I'm going to post this picture, and instead of expecting a rational discussion to take place, I will insert any of the following statements (take that Sup Forums, Sup Forums BTFO, well Sup Forums?, defend against this you can't, ect) below to derail the topic and create a low hanging fruit for Sup Forums to take. This will indicate to the posters that I mean the exact opposite of my statement, and argue against the OP picture and denounce decenting opinions as shill, re(bb)it, and bot until the thread becomes 404'd from mod removal or being bumped off the catalog.
I'm going to post this picture, and instead of expecting a rational discussion to take place...
Other urls found in this thread:
I live in OH and it makes sense. Weed relieves pain (certain strains anyway) and does it safer than Opioids. You can just get addicted to smoking weed though, but it won't kill you
you sound like a reasonable human being
right but you wont betray everyone you know and burn everything around you from weed like opioids.
Idiots overdose on painkillers.
The lethal dose always stays the same. Their body just keeps needing more pills to feel them, and they don't realize that your tolerance from continued use doesn't raise the lethal dose. Really, it's just Darwinism in a pill.
>be American
>pay taxes
>overall good citizen
>go to jail for smoking weed.
Fucking statists bootlicking faggot niggers
but, we WANT these losers dead. now what?
If your not giving weed to 10 year old kids I don't give a shit, and as long as the inside of Wal-Mart still smells like a native dudes vomit instead of weed you can do whatever you want.
Good thing this is happening in Denver then:
>Denver heroin users could use supervised injection site if proposal passes multiple hurdles
Hey, at least you still have a chance. Addicts are already shooting up in Vancouver.
Instead of posting a cogent argument for or against your opening picture or simply insulting the op, I will attempt to derail the thread by posting a completely irrelevant and orthogonal to the topic image, encouraging anons to ignore the OP completely and participate in the new topic.
Anyone who responds to this will get banned
> implying there is something bad about the picture
nah you will just be a giant faggot
I don't really have a problem with this. The Sackler's will burn in hell.
Weed is a good supplement for other painkillers, but any kind of substance abuse should be gently discouraged on a social level.
By making others feel uncomfortable with themselves for doing it, they'll no longer want to do it. The number of counter-culture actors who will participate in it will be at a minimal due to it not being a strong abstinence but subtle guidance.
In an ideal society, all drugs would be legal but nobody would use them for any reason but curiosity in a new experience and necessity. Addiction would not exist.
Not a surprising statistic. I am in recover for alcohol, so I pass by plenty of other addicts. This is just confirmation to me that most people perscribed pain pills shouldn't be on them. IF allowing an addict to move to another drug saves a life, great. It is VERY dangerous living as an addict. Anything can quickly become too much. I have lost plenty of friends already to drugs. Though I find pot harmless, It can also be abused.
I don't think there is enough evidence to correlate however. There has been a HUGE national push for education about opiates. Doctors are more aware of what they perscribe, and the duration.
This could just be the effect of a positive ad campaign and making sure that addicts are getting help. There is no correlation between pot and Overdose deaths avoided. Making that distinction allows for others with stats to make all sorts of claims about Piracy and Global warming.
Actually tolerance does raise the lethal dose. Please don't talk when you don't know what you're talking about.
There isn't, that's why I posted it.
because you screwed your life up qualifies you to give everyone life advice. ok
>This could just be the effect of a positive ad campaign
it's because dopeheads just wanna get stoned
>huffshit without an archive
yea, but there's a intoxicated driving deaths rose by 32%, and total accidental deaths rose by 46%. overall death rates rose by 29%, which offset the 25%decrease in opiate deaths and actually those states had more deaths overall
opioid addiction is FAR greater than weed addiction
>heals nothing
I guess chronic pain and emotional suffering aren't a thing. Also link the source that shows weed has ties to cancer
Bottom line weed is for fucking LOSERS!
“B-but I’m alive becuz I smoked weed instead of taking pills! Sup Forums BTFO!”
Yes, you’re alive and are a barely functioning retard because weed destroyed your brain!
Forget booze.
is this bait or just murican ?
Also weed causes straight up death, good to know.
Said the man to a bunch of people on the internet he'll never meet.
I mean I'm a looser too user but at least in about to go get baked with my friends. What are you doing tonight?
Here in TN people still think its safer to take pills despite the amount of ODs. Weed is almost too taboo to even be considered for legal status. We had a senator try to pass a bill for medical but the other lawmakers were too scared. They would rather pass a gas tax than legalize and tax marijuana
What happened Colorado bros? When did your state go from god-tier to this degenerate trash?
Forget flower
A fucking leaf!
So your doing nothing tonight? If invite you but as you mentioned i live in Canada.
Wasn't a big drug guy my whole life, the occasional beer and whiskey, tried the devils cabbage in Collage 1 or 2 times nothing really wowed me about it. Then when I was 25 an older guy I work with started downing pain killers like candy after a bad arm break, it fucked his life up real hard, nearly lost his wife, home, life the whole nine. When he cleaned up he still was in massive pain from time to time so his doctor gave him medical pot despite knowing the problems with pills. To be honest we all thought he would slip right off but the thing is he got better he stopped drinking, went back to church and patched things up with his wife and kids. Now I know you fucks don't care about others opinions but I'm all for legalized pot seeing the (positive) effect it can have.
Cannabis and mushroom saved me from opiate addiction and alcoholism, it also replaced ALL of the meds I would need to treat PTSD from getting raped when I was a kid. Productivity went up so much I'm about to buy a house and have only been drunk once in the last 5 years. I lost a fuck ton of weight and have found peace of mind. I also watched TGSNT while high and it brought me here. Heil.
FACT: there is nothing marijuana helps that there isnt something else that helps better with less side effects
ALL long-term marijuana smokers ever studied had signs of early onset alziemers.... yes, EVERY SINGLE PERSON
marijuana DOES NOT help with epilapsy. placebos work just as good or better than marijuana. look at the peer reviews faggots
>inb4 34 dogs
there have been over a dozen studies like this 1 that found the same thing.
I've read through these and they aren't nearly as bad as your claims.
>ruining ur brain, heart, eyes, and muscles isnt that bad
you obviously smoke weed and arent able to understand the studies or access risk properly because your brain is rotten.
Plus a lot of that applies to kids.
Can we see the stats for motor vehicle accidents in the same states during the same time period?
100% false. almost none of it applies to kids. your a stupid junky who just doesnt want to admit u been lied to about weed. ur a fool. go ahead and keep doing it. ignore the 1 about alzheimers
I'm in Lawton where you at? Guy or girl?
yea weed addiction makes you really really cringey
>emotional suffering
just drink liquor or grow a pair you fucking faggot
republicans can't win elections without opiode addicts, that's why they fight so hard against it. Even Trump hasn't done a thing to fight opiode addictions, just makes statements and doesn't follow through. That's his base.
i can tell from person experience that weed both helped with my sleep problems and pains that no medicine i got prescribed. no after-effect either like with the pills. but its illegal so i cant use what would be a much better alternative.
Chronic pain isn't a thing.
and dems can't win without dudeweedbros and crack addicts.
>America is addicted to drugs
Not news so, your point???
try looking at one of the 4 traffic death studies i posted before junky
weeds bad and cures nothing
absolutely nothing
aspirin is better and has less side effects
Get your card, bro.
you are a retard. it's common for people to overdose after prolonged abstinence because they take their old dosage. but their body has a lowered tolerance, so the same does they used to take will now kill them.
>cures nothing
that's the lie that bothers me most
If you just wanna get high, okay then at least nut up and say so.
kill yourself reddit scum
I tutor students in A&P. Half of you links are dead or behind memberships you don't have and the other half are from "the guardian". Most of these studies deal with "addiction" not brain damage.
"More ambiguously, in regular pot smokers, that region is better connected than it is in non-users"
Drugs and weed are bad mmkay.
>proceeds to take opioid painkllers an booze.
Afghanistan US military presence and opium production rising why?
>I smoke some weed to take the pain out
>And if I wasn't high I'd probably try to blow my brains out.
nice strawman. it is primarily used as a form of pain relief, no one other than delusional stoners claim it cures cancer
How do we know they all smoked?
they didn't. but if there was a major decline following legal weed (while there was no decline in other states) it is reasonable to assume that it contributed significantly to the decline in overdoses.
you can't afford weed and painkillers
I'm willing to bet that decrease in painkiller deaths is more than offset by the increase in marijuana deaths. Get fucked junkie.
.... ever met someone with epilepsy? like in real life. cause ive known like 4. 3 of them got on cbd treatments. all 3 no longer have major attacks, it usually comes at night time when asleep and is no where near as violent. literally no other drug did anything to help except make their lives worse
poor people don't pay for painkillers. in fact, the bottom of the bottom get way better medical care than even middle class americans
ok so im in favour of weed. but with all this money in favour of weed, who the fuck has the money to support weed against these fuckers? how has it been ingrained so heavily into pop culture with all these companies trying to squash it
cbd oils can really help with epilepsy.
it's more about convince. this is by and large, the biggest factor in anything people buy
>to get pills need to know a dealer
>need to be willing to put up with their dumb bullshit of only being able to make deals late at night, or in very obvious/shady public settings that always make you feel like the cops are about to roll up
>can get easily ripped off or over charged, nothing you can do about it if you have no other source
or just go into a store, pick which of many difference kinds you, pay money, get exactly what you want for a reasonably price, am done.
this is not true at all. try reading the thread. i debunked this. placebos work better than weed for epilepsy, dummy. weed sux and you spread fake news lies. that was from a per-trial study, but was found to be false upon further investigation
see this
>marijuana DOES NOT help with epilapsy. placebos work just as good or better than marijuana. look at the peer reviews faggots
>inb4 34 dogs
>there have been over a dozen studies like this 1 that found the same thing.
Opiate use is huge in the US, regardless of pot legality.
>More than 1 in 3 Americans prescribed opioids in 2015
Hollleeee Fuck. Duerte and China knew what to do with opium dealers.
lel, youre a joke. i bet your life is pathetic
Okay but the problem is stoners are gigantic annoying faggots that I can't fucking stand.
>implying Sup Forums doesn't smoke moar
>t. stoner dropout gaymer
W-what was the file?
bunch of 2d fatties
There are scientific, peer reviewed journals that state global warming isn't happening, but the scientific community still laughs at them.
quite a leap you've made here. the study concludes that there is a positive effect seen using placebos. that does not mean cbd (which wasn't even tested) doesn't work. do you believe that every single epilepsy drug is a fraud?
cause ur doing the kikes work if you want weed to spread. weed is terrible and there's plenty of info out there to show it is true. the only people who want weed to be legal is kike lovers or kike puppets, like rappers, nigger fucking whores, pineapple express kikes, and just junky degenerates in general. no objective person can say weed is good for you in any medical sense. the very few things weed can help(all things placebos also work well on) can be helped with other drugs that have less side effects than weed, so its useless as a drug medicinally, its terrible for your body and terrible for your brain. worse than opiates mentally. physically its worse than opiates too, but the addiction of opiates is so much stronger so in that sense where it stops you from living life, opiates are worse, but only in that sense. also, only about 1/6 of opiate addicts are non-functional. the rest seem to be normal functioning people and youd never know if you didnt do drugs. weed on the other hand is very noticeble in 4/5 users.
>100% false. almost none of it applies to kids. your a stupid junky who just doesnt want to admit u been lied to about weed. ur a fool. go ahead and keep doing it. ignore the 1 about alzheimers
I only see one fool in this thread, and it's the faggot who changed his flag to a meme flag after his first post. Always gotta be one of these niggers in the weed thread, and when they have 100 randomly chosen articles to shitpost that they haven't even read, I question the authenticity. Basically, you're a shill pharma nigger.
>this is not true at all. try reading the thread. i debunked this. placebos work better than weed for epilepsy, dummy. weed sux and you spread fake news lies. that was from a per-trial study, but was found to be false upon further investigation
>pic related
That doesn't sound that bad, i was expecting something like child porn or something.
Good job, pharma shill. You learned the language of Sup Forums well enough to try and construct a shitty buzzword-filled rant in favor of your product. Yet in the end, you claim that opiates aren't as physically and mentally harmful for you as weed. For that, you are retarded, and I hope Bayer sees this and fires you first thing in the morning.
>the study
>not understanding what inb4 means
>being this bad at reading comprehension or this new
as i said, there's over a dozen studies and i linked almost all of them in this thread as i also mentions and linked to other replies, dipshit
>not understanding how green text works
ive provided over 50 peer reviewed studies
you've provided nothing but jew trained indoctrination junky soapbox rhetoric
go away newfag and leave the frog here when you split
I don't know where the whole weed relieves pain shit comes from. It's never been remotely effective for relieving pain for me. There was a new study that found acetaminophen with ibuprofen was just as effective as opioids in reducing pain in numerous patients. I don't see why you'd toss out tried and true non opioid pain relief agents in favor of poorly controlled addictive (go fuck yourself if you seriously think regular weed use isn't addictive ) agents like weed that have dubious medical uses (outside of increasing hunger).
Did you know that weed affects your digestive system, and can actually cause a variety of health issues if used chronically? Probably not, because most potheads just want to get high and stay positive, man.
>ive provided over 50 peer reviewed studies
Jesus Christ pharma shill, who are you related to that got you this job?
>jew trained indoctrination junky soapbox rhetoric
Nice buzzword salad, pharma nigger. Too bad the only Jewish trained indoctrination going on here is the pharma nigger saying "good goy, spend more shekels on my drugs. Weed is bad."
notice how none of these people who reply to me, say anything but fallacies, without ever addressingthe data in real terms. they're all new here and shouldn't even be posting. this is why pol is ruined. intellectually dishonest 1/2 liberal phagits larping on pol. read the pinned 1st post in pol and use every fallacy in the book
[pic related]
i'm anti all drugs. ur using kike argu tactics by projecting and crying as if ur a victim of some conspiracy.
>dailymail did articles on the studies. every daily mail link is followed up with a link, in greentext somewhere in the reply, to the actual study the article is talking about. try again shilldog
>i'm anti all drugs. ur using kike argu tactics by projecting and crying as if ur a victim of some conspiracy.
Yet you type like you're in the middle of a Molly binge, pharma nigger. Sorry, you already blew your cover when you claimed that opiates weren't as addicting as pot. The only people who say that are retards and shills, and the only thing keeping me from saying you're just a retard is that someone provided you with a ton of links to articles you, as I said before, never bothered to read.
There was a new study that found acetaminophen with ibuprofen was just as effective as opioids in reducing pain in numerous patients.
Bullshit. You ever been in surgery? In chronic pain? THC has 20X the effect of an asprin
Trump should legalize weed under the provision that the taxes earned should go towards the construction of the wall. Double fuck Mexico.
>not understanding how green text works
Pharma nigger, you crack me up.