ITT tell us your edgiest political opinion
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We should have concentration camps for commies
There is nothing morally wrong with slavery
Government enforced eugenics programs.
you keep doing it wrong faggot
nothing, because edgy is a le meme
I believe that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards.
Richard Spencer is a commie faggot.
You are different from me therefore you must die.
People who refuse to be a productive member of society should receive no privileges or rights productive citizens have (including not being allowed to reproduce) and be removed from society entirely in extreme cases.
All government is a leeching wedge between landlord and tenant
Limited-liabilty corporations are a form of government protectionism. If a company is in debt, that debt should be collected from its shareholders.
What's up with blacks... are they really incapable of living and thriving in a civilized society, or are they victims of post war propaganda like whites?
Suicide should be treated as a natural right, and subsidized by the state.
And this.
I predict pic related for the rest of the thread.
trannies should get the gas, and the people who encouraged it get to starve
also, checked
Total aryan victory
The whole Earth
When we take power, we should make Duterte look like a bleeding-hear liberal.
The Jews should be paid reparations by every nation on Earth for not being able to inhabit their homeland for so long.
These too
also, checked
The cult of the family is the root of white genocide because it places reproduction in the hands of the free market. It's the government's job to step in and farm/raise enough of the next generation to make up for what citizens won't raise on their own.
I agree desu senpai
No federally subsidized college loans. Let the state universities crash and burn. Fuck the community colleges too. Fuck you college kids.
Immigration solves the European population problem. Do you think the state officials care about the skin color and customs of the population they govern?
Spoken like a true mensch!
Citizenship through enlistment and genital mutliation shouldn't be forced upon young boys.
Not very edgy, but I think that the only illegal drug should be weed. Any/most other drug/intoxicants will kill you if you abuse it or use it enough. It's natural selection. Weed just makes you lazy and detrimental to society.
Define productive you fucking socialist
Marxism is the worst threat humanity has ever faced, and should not only be banned, but stricken from history entirely. Any child in the future who finds a dusty copy of the drunk's ramblings should only ever think it's some inconsequential novel by an old, crazy man.
>Race being skin deep
Hurr durr
>Do you think the state officials care about the skin color and customs of the population they govern?
They obviously do, you treacherous, marxist piece of shit.
I don't think any one ideology works on its own for any meaningful amount of time.
Trans women are women.
We should give all nonwhites exactly one year to leave the United States or they will be sterilized. No one gets killed and we turn this beautiful country back into a white ethnostate.
Trans women are only women if they were born with out a Y chromosome.
However, I'll treat someone according to how they present themselves. If you wear a dress and wave your bleeding reverse-dick, I'm gonna call you sir. However, if you act like a normal member of society, I'll most likely address you in turn.
Prisoners of crimes like murder should be tortured.
We should commit to massive depopulation with the eventual goal of human extinction.
Trans women are fetishists.
Before the Holocaust all the high wealth / high IQ Ashkenazi Jews left. Hitler got all the gypsies.
The only reason Jews have a high average IQ is because of the most successful eugenics program in modern history.
The argument has always been transhumanists against everyone else. Man can make itself a god, but only the one. If balance is to be had the world needs a Superman and for everyone else to stay the same. Otherwise there is no point and everyone might as well kill themselves.
I don't think there should be a vote, the vast majority of people are too retarded for that. There should be some kind of intellectual test among all the candidates and whoever scores highest gets the job.
All Kikes, Fags, and Niggers must Swing.
How am I a marxist by asking you a question? The leaders of a republic or an empire want voters or supporters, no matter else. They’ll campaign and rally with whichever group that can keep them in power. This is why politicians want the Latino vote in the US.
Jews have no right to exist within European and Western society, let alone dictate and govern it.
>The Taliban were the good guys
>Bin Laden had good intentions
>The Blasphemy Law is a remnant of the British Raj and not a part of Sharia
>America needs to die for true world peace to be achieved
>Pakistan should be a Caliphate
>Country Based Nationalism should be replaced by Muslim Nationalism
Eugenics seems like a breddy gud idea.
exterminate gangs, zero tolerance, police share info on gang members and convicted criminals, look the other way when citizens extract justice.
Really criminals should fear society, not the other way around.
All members of the LGBT community should be publicly executed
Why should I have to pay for you to kill yourself?
I completely agree.
Where did I say anything about race?
Blacks get screwed by the justice system
besides justice being served, it should be done as an incentive to not commit violent crime, you should not be able to live a comfortable life after taking someone elses.
if somebody killed your family member you should be able to look in their eyes and twist the knife as they painfully descend into hell.
bullying is fine. if the kid kills himself its only natural selection taking place.
People who are dependent on taxpayer money because they cannot provide for themselves should not have children, and it utterly baffles me that this is somehow controversial in any way
Eugenics and selective breeding should be mandated.
Retards are a burden.
Also commies should be treated the way they treat political dissidents, gulag.
Isn't what he said literally the opposite of socialism though?
>tell us your edgiest political opinion
I support abortion rights for women
If a woman wants to have a baby and she changes her mind after getting pregnant, she must have a right for an abortion
I support abortion rights for males
If a man wants a baby and gets a woman pregnant and then the man changes his mind, he should be able to force the woman to get an abortion and if she refuses to, the man has the right to hit the woman in the stomach with a baseball bat until the baby dies
All of a sudden feminists do NOT want equality
You shill for Marxist policy. Am I supposed to believe that you support Marxist policy, but are not a Marxist?
Unless, of course, you are ignorant. But I find that hard to believe. Trust me, as a European: State officials care about the skin colour and customs of the population they govern. And right now, they think it's too white, and too Western.
welfare should be replaced by private charities.
White people should have killed off the native populations of the lands they occupied.
Philosophy should be a required class for all students as a requirement for graduation from high school/primary school.
god and hope is only a part of our selves that wishes we were more important
To have a voluntary National Labour Service
Pick one among mine:
Genocide is justifiable.
Enforced eugenics should be law.
Deviation from tradition is severely punished.
Conscription for at least one year after finishing high school is a must.
Free Speech is bullshit.
I like.
Democracy is a shit tier meme form of government and monarchism, fascism, theocracy, and anarcho-capitalism would all work better
All non-white males should be sterilized at birth.
>have a bunch of retards who read philosophy and think they're experts
yeah nah i'm tired of seeing retards read a marcus aurelius quote and go around calling themselves stoics
>concentration camp for commies
it's necessary
fire up them helicopters
Women should not be allowed to vote, nor should they be allowed to work.
Prison ought to be replaced with the stocks, flogging, exile, outlawry, amputation, sexual slavery, public hanging, and POOR IMPULSE CONTROL tattoos.
If you do not have a disability, or you became handicapped doing something else other than serving your country, you do not deserve any sort of compensation from the government.
If you are a perfectly functional human beign (Does not include stupid shit like hurr im a nigger cant think) and you do not work or have any form of stable monthly income, or at the very least occupy your time as a student, then you should be forced to serve your country (i.e. military, navy, whatever).
No more fucking hobos infesting the street
Agree with almost all of these except for
>Deviation from tradition is severely punished.
I will go so far as to say the exact opposite. Clinging to tradition to deny services and practices that have been scientifically proven to be better should be severely punished.
>Eugenics is mandatory until such time that nature and biology are allowed to be unmolested by man
>6 years of National Service is mandatory to return the nation to true progress. later the length of active obligation can be reassessed
>Niggers & Jews, two sides of the same coin must return to Africa and the M.E. accordingly or become feed at Pig farms
>term limits are invoked allowing only 2 years in office
>Rothschilds and their lineage are hereby banned from planet Earth
>money will be made, distributed and valued by each state
>all states are hereby independent of Federal obligations. the US Federal government body is dissolved until all corruption and corrupt individuals are hanged by the neck and have been eaten by buzzards, worms and trees
it's a start
Conservatism is liberalism; albeit classical liberalism.
Classical liberalism is the descendant of philosophical liberalism, the Endarkenment, which is the descendant of theological liberalism, Protestantism.
Without Fr. Luther, there would be no Hobbes, and thus no Jefferson, and thus SJW or communist.
I like.
I am a radical centrist.
Homosexuality is sexual immorality. Indeed, the high rate of AIDS, pedophilia, orgies, etc among gays can easily be explained by sin begetting sin.
I'm a Strasserite. I believe in socialist nationalism. I want to establish a guild system and create white ethno state free of capitalism and communism.
I would definitely say that Roman philosophy would have to be touched upon but not necessarily Marcus Aurelius just thrown on at first. I would start at The Apology and The Republic and maaaaybe Politics before getting Marcus.
blacks should be thankful for slavery
>pick some cotton and get fed/ housed
>live in mud hut, kill food with sticks
pick one
There are shit genes and good genes among every racial gene pool. It doesn't matter if you race mix as long as you mate with someone with good genes.
It's better to have a mixed child with great looks and excellent health than an ugly little tyke who will struggle through their short and uninspired life.
Spanking is child abuse.
No the socialist ideal of statists like Stalin and Hitler is that all members of society should be given jobs or income and must be productive as sanctioned by the state. Being a consumer on a subsidized income could be defined as production. That’s the power of the state.
Death Camps for everyone under 110 IQ.
I support Depopulation, by any means necessary.
The physical race of a person doesn't matter, only their spiritual ancestry.
no fuck off you have a freedom to do anything you want as long as you dont negatively affect anybody. no welfare but if you dont do shit cos you made money 10 years ago go for it. "productive" by whose standard?
I actually think we should bring back vigilante justice and lynch mobs from time to time. I don't mean for racial shit, just crimes
most of pol is
You'd just shit up your military if you started conscripting hobos. They're addicts, crazies, and degenerates for the most part. Not the sort you want to hand a rocket launcher to.
Only native born married couples with children should be allowed to vote or hold office.
We should exterminate niggers and occupy Africa
Yes user, that's calle eugenics. Pure eugenics, mind you, not the racial crap most around here seem to prefer.
Problem with most obvious hobos is that they're crazy. That's why they're unable to take care of themselves in the first place. Though, certainly a stable environment would work better for them than a life on the street. Oh, and if you want to tackle hobos, you also want to tackle drugs. Many of them are addicted.
Is your IQ room temperature?
This I actually agree with 100%
a small group of people in each city could make such a difference.