Donna Brazile just announced that she’s ready for Michelle Obama for president!
The plan unfolds.
Donna Brazile is just as guilty as every fucking democuck
This kills the democRATs
How is Michelle Obama possibly the best candidate of all eligible 250,000,000 Americans any more so than Hillary Clinton was? Dynasties are anethema to American republican democracy.
So what? She was ready for Hillary for president.
meme ready bring it
Donna Brazile was instrumental in the entire process....fucking TWICE! She was there as interim chair of the DNC when Kaine "stepped down" and let Debbie Wasserman Schults take over, which is when Hillary fully dug her claws in....then ol Donna was there AGAIN as inerim chair when crooked Debbie had to step down.
Talk about your useful idiot!
What has Michele done though? Been the wife of a President? How did that work out for Hillary?
Christ I'm not watching a half hour to find 2 seconds of clip WHAT TIME DOES SHE SAY YOU ENORMOUS FAGGOT
Yes, lets elect more trannys.
I thought they wanted a female president?
Who would be his running mate?
Michael revolutionised school meals too
She dodges all of his questions, with more skill than the usual politician. Never directly addresses that democrats are shitting on her and her book, never calls them out for lying.
To be fair, Hillary did a little more than just that. She also lost an election against all odds and had a whole lot of people killed, both by accident and on purpose.
katlen jenner
Well at least Hillary still has a chance at being the first woman president
24 min in is the best part
Senpai. Look at the state of this. If she fails at looking after school dinners, a basic thing that most mothers by nature, know how to fix, just imagine how badly she'd fuck up the states
Donna Brazile is a sleazy politician but she feels the wind is turning against the Clintons so she's getting out of there. I mean, cmon, Donna was the one who handed Hillary debate questions ahead of time which got her booted off her media job. And yeah, shit, HIS NAME WAS SETH RICH but she dinno nuffin with that she just felt great shame over what she suspected Hillary and Hillary's cronies Debbie Wasser-Schultz and Podesta did to that intern and did to Bernie's campaign because he was a good ol' white boy he marched with MLK during Civil Rights protests.
tbf hillary had a resume of being a new york senator and a secretary of state and was much more involved in the white as flotus. she had presidential intentions while flotus and planned her run for 10+ years and was rekt twice that's why it's so funny really. michael hasn't done shit tho.
Ironally she probably has more of a chance. At least Michelle is somewhat attractive, fashionable and likeables for normies
The recent elections of the trannies makes sense now, they're gearing up for "michelle."
>Michelle is somewhat attractive
Michelle would still get BTFO by Trump. She'd get the black vote but no one is going to vote for a woman. Plus Trump would gain so much ammunition with Obama.
Trump wins in 2020. That is a fact.
First tranny president
she tried to convince the Dems to replace Hillary with Joe Biden after Hillary fainted on 9/11. If they would have listened to her they could have won
>no one is going to vote for a woman
Are you serious? The liberals are dying to vote a woman in out of virtue and emotion.
Black + Woman + probably will finally come out a tranny + wife of Obama (every loser's hero) will probably beat Trump because most people vote on virtue and feelings alone.
>when the democrats run the wife of the previous democrat president AGAIN
This was a very heavy rumor that after Hilary fell down on 9/11 they thought about replacing her with Michelle(Mike)
All you'd have to do is post school lunches.
Saw that coming, seven years away.
Nobody could have guessed.
Wow. This is unexpected news.
Good for her. Gotta keep our seniors sharp and spry with hopes and dreams. Most women her age usually just turn to church though... at least there's a community of other people who also believe what you believe at church.
Yeah because all black are stupid.
Will vote Mike 2020
Only liberals virtue signal and in case you forgot, liberal democrats lost the presidency, senate and congress during the 2016 election, almost as if there are actually more people who don't virtue signal and love a spirited candidate rather than some screaming retarded woman who think's she's capable of presidency for no reason other than having a duplicate X chromosome like some mental handicapped mongoloid.
You're gonna have to deal with literally never another democrat president again, and old white presidents until the day you die. It's kind of sad how delusional the dem party is that they still don't realize just how badly they fucked up in 2016. If politics were texas hold'em, you basically rode the river with pocket twos and now everyone is looking at you like maybe no one ever explained the game to you but they appreciate you loading the pot.