The future is apparently trannys, niggers, and nigger trannys
I want off this ride
The future is apparently trannys, niggers, and nigger trannys
I want off this ride
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Just let them keep outing themselves. It's because of them that white nationalism is on the rise.
Yah it's pretty annoying.
The most confusing thing to leftists would be a trans person who doesn't profile themselves as trans. Suddenly they'd be lambasted for not being diverse enough.
Oh, hey, remember when Trump was going to put people like this in camps? Because I distinctly recall claims from a year ago, right after the election, that America was going to 100% sure discriminate against people like this to the point where they wouldn't be sure of their lives.
Whatever happened to that?
They aren't the future, they're the END.
These people won't be able to maintain, improve, or sustain what the white man has built.
The demographic shift in the west will bring about a new dark age, one that humans may never get out of.
The world is finished if the White Man falls.
In the end just like how nigs continue their niggerdom no matter what percentage of the pop they are, whites will continue to shine no matter gross America's population becomes.
All we have to do, is redpill white people. Remember that when you try to be political activists. If you do at all. You just have to focus on convincing as much Whites that these people hate them and want to take over our society - and rule us. They will be tyrants. That's what the Brown America offers you. A system where the Criminals make rules they won't follow. Where the courts become stacked to a cultural relativistic view - creating kangaroo courts. That's the future they offer Whites. And they can run away from the facts, the data, the statistics all they want. But when push comes to shove - they won't out run their own creation. And we can all take some solace in that.
It's okay to be white.
Jesus Christ, I don't want the world to collapse and go back to fucking primitive savagery at the hands of these people.
For thousands of years the White Man has tried to control life, protect it and build civilization. Yeah, it's been bloody and violent but it has worked.
It built this advanced world we have today.
And now we have people who want to squander it, thinking the people born out of people who didn't build that vast White Man infrastructure can maintain it.
It's a gargantuan task. How the fuck did the previous generations of White Man let down their guard? How could they fall for this trap?
The job of fixing their fucking mistake will take the power of God.
But these are the trials that test the mettle of the White Man. Nothing was ever given to the White Man. He had to take it.
We'll conquer this demon of diversity and bring order back to the world.
If we can't beat the non-whites and drive them back to the depths of their hells, we have no business calling ourselves the White Man.
Pure delusion. This is no way to move forward... its just a false sense of security. What really happened is the demographics changed between 2014 and now and those seats were turning blue no matter what. The media chose to focus so hard on VA for exactly this reason.
I have to admit, it makes me really sad to see my once powerful party popping Champaign over winning a handful of local legislature seats in a blue state, especially after losing so many last year. We're not gonna make it, are we?
The liberals marched in pink pussy hats, and so everything is fine, now.
Fucking tell me about it
I want on this ride and I want it to keep going. I’m a trans woman Democrat. I’m white but I’m an ally to trans women of color and PoC.
I wish you guys would just leave SA and come to America and help fight our demographics war. Lol
>the future
Nah thats present day America. Quick my fellow non-Americans spam the 54% or whatever the fuck face it is.
>I’m a trans woman Democrat
Pfff I'm a crippled, obese, trans Muslim lesbian who identifies as a squirrel on days divisible by 3. Check your privilege shitlord
You're not even sane.
Just remember that the election yesterday went the way it did because of Richard Spencer and his merry pack of faggots with their tiki torch marches. It's not that I'm really against his philosophy but more how he conveys it.
At some point we are going to have to go full Atlas Shrugged. (It's a book) We will have to leave the non whites and the full Libtard whites who will not join us to their own devices. They will be their own downfall if they do not have our tax money, ingenuity, infrastructure, and organizational skills to support them. (Pretty much the plot of Atlas Shrugged)
Think about it. Without us they are fucked. Most Libs do not make the world turn. You have actors in Hollywood, college professors and teachers, politicians, writers/journalists/authors and that's their best. Most of them just sit around and collect welfare.
America is finished, it's time to say goodbye No amount of Ethno-Nationalist larping can save it. Trump has proven to do nothing for White Americans. Anyone who actually thinks he has done anything for us is a shill. His victory was nothing but the last gasping breath of white America. If you are white, prepare for your future as a hated minority. It's coming, faster than you dare to think
I'm just a nigger, what do I win?
The future is ugly as fucking Hell.
It may come to that
I don't think that's even enough to place in the oppression Olympics anymore
I think it would probably increase all of our chances at least. You guys wouldn't be entirely out of place here.
A rocket launcher.
this is what the average american politicians will look like in 2055
and it's beautiful
>The future is apparently trannys, niggers, and nigger trannys
>I want off this ride
What's your problem with this, hun? How does this affect you? How about you just get on with your own life instead of bitching about other people wanting to improve their status. Go and improve your own, fucking hater.
>Anyone who actually thinks he has done anything for us is a shill.
Hey leftypol, you guys not tired yet?
user. It's pic related. The meme is real I'm afraid.
>What's your problem with this, hun? How does this affect you? How about you just get on with your own life instead of bitching about other people wanting to improve their status. Go and improve your own, fucking hater.
It's funny, because if the left had just done that instead they wouldn't be in the pickle they're in now
Welcome to americzil or is it americo
We need new name for a new country
>Nigger loving South African dog
The amount Trump has accomplished for the future of White Americans is laughable. Hes a civic Nationalist, expecting anything from him is pointless.
yes, they will. the boomers that created this mess will die with their golden parachutes. the (((elites))) who caused this mess will fuck off to Israel, some private island, some underground bunker, or some space colony. Don't you realize they will never, ever pay for this. the only people who will pay for this are you, me, and our poor kids. it's all rigged to blow and they all have escape plans. once you take the black pill and accept your inevitable doom, you eek out as much joy as can from the drudgery of your life and then die.
way to go, Virginia!!
Virginia is dead
>the future is no white people
Really primed my peanuts
>Hes a civic Nationalist,
Were you expecting literally hitler? With the US as it is, any sort of nationalism is a godsend
How about just burning down the Huffpost instead?
>Huffington Post
Fuck there was a roman or greek saying I was going to quote but I can't remember it. About how progress is actually not but the end of a civilization.
Prophet pierce was right
A dirty nasty brown storm is rising in the West, but whites can survive and prosper during this century and beyond if we form a collective tribal identity as soon as possible. We may not be able to hold a majority in all Western countries, but if we can keep our culture and genetics on a trend of improvement for the next 100 years the white race will become immortal and rise above the ruins of the Jew nigger faggotry.
In the grand scheme of things, this election in itself isn't that important, but it is a warning of what could happen if we let are guard down. The right has gotten overconfident and sloppy. 2018 isn't going to be a cakewalk, the left still has plenty of fight in them.
They elected individuals from statistically the most self-destructive and incompetent demographics. And not only that, they were elected largely on superficial traits and group associations instead of qualifications and relevant job experience. Case in point, the tranny's first political position is his current one. Before that, he was a reporter for two local newspapers for 9 years. That's it. I'm not saying that only career politicians are suited for the role, but someone with political or administrative experience to run things. Not someone who spent 9 years writing about white privilege and safe spaces.
They just keep digging their own graves.
3/10 bait schlomo. try harder
>Any sort of nationalism is a godsend
I would expect that from a SA. Who atm is being butchers by niggers in his country. Nationalism is meaningless without the people who founded that nation and practiced it's culture.
White Americans are the only ones who got him elected, yet he still panders to shitskins. If you don't see that you're about as dumb as a redditor and deserve to get played. At this point in time, if you're not with us you're against us. Simple as that
It's painful to watch the slow decline and see your fellow whites cheer it on.
Whos the woman on left bottom? Shes kinda hot for her age.
You're on the same path as us leaf
>expects President to go full 1488
You really don't see why that's retarded? Whether it's right or not wouldn't matter, the GOP cucks would vote blindly against everything and he wouldn't be able to do anything. He isn't all powerful
>GOP cucks would vote blindly against everything
Kind of like they're doing now, huh?
No, the left are encouraging POC and minorities to step up. Instead, they think right wingers are going to let them down by discriminating against them, like right wingers do
Yes, except even worse
The hippy speaks the truth
People think the day of the rope is for nigs and kikes
It is really for the white traitors
What? I mean like, 10 years ago. Before they started screaming nazi at everyone right of Marx
>the future is apparently trannys, niggers, and nigger trannys
Don't worry user, white nationalism is on the rise to solve the nigger issue and trannies soon won't be part of the genome anymore
There is still a chance user we need
What kind of stupid/niggery will it take for DOTR to be a reality?
Huffington Post determined what Americans will look like in 2050
English or Boer descent?
Btw, I kind of want your take on how things are going in SA. Almost all the White Africans I know are redpilled as fuck, it it really that bad.
And its beautiful
You mean like holding them to the same standards as everyone else? Those evil bastards!
I saw the Tranny legislator give a television interview today.
He acted exactly how I'd expect a mentally ill man to act. I thought maybe I'd get surprised and he'd pretend to be professional but nope.
>Just let them keep outing themselves. It's because of them that white nationalism is on the rise.
They are forcing us into a corner and eventually we are going to strike back.
When whites aren't tolerant anymore, we will have WW3.
And it's because of white nationalists that leftists are on the rise. Overplay your hand and drive normies into the enemy's arms.
>The world is finished if the White Man falls.
No its not.
The Chinese will fuck everyone up when we are gone. There will be no UN without whites and that means no rights for shit skins.
They wont last a decade when Asians chimp out on them.
Lmao no. A lot of normies were "tired of both sides" after that fat bitch got splattered, but 0 right wing people suddenly decided they love globalism and hate white people.
The divide is getting wider, absolutely. But the rise of the white identity dwarfs anything else.
Yeah, totally on the rise. it's not like you have been BLOWN THE FUCK OUT or anything
I wanna watch that from Mars.
I would pay to see that
>70%+ are still white men
>post 8 niggers
This, say what you want about the chinks being souless, but they don't take shit from anyone.
Huffpoop's headlines are always the most adorable thing.
Chinks in general take no shit from the towelheads. Look at Myanmar. The Christcucks would be down on their knees again to lick their feet clean.
Leftists are on the rise because the media and post secondary education are conditioning people to think and feel a certain way by distorting facts.
Everything you just wrote applies to Trump.
Let them keep telling people that black is the future. It's all part of the plan.
Jewish oppression of white man gives us the perfect excuse to chimp out. It will make lots of whites chimp out in unity.
The white man has faced many worse threats in history than "racemixing globalist agenda" and there are hundreds of millions more white people in the world today than there were during some of europe's darkest of the dark ages.
Both whites and Jews think the jew is in control but really we are just letting the jew punch himself out on us which is causing the rank and file whitey to get steadily more angry and racist.
Very soon, whites will chimp out without sympathy or remorse for the jew or the dark man and they'll feel justified.
And remember: the "refugee" crisis and the enormous debt collapse that is coming to China, europe and the US is the trigger. It's LITERALLY the jews jewing too hard and collapsing the whole system. Which will inevitiably lead to anger, civil unrest, and... chimping out.
Anyone have a link to the documentary? I've seen a few of these webms, looks like the yellow pill is the red pill. I'd like to watch it.
What kinda rope do you want for your noose?
Called empire of dust. I'm sure you can find it with a little digging
where is this from? this looks interesting?
is it when china met africa?
Come on Nigel
You know what scares me the most about this?
That people don't realize the real race war will be whites vs cuckold whites, right vs left. Niggers won't bother supporting the leftists, mostly because they're too stupid to perform blunt trauma brain surgery and heal bullet and stab wounds, and it'll be just whites killing each other.
>You know what scares me the most about this?
>You know what give me a lefty blood lust boner about this?
saturns children will not inherit anything. the meekness is void in their soul. this was paid for.
Fuck shitskins they think they're bad ass because niggers are on TV in rented cars. Subhuman low IQ trash.
Literally the 56%-1% meme IRL
>we're still upset about Trump so let's elect a bunch of incompetent people, that will teach them
This is what an Alaska Native looks like now. this is what gets paid money to be a cultural benefit, and the taxpayers have to pay for this shit.
Exactly. Don't you remember the election and onwards? The number one drum they were banging was how Hillary was the most qualified candidate ever and how because Trump was "nothing" more than a reality tv star who's had zero political positions before, a vote for him would be a vote to doom the country.
Funny how easy they'll change their stance when it works out in their favour.
Aren't most journalists at Huffpost white?
We need to somehow combine this:
with this: and push it hard to both
A) Trigger the fuck out of shitskins
B) Make whites laugh at it, then feel guilty, then be glad that they're still white.
I laugh at this meme because I'm a 6'2" blonde guy with blue eyes but I imagine it's probably INSANELY triggering to your typical frizzy haired mulatto BLM activist. Huffpo's tile of images could be interchangeable with the Le 52% memes.
We need to hit white normies, especially white normie women with the idea that becoming less white = losing status, as that is everything to women.
Women can be convinced by retarded shit like,
>muh mocha colored babby
We need to replace the idea of that with an immediate loss of status. Shit like pic related is extremely effective at that.
they're kinda (((white)))
Yet another HuffPo headline that admits what we believe here is factual?