So what, we can’t post photoshopped pictures of the sheit nigga anymore

So what, we can’t post photoshopped pictures of the sheit nigga anymore


You know photo the sheit nigga to a black persons face

Why can't we?

That’s what I’m asking, my post keeps getting taken down when I post a photoshopped picture of the sheit nigga to a real niggers face

Probably has to do with context of your threads and not the pic.

I guess calling black women ugly, and saying all Black people have big lips and wide noses is a no-no then. How come I can’t write that, but Nazi here can write about genocide, makes no fucking sense!

post warning or its fake

What’s a post warning?

you didnt get a warning for the pic? post the pic you posted before

op is confirmed underage b&

yeah post the pic I am interested as well.

>the absolute state of this thread

That EU flag nigger and his non-stop shitposting troup is causing the mods to shut down everything. Sorry.

Not before I posted it I just said that black women are ugly since their noses are wide and they have big lips and shitty hair. After I posted it I left and tried to go back only to find it message saying they took it down. I was confused because I didn’t think it was that bad by Sup Forums standards. I made a post once saying niggers like to rape white women and that was taken down immediately and I received a warning saying I could be banned from Sup Forums if I make post that breaks the rules. So I’m just trying to figure out what happened.

>the absolute state of this thread
Personally I don't understand why we don't see the threads here anymore. I think we used to have full Sup Forums threads with them and I guess they all got moved to Sup Forums.

Confirmed OP Has Downs. Confirmed shill don't reply anons

your an faggot.
this shit thread is an embarassment to all of 4chinz.

What fucking board were you on?
I get banned for being a racist on other boards all the time but it's just what I am.


I got warning once for banter on /bant/ or Sup Forums
There's no fucking rules, just enjoy your ban

no fuckign way dude this type of shit gets posted in every thread.
>After I posted it I left and tried to go back only to find it message saying they took it down.
post it

I deleted the original picture since I never keep my Sup Forums pics, but I recreated a new one, that’s pretty close to what it looked like


hmmm... idk OP. If thats all you posted I don't see why it got banned, but Sup Forums has been very busy tonight with shills. So they must ofthought you were making a shill thread.

Photoshop 11/10 by the way niiicee!

And then I sarcastically wrote “aren’t black women so beautiful with their wide noses, big lips, and Kinky hair” it didn’t even last a a few minutes I’m wondering if some butt hurt nigger reported it. That’s why I’m so confused why it taken down so quickly.