Are you still a true supporter of Liberty, Sup Forums?
Rand Paul
user pls. don't ask dumb questions.
I stand with these milkers with Rand.
Good guy Rand
>stops to get some dollar menu McD's
>gets a fat stack of free cups for the office to save the american taxpayers some coin
What does supporting liberty have to do with Ayn Paul?
A cunt who is a son of a cunt. The cunt that wrecked the Libertarian party.
>be rand
>be manlet
>neighbor Chad wishes to complain about the state of your yard
>ride off on beta toy tractor cause what is Chad gonna do
>Chad wrecks you off your gay toy tractor
>immediately enter safety ball and hope for the best
>Chad picks you up and throws you
>Chad does it again
>Chad kicks you in the lung and winks at your wife
Let me tell you about this man. Only Senator to vote against Comey being confirmed as FBI Director, one of two Senators to vote against bullshit Russia sanctions election interference bill. This is a good man not a worker for Putin as McCain called him, a worker for the people.
>double double
based randlet
No. Only white men of good character deserve liberty. Women and brown people should never have been given rights.
>not a single post about his 10 broken ribs
How do we get back at the faggot who hurt this man.
dude got all kinds of fucked 5 broken rib and bruised lung
>doesn't read thread
and this is why Sup Forums is garbage now
This is true though. Too bad he was too much of a butthurt faggot to get in with Trump and get appointed secretary of treasury or something where he could do some real good.
no i've abandoned it. lost cause.
some judge will probably let him go for "Trump derangement syndrome"
Libertarianism promotes degeneracy. Your notion of freedom is simply a stepping stone into widespread decadence.
Is that a cup of Newport 100s?! DOPE!
Based Rand
>civic nationalism
No thanks, I'm not a Libertarian retard.
Liberty is being free from Jewish debt slavery, not encouraging it.
The only thing I'm a supporter of is fresh memes
Libertarianism leads promotes degeneracy. Freedom is just a stepping stone into widespread decadence.
I stand with Rand
Not a big fan of lolbertarianism, still feel bad for him being mobbed in his garden tho
So you screencapped your own posts. Who gives a fuck? Only a retard would think he was this important.
U.S.A. U.S.A.
Lol the beans on his plate look big because rand is so small
I sure hope he gets better. Rand's a good man.
He's lived a privileged comfortable life. You have no reason to feel bad.
>gets BTFO'd on his own front lawn by chad
>5 ribs broken
>sent to hospital in tears
>land of the free
Are Americans human?
>assault is okay because they aren't poor
Fuck off faggot
Liberty plus progress = degeneracy. USA however supposedly values its Liberty.
There is literally nothing wrong with usury, you stormstooge. After all, even your Hitler's beloved "economic miracle" couldn't happen if he didn't outright lie to bankers about paying off the debt later.
I've just noticed how much Aiden Gillen looks like Rand Paul
>you aren't free if a person has the ability to decide to attack you
it's ok because manlets who won't fight back deserve to be bullied
This I was working on it, but got sidetracked and then 12 hr shifts...
>t. retarded Libertarian who can't read
Check the date on those posts, user. Also note it's
1: Not from Sup Forums
2: There are no (You)s.
Not that I would expect Libertarians to read.
>giving money to Jews
Truly the AnCap economy will be sustainable and not end up the way the U.S has.
Yes but Rand Paul is a disappointment to his father.
Trump hasn't stopped any degeneracy either.
They didn't have debt, retard. Only retarded Americans believe a sovereign state needs to borrow money from private banks.
Because Trump is a worthless faggot who doesn't have the balls to upset the establishment.
Yes, let's blame usury when the very problem inherent in the economic system is that banks aren't willing to raise rates, and the Federal Reserve is artificially suppressing them with the might of the State backing it and preventing people from walking off and using some other currency, like gold. Only in your topsy-turvey world is this an action of usury.
In that case, maybe they shouldn't have kept borrowing from people and printing money like crazy to try and stave off economic collapse.
>Walking in DC
>Spots Rand Paul
>Walks over to talk to him
>I see him on the phone and slowly walk away looking over his shoulder
>Good guy Rand recognizes I want to talk to him and hangs up
>Sits down at lunch to talk economics with Rand Paul
>Trump hasn't stopped any degeneracy either.
Let's see....
>Record busts of pedos all of a sudden coming out under trump.
>Trump launches fight against opioid epidemic.
>Trump encourages pro-life platfrom.
Seriously, wtf are you shills talking about. Trump is literally /ourguy/.
>be me
>walking in DC
>spots Rand Paul
>walks over to him
>pretend like im gonna hit him but not really lol
>rand immediately assumes the fetal position
>begins crying
>rand starts screaming for me to stop hurting him
>tells me he's sorry
>literally never touched the guy
>attempt to tell him it's ok
>he starts choking on his saliva and can't breath
>has convulsions
>call 9/11
>cops get there first
>tell them i didn't hurt Randlet
>cops tell me not to worry because it happens all the time
Or this- Rand says
I'm not saying the Federal Reserve has no part in the situation we're in, just that usury plays a large role in people being exploited by Kikes. AnCaps and Libertarians just assume that the free market will fix everything ever, and that is simply not the case. If you don't actually make policies preventing Jews from gaining power and immigrating non-whites, they will find a way.
of course
Faggot the party wrecked itself
There's no way our Congress would approve libertarian economic policies
A double double double???????
>t. The Everyday SJW
>All debt is a Jewish trick
>Hey how do I finance this business idea I have?
If you don't have things in place that allow Jews to gain power - such as the State - then there's no problem in the first place. This also goes for the Whites/Other races - who are in much, much greater supply than Jews - who follow similar suicidal ideologies.
Ask yourself this: What happened to freedom of association, and the freedom to not associate? It was squashed under the boot of the State. What if that boot simply did not exist? You're free to argue about how sustainable that mode of thinking is, and discuss the possibility of a State invading such an area, but that's a different discussion.
Faggot he's one of the few Patriots in politics
>all debt
>If you don't have things in place that allow Jews to gain power - such as the State - then there's no problem in the first place.
With banks and media, they'll find a way, even without a government. All it takes is one to start corrupting everything. In any case, under AnCap, they are free to import as many shitskins as they see fit. There is absolutely nothing you can do about it if this happens. The only chance is to take a strong stance against them with a government actually able to enforce the policies it proposes. Having a strong government is inherently European, look at the monarchies of ages past that have been anti-Jew and have kicked them out. Conversely, "free" countries have only welcomed them in.
And "strong government" doesn't equal "anti free-market", just so you know.
>With banks and media, they'll find a way, even without a government
Oh, okay. I guess that's why they don't try to continue keeping the Federal Reserve as the sole issuer of legal tender in the United States, and why they support the FCC strangling startups with licenses.
> In any case, under AnCap, they are free to import as many shitskins as they see fit. There is absolutely nothing you can do about it if this happens
Freedom of association? What kind of community am I in? Is this one of those nebulous hypercapitalist dystopias where nobody can ever possibly think about anything other than maximizing profits(which importing massive quantities of impoverished foreigners, believe it or not, is counterinutitive to the stated motive)? This is a nonsense statement.
>The only chance is to take a strong stance against them with a government actually able to enforce the policies it proposes.
Yes, I'm sure a bloated state like the US is perfectly capable of enforcing the policies it proposes. It certainly couldn't be done better by private associations like absolutely everything else, oh no.
>Having a strong government is inherently European, look at the monarchies of ages past that have been anti-Jew and have kicked them out.
I'd rather look at how many monarchies there were, and how many of them were very small states that competed with neighboring princes. This lead to low taxes and low State power. Plus, in ages past it was said outright that neither the King nor the Pope had any actual claim on someone's money. Hardly the mark of strong government, wouldn't you say?
>And "strong government" doesn't equal "anti free-market", just so you know.
I'm going to have to ask this: Is this one of those things where we're conflating governance with statehood? Because you don't need the latter to have the former.
Mirin those boots
>Oh, okay. I guess that's why they don't try to continue keeping the Federal Reserve as the sole issuer of legal tender in the United States, and why they support the FCC strangling startups with licenses.
Whatever is traded the most, they will try to control.
>Freedom of association? What kind of community am I in? Is this one of those nebulous hypercapitalist dystopias where nobody can ever possibly think about anything other than maximizing profits(which importing massive quantities of impoverished foreigners, believe it or not, is counterinutitive to the stated motive)? This is a nonsense statement.
Why don't you join an AnCap community now? There aren't any. The same can be said if the AnCap society has rules you don't like, or does as I described. Just because something is possible doesn't mean it will happen.
>Yes, I'm sure a bloated state like the US is perfectly capable of enforcing the policies it proposes. It certainly couldn't be done better by private associations like absolutely everything else, oh no.
I don't support shitty, faux democratic states like the U.S. Leaving it to "private associations" is a shaky plan when there is no guarantee it will work on such a grand scale.
Even if a McArmies existed, the quality probably wouldn't be very good unless you pay a lot.
>I'd rather look at how many monarchies there were, and how many of them were very small states that competed with neighboring princes. This lead to low taxes and low State power. Plus, in ages past it was said outright that neither the King nor the Pope had any actual claim on someone's money. Hardly the mark of strong government, wouldn't you say?
Like I said, strong government doesn't mean there aren't free markets and competition. It just means that policy can be enforced.
>Because you don't need the latter to have the former.
You do if you want it to last more than a year or two without chaos and infighting. If you have no way to enforce authority, then it's over.