How do we stop our daughters from becoming sluts?
How do we stop our daughters from becoming sluts?
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stop with your kiddie porn fantasies and stop posting this shit.
Make zuckerberg transition into a woman
Don't let them watch TV
Fuck them so much they never want to have sex again
Fuck them to the point they hate sex, just like forcing your son to smoke the whole carton
Sup Forums-tier garbage
Sup Forums is dead
You don't retard. Its biology for them to want cock.
1) inform them how to not reply to faggot 1pitid threads
Simple. Be vocal and staunch in your distaste for unsavory loose women. Praise women who have strong morals and are traditional. Ensure you have children with a woman who embodies this.
She will have learned over time the value of being a good woman by your teachings and the example set by your wife.
But i want my daughter to be a slut. Not a slut as in a promiscuous slut, but her only job in life is to make love to her husband, who in return loves her and gives her everything she wants within reason.
Don't let them study on public schools
Don't live in big cities or at least teach them to avoid the degenaracy
never have a tv in your house and keep her away from niggers
send them to an all girls school.
By the time they graduate they'll be so socially awkward they'll barely be able to make conversation with a guy, let alone fuck multiple.
>her only job in life is to make love to her husband
That's not a slut. But women who save themselves for their husbands are so rare, you basically have to shelter her in a cocoon
No social media and don't let them go to public school or college or live apart from you. Marry them off to someone with prospects when they come of age. Take them to church more than once a week. It's all you can do.
You can't make anyone choose any life. But you can tilt the odds by raising them redpilled enough to see the bullshit (not 1488 enough to bring shit down upon your head though, for now).
Don't go to Comet Pizza in DC
a womans first love is her father, make it so that love never falters and she will be with someone like you when she grows older
the degeneration of western women is entirely mens fault, why respect the un-respectable
Try again for a boy
>send them to an all girls school.
Graduate of an all boys school here, knew plenty of girls from several all girls schools.
Sorry, nope. Sluts galore.
That's the best I can do is not be a shit father, and be a good example. Easier said than done though.
its the hardest thing you'll ever do but it's the most important thing you can do for your family, the country and the future of western civilisation
Teach them to hate sex so that you have no grandchildren.
wrong, if you teach your daughter to hate sex she will be extremely likely to become sex addicted, promiscuous and/or spiteful, women operate on their emotions and will do anything to hurt you if they feel it appropriate
Pussygrab them when they young.
wrong, this'll create daddy issues and she'll fuck everything she can get a hold of
Fuck. I'm being forced into fatherhood by a girl I've only known for a few months. (And yes I used contraception.)
Now I have to decide whether I stay and play pretend husband with a girl I despise for the next 20 years, for the good of the child (although I don't know how a pretend relationship with boiling resentment underneath will affect her) and work my ass off to keep us off welfare for the rest of my life.
Or I run and save my quality of life, finding someone I truly love and building a loving home for a child we decided to have together.
This, you shouldn't be forceful about it but be clear and articulate about why you don't like such amoral actions.
Be positive, introduce them to positive role models and try to shepherd them as best you can. The culture we live in makes it very hard as it's just the part of history we are in.
Get her to persuade her own relationship with Yah and Jesus Christ as well and introduce them to Christianity and add to the deeper, more complex aspects of biblical prophecies and other things that make studying these texts so interesting.
Be a positive force in her life, be a father and ensure she had role models in her life. Keep her away from Sup Forums
Absolutely nothing. Her mother and the rest of society will interfere with your efforts every step of the way. Like said, try again/hope for a boy.
This. Molested girls will go hyper-roastie and fuck anything with a heartbeat.
mgtow forever alone jaded virgin Sup Forums ---->
why did you fuck a girl you despise? hur dur she hawt n has pussy
Abort them.
Keep your pimp hand strong.
damn. I probably thought that because the one girl I know who went to an all girl's school is a sheltered little shut in.
It takes months to really get to know someone. I thought she was an innocent country girl, but I just found out she was completely degenerate, taking drugs and dicks like nothing.
Oh well, too late now. Guess I'm stuck with her for life if I want to give our child a real chance at life.
I'd fuck her Lil Pucci hard. HNNNNGGGG!
Be an actual good father. Everything that goes with that will prevent your daughters from becoming whores, and your sons from becoming faggots. Just fucking be a good father.
Not if she has a miscarriage. ;)
By having sons like a proper man
1. Be or become rich.
2. Marry them off young.
3. Threaten no inheritance if their marriage fails.
Risky business, that's life in jail where I'm from.
Sorry, "fails" should be in quotes.
Pay them attention/spend time with them /don't raise them to be princesses / teach them hard work /heritage /modesty /educate them.
Ready your daughter will become a decent human
What the other user said about being a strong father. Be an alpha father. No excuses, super strong, unabashed, fun, perfect. Call her out when she's being stupid but don't shame sex. Kids will counter rebel and be chaste.
Also bombard her with white propaganda like alpha white chads. Princes and kings,
story tales, that kind of stuff. You might not prevent her from fucking but you can at least guide her towards a strong white guy.
Buy them a horse.
Looking at almost every porn star this usually has the opposite effect.
I have a 4yo boy and we are due for a girl next year.
I'm a little freaked out but my son is pretty smart, nice, considerate and tough. I'm thinking I just need to raise my daughter the same way. No?
Had my son doing pull-ups on the end of the dinner table at 14 months.
Is there any drawback to raising my daughter just like my son?
This guy gets it.
That is a really tough situation you're in friend, does the mother understand the importance of raising a child too?
The more important question is how do we stop defective men from spreading their defective genes?
enroll her in martial arts as soon as she can walk and make sure she keeps at it until she's at least 18.
all I can think of is gender propoganda in schools, if she is raised like a boy she may be persuadable by the establishment propoganda into going full tranny degenerate
but honestly a daughter needs a firm but loving hand
sexual abuse is linked to hypersexuality developing later in life. i knew a girl like this.
I was thinking more soccer and violin personally. But martial arts aren't terrible I guess...I was in for a while, was boring.
forgot link
>our daughters
>thinking anyone here will be reproducing
Be a godly man, take your family to church, teach them strict Christian values, be a good father.
Idk, turn them into man hating feminist. I have no other answer besides showing them healthy appreciation as a father and not leaving them with daddy issues.
Change (((media))).
Be a good father. Be strict and disciplined, but not overly so. Teach her to hunt and shoot and make sure her mother teaches her to cook and make her learn music. Show her that university is about making a strong career, not something that has to be done. Discourage Art or other useless degrees.
And most importantly, give her a book, not a laptop. Kids spend too much time stuck in screens doing useless crap.
Leaf out
Hur dur huhn huh leaf shit post hur dur
I think this should help. I imagine it would curb tendency towards sympathizing with feminist views that are based on real and imagined fears of helplessness. Capable women tend not to sign on with the whole muh rape culture muh patriarchy mindset.
Be a father.
Literally just being fatherless causes it.
Source: all nigger women.
unironically child marriage before they can hop on the cock carousel. This is the only solution.
It starts with you and the mother of your children. The mutual love and respect shared between you. They way you two behave in public and in private. The stability as a couple you two provide. The kind words you say about each other.
Other families will provide the contrast. Your children will have friends who have single moms that smoke menthols.
Have rules. Not to be a tyrant. There's just boundaries. Build that same mutual respect with your children that you have with your wife. Foster an environment of you wanting to make each other proud.
Offer alternatives to the degeneracy blasting out of the television. Don't avoid expressing distaste for "black tv", as my father would say, so long as it's only to create a little flash of awareness and shame that's natural for any white cihld to feel after realizing he or she was watching sister sister or the steve harvey show.
Be there for her. Just as you would an employee, you choose how to approach someone who's fucking up. Instead of saying "hey, you're fucking up," how would someone react if you just said "hey, is everything all right?" "You want me to make an iced coffee?" Of course, if the fucking up continues after this, clearly a change of tactics is needed.
Being a good father, a lot of the time, is kind of contingent on having had one yourself. Or a father figure. Unsurprisingly, with that being established, everything else kind of falls into place.
>That is a really tough situation you're in friend, does the mother understand the importance of raising a child too?
Yeah she does, but she's afraid she will regret it if we take the adoption or abortion routes. Basically her feelings are more important than the child or me. The rest of our lives are being decided by a hormonal pregnant girl I just met.
This. Almost accidentally dated one of these, and she literally believed that she and I were lovers in a past life (reincarnation)... even though she admitted to me that she quit counting people she fucked after number 20.
stop trying to fuck them