Allright assholes you just went too far. And don't feign ignorance, I have seen the memes you've been making of the ugly half nigger chubby kid.
Allright assholes you just went too far. And don't feign ignorance, I have seen the memes you've been making of the ugly half nigger chubby kid.
Literally who is that?
Why would you bully that kid though? He is just a kid, how low are you to stoop to that level?
The Stranger Things little merchant.
>countdown until it turns out that they've been sexually abusing these kids
I'll act surprised when it comes out.
This shitty thread is the first time I've seen anything about this kid on Sup Forums. I've never even seen the show either, but I'm assuming it is pretty fucking gay since you made a thread like this about it.
He is talking about this shit.
>ifunny watermark
This is more serious than I initially thought.
no one knows which is why OP the faggot decided to shitpost, this thread is guaranteed 300 replies
Fucking Ifunny.
I would rather get memes from the Libtard hellhole known as Tumblr. At least you can use those against. With Ifunny, anything it touches is permanently contaminated.
idolatry is wrong, such practices will be destryed because jesus christ said so, fuck all (((celebs))) regardless of age they are corrupting kids and turning them into (((hollywood))) fodder
Is that kid the new maise williams getting his feelings all hurt by memes
This really cant be what this is about.
If he's as sensitive as the tweet in the OP suggests he obviously doesn't browse Sup Forums. Unless those memes made it to Twitter/Instagram.
Chubby lisp kid was the best kid on that show, by far.
Sure it’s not about the redhead being forced to kiss the nog?
I saw someone from the FGC repost the little snake brown boy. I don’t even watch the show and recognized it. They’re definitely circulating
Yeah, he was the funniest. The pic still makes me laugh though. This one too.
>this is a 10/10 in Britain
There is only room for one frog in pol please take your pedobait frog Jew ass back to tv