>sitting in politics lecture
>see this
What should I have done?
>sitting in politics lecture
>see this
What should I have done?
Other urls found in this thread:
Sieg Heil
Stabbed your lecturer then thrown acid over the front row.
Ask xim why they are being Islamophobic, sighting Muslims are VERY conservative people
Eat the dick of the good man next to you.
Create a petition against it and get signatures. Also do a proper degree instead of communication studies/art/whatever gayness your stepfather signed you up for
should have told them about them big KHAZAR MILKERS and how open conservitards are to them.
stop taking that class?
If its a core just suck it up and deal with them faggot for sucks sake, stop coming here to bitch about it
Isn't conservatism by definition low openness to change?
Stand up, do the "ave caesar" while screaming heil democrats!
that'll probably spur them all to join in
Kept your mouth shut and learned something. Did you?
Kill your teacher, clearly they're a threat.
You should have asked if racism was a 'stimulus that may be perceived as being threatening'
that study is often misquoted
it's actually the left wingers that have close to zero fear response to stimuli, i.e they had the same reaction to a picture of a spider as to that of a smiling kid
In America it's low openness to changing the greatest system man ever created.
Openness is legit but your prof doesn't seem to understand it.
Quit university and do something productive with your life
Ask for the data sources
projection is a weird thing
This is another liberal fallacy and is more indicative of their response to threats.
Conservatives will look at crime statistics and the state of Africa and say yep, niggers are bad news, lets never bring more of them in because they’re inferior to other immigrants.
Liberals will hear those statements and begin screaming about Hitler and nazis and posting videos of themselves crying on Twitter because smdh senpai it’s 2017 and not everyone believes knuckle dragging nigger retards are great.
Leftists are just not able to accurately identify threats to their safety.
They’re the useful idiots of the USSR who thought they were doing a good thing but were promptly shot in the back of the head and bulldozed into a pit when the real threat no longer needed them.
this only works if you are muslim
>Low openness to dicks in my ass and jihad
I'm ok with this
>people pay thousands of dollars for this
Is this even meant to be education? It looks like legitimate political indoctrination.
i see it as an aversion to a high rate of change, preferring to remain stationary or revert to past policy (undoing leftist policies)
the way it's worded on the slides is without a doubt a very negatively worded phrasing though
War vets have experienced more than most of humanity
We are almost all nationalists and conservative
Could you not just point out that they're dehumanizing "conservative"?
>stop taking that class
It's getting pretty hard to navigate through post-secondary without encountering radical leftists.
Nothing, learn about them, learn to walk among them unnoticed, learn to manipulate them to your own ends. Tell your story.
t. inhabitant of Obama's Illinois
arrow is backwards
leave cause the teach is a pseud
Isn't it a disgust, not a fear? And why they think that it is a bad thing!
ahahahaha the ABSOLUTE STATE of $200/credit hour jewish programming theaters
i remember this thread
Let all these retards follow their dogma into mediocrity and unhappiness. I'm sure they'll have some snarky explanations for their status in life once they can no longer deny it
This is pseudo science though
This is untrue.
Conservatives have a heightened disgust response, not a fear one.
It isn't fear; it's disgust. I heard Jordan Peterson bang on about this in one of his lectures, he used Hitler as an example who took a bath twice a day and always used parasite, cancer, bacteria, ... -analogies to describe the Jews.
if you're actually majoring in a degree that isn't a meme getting through said classes should be quick. I finished my first two years of college in my last two years of highschool so after graduating I could get immediately onto track with my major.
Just suck it up ffs, I encountered a few here and there but its over fairly quickly. Those type of people normally end off branching off from your major to do more arts bullshit
People said the same thing when all this garbage was just getting started.
Good job, your apathy has doomed us all.
>Obama's Illinois
you're not from IL talking like that
>perceive mudshit running truck into crowd
>have exaggerated fear response
HAHA look at me ain't an irrational bigot oy fucking vey
>sitting in Congress
>see this
what should i have done?
Liberals are similar to domesticated animals in that they've lived in their safe environment for so long that they no longer require the instincts required for survival.
Studies have shown living in a city causes isolation, depression and a host of other mental issues.
"Where is this in the textbook? I'd like to highlight and tab it."
Yep bucko.
apathy? More like I don't care about their beliefs and sitting through a couple of hate filled rants isn't going to change my own. If you're weak enough to a point where you have to be protected by them you're just as bad
Liberals actually think being concerned about becoming a minority in your own land, being worried about a foreign people with a foreign, warlike religion who beheads people, and the societal collapse due to the destruction of the family is "exaggarated"
Being afraid of nothing is not brave, it is idiocy.
It's true, and that's not such a bad thing. Think about it.
who is the big mommy titted jew girl? asking for a friend
well, you should have thought to ask if "low openness to experience" was an accurate description. There's a difference between "experience" and "stimuli perceived as threatening"
>conservative brain
so youre conservative from birth?
Correct, libshits have piss poor pattern recognition, literally THE trait associated with intelligence.
If they were dogs they'd never get any treats at all.
Link by any chance?
Yeah, it's the conservatives who are not open to new ideas, you know, like the truth.
>low openness to new experiences
>hate working and interacting socially so much you go on welfare
>hate other cultures so much you set up ghettos and no go zones for the native inhabitants to stay out
>wish mental illness would replace reality so you don't have to experience anything real so badly that you start forcing everyone around you to accept your delusions about being in a gay marriage or about being a woman flexing her balls in the board room or about being a woman when you're really a man so you can piss in the other sex's bathroom or about how all races are equal and should have life experience parity but only the positive aspects without the negative aspects
>raise hand
>"Couldn't that mean that liberals have an underdeveloped fear response?"
or if you're feeling less brave
>"Being too open can be a problem too, right?"
Shapiros sister, stop forcing her, she is smack in the middle of uncanny valley.
You're right, but I'm barely cut out for uni as it is and look for any excuse to duck out of a course.
Ben's sister
saluted hitler and suicide bombed the entire school
quoted metternich
But she is right.
This Ben fyi
>these "it's okay to be white" signs are making me feel unsafe
t. conservative
just start throwing shit and screaming, i think they'll understand
Nice refutation really makes me think.
Walked out and start asking yourself why you're going to uni at all.
It all derives from their axiomatic belief in equality. 'All humans are equal, all religions are equal, all cultures are equal,...', even if you can objectively prove that it isn't the fact by comparision of living standards,... . --> Moral/cultural relativism, the root of postmodernism.
I have some too.
to be honest at this point borderline every person can be cut out for uni. Degrees are becoming increasingly more devalued due to a constant push to get one
this is an old image, but still:
exaggerated -> statistically above average.
this means the opposite of conservatives (liberals) have an underdeveloped safety response to threatening stimuli, so people who pull guns on cops, drink bleach, and jump into gorilla enclosures. all animals evolve to properly react to threats before they're fatal, these who fail to do so used to not pass on their faulty genes.
Stop being a pussy and call out your professor for being a faggot. He/She/Xe will probably give you an F in the class tho.
Kinda. If you are interested in the subject, read "The evolutionary Psychology behind Politics" by Anonymous Conservative. It goes in depth about the amygdaly, which governs fear/disgust reaktion and r/k selection theory.
It is very interesting.
wtf is wrong with her?
is she acting or something?
Accept that this is actually true.
This is factual, and the flip side is also true. Liberals are high in trait openness and are less responsive to threatening stimuli. Conservatives are more conscientious though. I'm sure that came up in your class.
I wish a nigga would.
>More like I don't care about their beliefs and sitting through a couple of hate filled rants isn't going to change my own
YOU may not care about their beliefs, but they are insistent on shoving their beliefs down everyone's throat. Unlike you, most people will accept it (especially if dissent means social exclusion)
This is how we got to this point in the first place. Keep ignoring it, one day you'll wake up in a country completely alien to you and wonder what happened.
This isn't about being protected from anything, it's about subversion of our culture and nation.
On the West coast government classes are this fuckin biased. My gf has to hear anti conservative shit every single day while the teacher claims to be objective.
The school system is truly indoctrination camp, not sure what to do about it
Except that is totally and factually fucking wrong. That proffessor should be fired.
>What should I have done?
Try 14 billion years.
What a straw man about eugenics
It's literally just selective breeding of humans. Which has been proven to work, it's just unethical
These people attack christians for not believing in evolution, but then deny different populations of humans could differ on a cognitive level. It just shows college and many college students are more dumb than your average person
"racial groups cannot be found in our genetic information". I hate this meme. It's 100% scientifally false, you could look at a small number of haplogroups that have virtually no overlap and start binning people into race. Yes we share 99.9% of our genes among all races, however we know that a very small fraction can have a tremendous effect. Similarly we share 99% of DNA with chimps.
It means, in other words, that to be a leftist you need to be so open minded that your brain falls out.
Start recording the professor, edit the recording to pick out the most egregious instances of bias, then send it to your state's Republican party, local conservative talk show hosts, campusreform.org, or thefire.org.
There you go mein Neger
Jordan Peterson is right when he says politics is about borders
it's not incorrect
conservatives resist change and embrace traditional values, that's kind of the point.
This is legit stuff that Prof. Jordan B. Peterson talks about all the time. However, your shitstain teacher is distorting it for her own leftist shitstain reasons.
To be fair that does make sense. Considering the degeneracy we've seen of course we're not open to it. It's just the phrase is made in a way to make being a Conservative someone who is not willing to try new things when in reality we see what these things do and we don't want it near us.
you think you have it bad?
try having your cellular physiology teacher explain why the total EC and IC concentration of electrolytes are left unaffected after something like an action potential with a comparison to drumpf only letting in a few wypipo in and out at a time after building a wall around america
whenever i get mad i scream at my dogs in nazi
>race isn't real
>but white supremacy is
>What should I have done?
Stated that this is factually untrue, and asked for your money back. This is insane that this is being taught as fact.
Get your tuition money refunded and enroll in a school that isnt commie indoc. If you have the physicality for it id suggest trades. In the usa at least its good money once you pass apprenticeship. Also its wide open employment wise. The worker shortage allows tradesmen to charge top dollar.
Specialize. Dont be a general laborer, be a plumber, electrician, welder, finnish carpenter etc.