Is she /our/ girl Sup Forums?

Is she /our/ girl Sup Forums?

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I think so

Sup Forums named her cat Meredith
She's /ourlass/

Jews hate anything beautiful

how far are we going to let jews go?

you all just sit on ass.

Id agree with aclu here if they weren't hypocritical kikes. Some blogger has the right to say stupid shit like Swift is a secret Nazi.

But the ACLU is trying to make it illegal to say Jews have a disproportionate power in media and politics.

> Taylor Swift is a secret Nazi who dog whistles to white supremacists
Free speech
> Jews have a secret cabal that wants to undermine and destroy white nations
Illegal hate speech

Rev up that litigation.

She won't let a filthy kike touch her.

Unironically this video is about the happening.

She's Jewish....
Hate to burst your bubble

There is no greater mark of quality than being attacked by a Jew
An ugly kike whore once called her Nazi Barbi

fuck off jidf

>ACLU will no longer defend hate groups that protest with firearms

I can't believe that I was actually a member of the ACLU a decade ago. I guess the right to bear arms is not a civil liberty

>There is no greater mark of quality than being attacked by a Jew

gtfo shlomo
nobodys buying your shit today

should be a huge story on the netwroks, buried

>Normies who don't know who Mossad is now associate them with Rapestein

Gurl yous betta be carful. Dez white nazies wantta get dat booty!

Yes, yes. Let her come to us. And when she will have nothing left to lose she will finally speak the truth.

>RWDS's begin disappearing some (((people))) who need a 'Come To Jesus'

this kind of turns me on.

>pol's aryan princess
>partially italian

Yeah I'm doing d&c. I need to get shekels too.

white acceptablists

Taylor Swift confirmed for pol waifu

>lyrics and music video
No evidence

Her silence on the matter is why she's guilty.


Why not spread the information that the ACLU should know when someone is defending white supremacists when they have also defended them.

i like this term