These threads are for the discussion of current happenings, politics, or practically anything going on inside of WA state.

Previous threads:
>Anons reporting in
>Everett being cucked
>Frenchfag considering to move into Washington
>Seattle being a shallow shithole
>Generally, work prospects throughout all of Washington
>Hiding power levels
>Where to go if you want to be around white Republicans
>Rent/Economics in general
>user found out where Seattle mayor lives, tempted to send dragon dildos
>Seattle being a shithole
>Discussion about seattlefags whining about Seattle but never leaving
>Tweakers/Bicycle Tweakers
>Mukilteo and Asians
>non-whites in general
>Washington culture and personality in general
>Gun laws
>Weed, meth, drugs in general
>Refugee resettlement
And much more

This has nothing to do with Cams or Meetups.

Other urls found in this thread:




Last bump

How is the state for permaculture/homesteading? What's the most comfy part?

North west depending on the area

I lived in Bellingham for two years, I worked for the largest cannabis growers in the county. Most everything is niggerfied, Asian, Mexicans, Whites all bro fag nigger wannabes, hordes of homeless people shooting dope in public and no one gives a fuck. Less than 1% vacancy and you can't have a dog. Shitty food, no sunlight, and an ever increasing influx of niggers. I moved because 80% of the people would let a muslim refugee fuck their GF for a tallboy or a joint. I got tired of watching Sikhs walk around acting like Wa was India, nice people but they are too avaricious and are trying to take over, they all want to be Tupac and act like Jews. The weather is nice, and coffee.

Please enjoy this picture of the 1999 WTO protests kicking off.

Sure has changed quite a bit around here since then.

I say fuck it, I'm from Eastern Washington and we are all tired of the crazy liberals from Seattle dictating every single law in Olympia. I say let's seceded and join Idaho once it for all

Just saw some bright lights illuminate the sky over the area south of Seattle


Olympia reporting in.
I am bbqing chicken.

SeaTac reporting in and I want to fucking die everday.


Not gonna lie, I'm gonna feel bad for all these new homeless folks in a month when winter hits

Kitsap county and sequim\port orchard area is really nice. Tacoma stay away from.

There's too many of them anyway, having to ride the bus through 3rd in downtown seattle is depressing, so much ghetto 3rd world shit all hangin around outside mc donalds and 7-11, sometimes with their children listening to gansta rap and dealing drugs.

Your sothern neighbor reporting in

Isn't Idaho being flooded with Muslims? I'd say just try to do like NorCal and Southern Oregon and form your own state with Northern Idaho (no Boise)/Eastern Montana.


Western Montana my bad

Don't forget to support the Northwest Front, Anons!


There's almost no homeless people around in Spokane. Gets too harsh in winter for them to survive that way

>tfw Everett
I just want NW Front to happen to save us.
Right on cue.

I always thought we should take the rockies its the most defensible

Stop selling real estate to the Chinese.
Investigate collusion between Chinese-owned realtors and Chinese investors.
Investigate price fixing among Chinese companies with offices in your state (all of them operate as components of the Chinese government, and should be treated as invading agencies).
Deport anyone who does not speak English.

Gotta have coastline.

The PNW is more defensible anyway. Only a handful of passes to cover

425 reporting in.
Comfy indoors during this beautiful weather we've been having

I'm Mexican living in the tri cities area. I hate Seattle because of the crazy hippie liberals living there. I want a conservative state with conservative ideas. I don't support the northwest front movement but I do agree that we need to bring values,respect and the rule of law to Washington. Im all for seccesion and join a conservative state like Montana or idaho.

Better leave before we put General Order 4 into effect.

Shoreline checking in!

Anyone here in Pullman? Working on my PhD is quite lonely :|

I have heard many Chinese buying up property in the US do not live in the houses they buy, and do not understand the concept of "squatter's rights". Might be interesting to see a bunch of people taking advantage of this. In fact, someone should let all of the homeless folks in Seattle and Bellingham know about this...

I lived in Wa for two years and moved away because it was too liberal. I never met anyone who was even remotely close to feeling the same way i did. Nigger lovers everywhere, I never heard anything other than rap music. !)k people are needed to make NWF viable on the coast.

I have not seen a single homeless person in Pullman. There's no money to beg for here.

Washington suffers under the tyranny of the King. The state is nothing more than a fiefdom for Seattle and it's only going to get worst as more refugees from California continue to flood the Puget Sound area

A lot fewer are needed than you realize. The shitlibs in Seattle and Portland are basically in echo boxes.

Once they start getting shot they'll shut up and fall in line or flee in terror.

I know that feel. It'll happen, and we'll put an end to the tweaker menace once and for all.

Have faith

I know rap is bad but i hate rock so i listen to it

And you relly think pepole can say what they believe without getting attacked

>weedshops on every fucking corner
>mexicans FUCKING EVERYWHERE now, multiplying like fucking rabbits, never speaking english
>chinese and flips/asians all over the fucking Bay areas
>casinos fucking everywhere
>Homeless almost as bad as mexicans in big citties
>Politicians all cucked
>degeneratebehavior surpass weimar tier degeneracy
>mixed race couples everywhere
>single mothers EVERYWHERE
>Bay area sucking taxes and state revenue because of illegals and homeless

At least rural communities are plentiful and based.

I'm starting to fucking hate this state.

No, they can't. The shitlibs' days are numbered.

Why the fuck does Point Roberts exist?

Wenatchee regional airport just started a non stop flight to SFO. If we don't act soon they'll take the easy side and all will be lost.

To hide all the people in witness protection. No joke

Sounds like California

There's a great concept album loosely based on the riots called "Someone, Somewhere" by the songwriter Robert Roth. He led a band in the 90's with former Soundgarden and Screaming Trees members. My favorite album.

Yes, answer is stop enabling their behavior. If you're truly sad to see it you have to force them to leave a situation that is otherwise "comfy enough".

>start getting shot
There will be no shots, quit larping, you are poison

Yakima reporting in.


Bellevue checking in my friends. Anyone here remember a thread a couple days ago about suspicious pedo-related things around Seattle? I'm too retarded to find it and it seemed notable. Was there ever a follow up to that?

reporting in from the refugee resettlement zone of

i visited washington in august, ama.
i enjoyed driving to mt rainier most, seattle is boring.
>tfw legal weed

E. Wash here too
>Fuck King Co
>Liberal Cucks are infecting this beautiful state

Des Moines here. Nigs and spics slowly invading.

God damn weed is everywhere. I live in tumwater and I swear half the people I meet are stoned, even the kids. I don’t know if this is necessarily a bad thing but cmon it just became a lot

I grew up there. Hows life, user?

Is it true that the Natives are waiting for a moment to start scalping in Yakima?

I dread going to Kent. But I must do my grocery shopping at WinCo

There's plenty of money in Pullman. Just not enough population density. Schweitzer, and 2 universities.

I've lived in Bellingham since 2003. This is accurate. It wasn't quite so bad until around 2008 or so. Its like a mini-Seattle but none of the good things.

Let me guess, you like in little mehico, aka Pasco?

I'm in Pullman for college

You rang?

Based Yakima Valley checking in (somehow not Mexican though)

Seattle in the summertime is basically perfect.
How was the weather compared to Australia?

>i enjoyed driving to mt rainier most

Mt. Rainier is pretty based. Last time I went I saw a few black bears including one that crossed the trail right behind me, I was probably less than 30 feet from it.

How was the weed compared to Aussie shit?

That's why I pack a .44 every time I go to Mt. Ranier.

I'm looking to move within a ~40min drive from UW, any suggestions? This puts me as far North as Everett, or as far South as Sea-Tac, approximately.

Lol no. Besides, there is only a small entrance to Yakima from the rez.

Howdy, neighbor

ive heard nothing of the sort. Ive worked minor shitty medical jobs here and there the past 4 years and all the indians ive seen are welfare queens/bus creeps

Yakima here, the dispensaries are nice, but there are tons of sand niggers here in head shops and pharmacies.

i drove from vegas which was australia tier hot, seattle was a nice change.
didn't see any bears.

australians have no fucking idea how strong american weed is.
cheap too, in oregon i actually paid $2 for a gram of weed, but i wish the edible limit was higher than 100mg.

My work is piled higher and deeper every day. And I may be visiting Richland soon for a research-related trip...

What's your major?

Haha 'King' county I get it


Well at least it's not Sunnyside.


Criminal Justice

Vashon Island is alright. It's got plenty of the hippie shit, but it lacks the crime of Seattle because it's surrounded by a moat that you have to pay money to cross. Great if you want to be near Seattle but have a more rural refuge from the bullshit.

seattle (uptown) checking in


just out of curiosity, what's the Sup Forums rationale for why liberal shithole seattle has amazing economic growth that vastly outpaces conservative rural republican areas of the state?

Why go to UW? Also a 1 bed apartment within 40 of us is gonna be at least 1200 a month with no utilities. The commute south to us is god awefull traffic. I was happy when I got to do 13 mph on the 405. Seriously. Think of something else.

>Implying Des Moines hasn't always been a niggertown

Lol, within 40 mins? You should probably live within a 2 mile radius. Or take midnight classes.

Grant county once again the cheapest county to live in. How does the rest of the state even compete?

Simple, the Greater Seattle area is home to 10 Fortune 500 companies. Most of the local companies in this area rely on B2B opportunities provided by these major corporations.

whats the sweet spot these days - close enough to seattle so you dont kys out of boredom but far enough away that its mostly white and not as pozzed?

Moses Lake here,anyone wanna kill some fucking coke dealers? We would be appreciative. Also, Asian bitches.

I'm more asking why is all that corporate activity is located in shithole seattle instead of corporate paradise conservative areas instead?

Amazon. And not much else.

Doesn't take much else to make numbers on a spreadsheet look fantastic.

That's why I want to be 40 minutes away. My upper limit is like $700/mo, I'll have roommates for sure. It's temporary, I'll only be living there for a year, for a training program of sorts.

Actually I have an option in Redmond but was wanting to avoid the toll bridge. Oh well.

Turns out when the government buys your shit that was built upon the back of workers for the past couple decades, it makes you rich.

There are plenty of rich businesses in the agricultural market that make rural areas worth something. Milne, wineries (in Yakima Valley), Beer Warehouses, power plants, Grand Coulee Dam (might be one of the most important), and plenty of other industries are nothing to scoff at.

Problem is when you go up against the second silicon valley in the technical age, and an airlplane company that was essentially uplifted by WWII, you can't really compare. They can afford to fuck up their area without losing business, because the workers they'll want will already have high paying jobs anyways. So the poor people get fucked, and suck dick to let it keep happening.

Capitol Hill reporting in.

My apartment was Robbed the night of Trump's election last year.

Fun fact: I worked a temp job for a transportation company who needed their database scrubbed. I called every company in their database to confirm our records were up to date, and learned that Seattle is being gutted atm, nearly every Seattle company had relocated to Kent.

Yup checking in from Pullman also. Get tired of all the liberal rhetoric yet? President Schulz is the worst university president I’ve seen in a long while.

High rate of non vaxxers on Vashon. Good thing too, just cut off ferry service in the case of an outbreak.

President Cuck Schulz

Oregonfag here.
Fuck off, we're full.

Also,Anyone wanna explain why Moses gets overlooked when he have fuckin Genie Guckenhiemer and Mitsubishi Aero division?

that's fine

>President Schultz

I go to an extension, not the main University (did a few semesters in Pullman though)

It's a fucking hellhole, but I loved it too

There were so many people and businesses I loved, at the same time I got preached to by every fucking teacher every goddamn day.

Bet they're not happy that the diversity and arts programs got cut. Get fucked.

well the city just added that income tax.

You can bet a bunch of companys will flee to Bellevue or Suburbs to avoid the tax. Good thing the State Supreme Court will probably vote it down - WA State is not supposed to have income tax and State Gov trumps Muni.

Bellevue reporting in, the homeless are starting to spill over into this area, the homeless pop in Seattle has done nothing but grow because of all the free hand outs, couple that with another property tax increase to give to..."homeless vets, old people, and vulnerable citizens"

>yeah well we have the Grand Coulee dam and wine

please, let's not pretend

>I don't want to work hard to get good at a job that's high-paying

poor people benefit through democratic means (i.e., voting and institutions like government, the courts) by extracting community value from these economic engines. Poor people only get fucked if they're stupid and don't demand anything in return (i.e., conservative poors)

J. "Vulnerable population" means persons or communities that are susceptible to
reduced health, housing, financial or social stability outcomes because of current
experience of or historical exposure to trauma, violence, poverty, isolation, bias, racism, stigma, discrimination, disability or chronic illness.
Examples of vulnerable populations include, but are not limited to survivors of domestic violence; survivors of sexual assault; survivors of human trafficking, including labor trafficking and sex trafficking; survivors of commercial sexual exploitation; persons who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or intersex; persons with a disability; African Americans and other persons of color"

International trade

Both the Port of Seattle and Tacoma are major gateways of trade with Asia. It's only natural that corporations want to be where the actions at.

This literally just passed with flying colors.

King County
Proposition No. 1
Levy Lid Lift for Veterans, Seniors and Vulnerable Populations

The King County Council passed Ordinance 18555 concerning funding for veterans, seniors and vulnerable populations. If approved, this proposition would replace an expiring levy and fund capital facilities and regional health and human services for veterans and military servicemembers and their families, seniors and their caregivers, and vulnerable populations. It would authorize an additional property tax for six years beginning with a 2017 rate of $0.10 per $1,000 of assessed valuation for collection in 2018. The first year levy amount would be the base for computing annual increases up to 3.5% for collection in 2019 through 2023, as provided in Ordinance 18555. Should this proposition be?