What's a good career that's not programming?


Runescape gold farming

Is that an alien?

A superior culture with fedoras? Fuck no, zero probability.

There is only one career, being Chad

His eyes are unsettling


Industrial Hygiene

thats only a hobby.



Chainsaw statue carving

Midnight shift sanitation worker


Car designer

Professional athlete

Claim youre a woman trapped in a mans body and make a gofundme and patreon to support you and your surgery
then use that money only for plastic surgery on your face
rinse and repeat

paid russian shill

You like heights?

>implying programming is a good career
this is only true if you are the physical manifestation of autism itself.

Private equity.


Seriously it's better because you can contract only and make more money than the devs.

thats literally my worst fear I would jump out of fear funnily enough. Like I cannot wrap my head around how guys do this. Balls of steel. Even with all the ropes and shit FUUUUUUCK that.
