Give me your best arguments against atheism and prepare to get debunked


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Athiesm is Jewry.

If God isn't real, then how did Jesus walk on water?

The material world is jewry.

>meme flag

Believing in an absence of something (or in science) is still belief in something, and thus as foolish as zealot religious types worshipping a jew on a stick or a kiddy diddling sandnigger. Atheism, like Nihilism, is inherently self-defeating.

Nihilism: Nothing has value, but Nihilism has value to you if you value it, thus it is untrue.

Atheism: God is replaced with the word Science, so you can be smug AND as insufferable as traditional religious zealots. You claim to believe in nothing, yet you believe that Science holds all the answers (hence, using the scientific method constantly to prove things, as your dogma dictates). That is not believing in nothing, that is believing in a higher source than yourself that will provide answers when you need them so that you can feel content and safe.

Czechmate, fucko.

Atheists are emotionally stunted retards who are too insecure to admit that there may just be some limitations to what they know, so they then therefore make up a bunch of mumbo jumbo about the origins of the universe and pretend like they are always the smartest people in the room instead of realizing that they're nothing more than total losers with a delusional sense of grandeur.

*tips fedora*

Atheism is literally living your life without a belief in God. While not inherently bad, many western Atheists simply do not live a spiritual life at all. They have no overarching beliefs or codes to base their life on, besides what they think is best for themselves, which is highly subjective and changes year to year. You will need to be a highly motivated individual to get past this lack of structure in your life.
Besides that, many religions provide a way for individuals in a community to get together and socialize outside of work/school. It keeps communities together and can form a safety net for many, while also contributing to others in need. While there are Atheist charity groups, few receive widespread funding, and the ones that do are secular charities, that are not tied to a church or religious group.
Atheism provides no outside connection to a community of people inherently. You often need to go out of your way to meet up with other atheists, by either attending a conference or by socializing online(Which, while you can make friendships online, extensive online interaction can still lead to loneliness and isolation).

In conclusion, unless you're a highly motivated, highly social, goal oriented person with a strong initial sense of morals and ethics, Atheism offers you little compared to simply joining your local church mass. If you're a depressed, lonely man, with no sense of connection to his community and who is struggling with his sense of right and wrong, the last thing you need is to further isolate yourself from your community, while joining a quasi-personality cult of self-righteous cunts who think they're smarter than everyone.

Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ Λόγος, kαὶ ὁ Λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν Θεόν, kαὶ Θεὸς ἦν ὁ Λόγος.

You can't be moral without being religious

But you can't rationally back up that morality, if you're an atheist morality and immorality are just equally-legitimate choices

Every atheist I've ever met has been a disgusting degenerate. Family and faith should always be the most important parts of a person's life.

Wtf I'm Islamic now.

It misses the point of religion. Do you need a police office for stupid people to obey laws? Then you also need a god for stupid people to adhere to morals.

Few humans posses the ability to hold their own moral compass. You can't expect everyone to be capable of doing it without the "fear of god" keeping them straight when nobody is watching.

>If god isn't real then what did the 70,000+ people who see at the miracle of the sun during the last event of our lady of fatima? Considering that many government officials and reporters at the event were atheist and soon transferred
>why did the prophecies given to the children by the Virgin Mary become fulfilled as the Virgin Mary said over the next 25-100 years?


Fuck I meant what did they see shit I can't type



>one post by this id

>1 post by this ID

Slide thread.

There you go.

>But you can't rationally back up that morality, if you're an atheist morality and immorality are just equally-legitimate choices

That's only if you forget that the system of morals we express are largely homogeneous between populations of humans and the only way that behavior arose in the first place is through natural selection. So then we can infer that whatever the majority considers a moral action is also a benefit to survival, on average.

Thus we see stuff like the ten commandments that basically spells out how to not get killed in a society of people with poor impulse control.

It's not like we didn't also evolve the capacity to tell stories for a reason. Maybe that's how we impart wisdom to posterity. you're supposed to emulate what the characters did, not debate over whether or not they ever actually did them.

God ain't real

This is true but doesn't really have anything to do with whether atheism is true or not

You have a lack of belief in a higher being and no doubt even less self awareness. sage

Does this help?

Most people are retards and desperately need an imaginary sky wizard to keep them from fucking around.

This. The psychology of it has little to do with evidence or lack thereof.

It's just nihilism plus cringe.

The only evidence athiests have is how shittily written the bible is. They can disprove Christian God, but they can't prove beyond a doubt that a god doesn't exist.

It breeds nihilism



Religion and morals keep people in line and give them something to live for. Society is better off with blissful ignorant people than soulless, moral less zombies

If we live in a purely material world our thoughts must be the processes of matter -- its configuration, its motion -- and subject to its laws. Yet our day-to-day experience of the world -- through the same faculties through which we build the material hypothesis -- reveals an apparent ability to choose.

Why is that? If the materialist hypothesis is true then my assertion of will and your debunking of it are equally absurd, since both are the mere configuration of atoms posturing as truth. So I can be clever by disbelieving it if it's true, but only an automaton if it is false, while you can be at best an automaton if it is true and at worst a fool if you are wrong.

Because you can't disprove a negative.
It's Russell's teapot.

Without a divine authority, atheists tend to be easily divided and conquered. It's their biggest and most exploitable flaw as a group.

You use the laws of logic for this conversation, but how do you account for them in an atheistic worldview? The laws of logic are not conventional or sociological. I would say the laws of logic have
a transcendental necessity about them. They are universal; they are invariant, and they are
not material in nature. And if they are not that, then I'd like to know, in an atheist universe,
how it is possible to have laws in the first place. And secondly, how it is possible to justify
those laws?

Pseudo-intellectual faggot you can disprove a negative you don't know what the fuck you're talking about

So even though you can't disprove god you choose to believe god doesn't exist?

yes you can

Many are arrogant


Also, evolution is kikery

science is a better tool to know whats happening in the world than belief in god.

Science doesn't necessarily replace god either.

Atheism is just not believing in a... GOD. tardo

is darkmatter2525 /ourguy/?

Prove the universe isn't a computer simulation

It's fucking gay.

well i cant disprove there arent aliens secretly piloting our future, so i guess i should believe in that too.

The bible isn't a shittily written philosophical or (worse) scientific argument for god, it's theological and chronological, the struggle of men to comprehend the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the divine through changing time and circumstance.

This groundedness doesn't detract but augments.

>nothing to do with atheism
>meme flag
nice bait

Having a mythology that your population follows is good for keeping tradition. Rebuke that atheist.

I'm sane and exceedingly rational and intelligent and I've seen otherworldly spirits and the souls of the dead with my own mind. I can feel the power of the spirit world.
Soullets like you just have no connection to eternity
Debunk that.

Infinite past time is impossible because the past is made up of actual moments, and an actual infinity is impossible. All scientific observations back this up and show a universe that is temporally and spacially finite.

You don't have to believe god exists, you just have to believe it could exist.

Hahah you're arguments are invalid you literally just demonstrated you don't actually know anything about science or math, how old are you? Any true scientist or mathematician knows nothing is certain until it can be proved/disproved, the fact you take a hard line stance on the issue highlights your ignorance

>1 post by this ID

Checked you minion of Satan. Aliens secretly piloting our future.

Actually its completly to do with atheism.
If the Universe is a computer simulation, there would have to be a programmer.
That programmer is a higher power that created the universe and controls what happens. i.e. God.

Atheism is a leap of faith just as Christianity, Buddism, etc. is. Some people choose to have faith in an everlasting afterlife. Some choose to have faith that there is no God and we all come to nothing. Atheists tend to be dicks, not because of their belief in nothing, but because they tend to never shut up about it. "Hey Frank, want to you want for lunch?" "Well, Todd, as a confirmed atheist, I thought I'd get a burger." Atheists are worse than evangelicals. They constantly bring up their cult of nihilism because they are looking for you to join.

I dont believe in the god of an organized religion but I do believe its not as atheists commonly describe it: random tv static in the dark that will dissipate meaninglessly. I believe in the possibility of a higher metaphysical structure that goes beyond what we have the biological ability to percieve. Like how alien the human experience would appear to a microscopic organism, the same could be applied to us.

A single cellular organism is a hugely complex machine. How does that derive from random chemical interactions? According to your logic, there should be an Apple ][ floating in outer space somewhere, because an Apple ][ would be even less complicated than a single celled organism. I mean there should be fucking vehicles floating in outer space right fucking now that appeared spontaneously from random chemical interactions.

Atheism btfo.

How do you account for the laws of logic in an atheistic worldview? I want to know how you can account for these immaterial laws in an atheistic universe. You can't! YOU ARE BORROWING FROM MY WORLDVIEW! You are a joke. How does the atheist account for the laws of logic? My worldview allows for this because it reflects the mind of its creator. The laws of logic cannot be accounted for in a materialistic universe and proves that without God, you cannot prove anything.

OP absolutely blown the fuck out. Screencapping for posterity.

how are these threads not deleted?

I believe you are both paedophiles. I have no evidence for this claim, after all this is an anonymous imageboard.

Prove you aren't paedophiles.

OP absolutely blown the fuck out. Saved for posterity

Some people believe this. That we are conscious agents interacting with a simulation. Fits well with substance dualism I think. God makes the material world and our souls interact with it.

Wow. OP blown away.


I can't prove or disprove my paedophilia, just like you can't prove or disprove god.

What came into existence first, the chicken or the egg?

You actually can prove your paedophilia

Reported to the FBI for being a paedophile.


I like to ask atheists whether they only believe in things that can be proven by science. When they respond "yes" it is BTFO time because it's a self-refuting statement. Ask them to prove scientifically that they only believe what science can prove. Then watch the confused look take over.

Spot on.

there is no social framework that promotes ingroup members in atheism.

atheism itself as a social group became a non starter as soon as athiesm+ and elevatorgate became a thing, destroying any potential it had to create a politcal platform that would serve its ingroup members

atheism as a group has failed and will continue to fail until the fracturing elements are expunged.

>1 post by this ID

Something has to be uncaused, but it can't be the material world because the material world exists in time, and infinite past time is impossible. The Creator must be timeless.

>Atheists are emotionally stunted retards who are too insecure to admit that there may just be some limitations to what they know, so they then therefore make up a bunch of mumbo jumbo about the origins of the universe and pretend like they are always the smartest people in the room instead of realizing that they're nothing more than total losers with a delusional sense of grandeur.
You literally just described theists. Personally I'm an atheist because I don't see any proof of any specific religion. I don't claim to know how the world works, but I can still see through some bullshit.

How do you prove or disprove an attraction to underaged children?

kiddie diddling and paedophilia are two different things.

Justify the laws of logic in your worldview where immaterial things do not exist, as you use the laws of logic to explain that very thing. You can't. God is real because the contrary is impossible based on the laws of logic. These laws are self-proving and universal.

Science is the religion.
Scientists are the preachers.
You take what they say on FAITH while never doing the research yourself.
"Science deniers" get treated like infidels.

If you think science isn't constructed just like religion, you are willfully ignorant or blind to it.

Personally, i don't believe in the existence of a deity, and I'm very skeptical of science.

>haha you're
>you literally
>you dont know anything
>how old are you
nobody over 17 talks like that.
>you take a hard line stance on the issue
no i dont, im agnostic. but good job making assumptions to further your claim.
shhh dont tell anyone
but, that isnt atheism. thats a terrible analogy because atheists dont believe that. well some of them do, but most of them dont believe everything the Matrix movie suggests.

Cum in one

It has no soul. It completely dismisses an obvious spirituality that humans have had since we existed. Whether good is real or not or hours by this name or that is a moot point in my eyes. Atheist beliefs go against the very grain of how most people feel. It also neglects the obvious dualities in life that must exist. Night and day, good and evil, spirituality and science.

>atheism as a group has failed and will continue to fail until the fracturing elements are expunged
It will continue to fail because nobody can live with its implications

>but, that isnt atheism.
Did you even read what I said? I did't say it was atheism I said it would dissprove atheism if it was true.

religion is a pretty good way to control people. it's easier for authority figures if they can just make everyone police themselves, so they don't need to do as much policing

Because my sex junk,

You can cum in children without being a pedophile.


the implications are terrible but we can't shy away from them.

i feel if we could embrace them, we could become better as individuals...have a more rigorously bonded society.

I mean, our understanding of everything is just comparison and analogy. It makes sense we would eventually make something that is comparable to what reality is to what God made for us

>people shouldn't police their own bad habits
Pathetic loser

Why if you are forced to, like Tyrion Lannister would have been.
Here is a video on the Kalam cosmological argument. Everyone should take the time to research basic apologetic arguments like Kalam, the impossibility of infinite past time, anthropic coincidences, etc.