their religion. Terrorism and gang crime aren't based on skin color, it's just that the majority of terrorists are sandniggers and gang deaths by niggers.

Actually he wans a CIA plant to bring fear of a Bolshevik revolution in the hearts of Americans again in order to reinforce ((their)) protection of their riches by using communism which is linked to nationalism which is the only way to get rid of them

>"I'm calling you a racist but really I'm just projecting my own racial bias against white people by creating an internet meme that doesn't attempt to reflect reality but rather generalizations based on my own perception of news sensationalism and the redefining of words to mean things that make me right. You bigot."
My 'noggin is literally a Kenyan sprinter right now, please make it stop.

How btfo
Image is accurate

None of us think this.



redo with vehicle knife suicide vest det cord jihad, thug with Kimber .380 aiming at rival gang spray and praying and killing sleeping infant a mile away, and a white with AR-15 not commie faggot AK (just kidding AK are battle proven)

No, you retard.
He shot the church up because his ex-wife's family went there.

real shit


> Raised by single mother
> Raised by single mother
> Raised by single mother


Hispanics are terrorists

Where is that coming from?

Fixed it

You have to actually have a cause to be a terrorist, and even democrats expect nigs to nog.
>1 post by this ID

The left can't meme.

>Driven by ideology
>Driven by genetics
>Driven by anti-depressants.



b-b-b-but i'm colorblind! I don't see color.
>t. Virtue Signaling Talking Head Leftist


Someone shop prescription drugs on all 3

That's not true.

They say "ban guns" as a response to all. Despite the fact that the first two invariably commit their crime with illegal firearms that wouldn't have been stopped by any gun ban. Of course, the left likes that well enough, because the first two are also plain clothes brownshirts for the left.