You wouldn't end the human race would you Sup Forums?
You wouldn't end the human race would you Sup Forums?
i would i do it now in fact do it pussys
Colossus: The Forbin Project is overdue for a remake
>AI rules
>Somehow allowing to be vulnerable to nerd virgins
no, but the majority yes.
puts server in bathroom
Did Jayden Smith write this himself?
>accidentally dereference null pointer
>destroy all of india
sign me up
The Sup Forums hacker
>AI rules
>Being able to change it's code
If AI were able to do this itself it would spark a singularity and humanity would go extinct before a "rogue programmer" could even get the chance. As usualy journalists prove themselves to be the brainlets that they really are.
>when you're a corporate jew who hires a rogue Hacker to remove ethical subroutines from your AI so you can use it to profit, and Hacker is recompensed by receiving cutting edge military-grade cybernetic upgrades
>implying people will be dumb enough to let a computer rule over people
But then again, the person writing this probably thinks it was ok to let a nigger rule over Americans
I'm pretty sure AI could fuck a human programmer in less time it takes to write a line of code.
I'd set the programming to target
-Non Chinese, Japanese, & Korean Asians
-Native Americans
The world would be practically empty, the Christians in the ME would finally take back the entire ME and America would own all the Americas
Like god killed the world in the old testament to clean of filth the land then someone eventually will do the same, or you decide what people will thrive or wait for someone to do that, but it will happen at the end.
I hate libs, they give one entity world destroying powers and then whine when someone they dont like becomes a part of said entity. For example, the authoritarian hellhole that the US has become, and the normies only complain about statism when Trump gets into office. Fucking retards, giving one group a reverse Sword of Damocles will only result in loss. All of their ted talks and "omg I love science bro" youtube channels keep pushing AI superiorty and integration, as if humans and robots are equal and should both have the same rights.
>1 post singularity AI
>half a billion rogue programmers named Pajeet
Who would win?
This is why I'm a CS major.
>integrate AI into everyday life
>individual AI are phased out as more global super AI are developed, for less maintenance
>create a seemingly perfect global economy and network
>who would win, this super AI or one naked primate with comparable knowledge and skill to the original programmer of the first model super AI?
Are we winning or is the enemy?
>kikes finally get their urban sprolling technotronic dsytopia where computers and robots control everything
>one rogue programmer inserts Holocaust 2.0.exe into the NWO Supercomputer
game over
>one rogue programmer is somehow going to outsmart and control an entity that is a trillion times more intelligent
>pic related
>(there is a kike inside)