This might be better than the Ebola outbreak

This might be better than the Ebola outbreak.


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At this point i'll take it.

Anything for a happening, i'm bored as fuck

Good luck Peste-Chan!

just fucking wall off africa and let them all die, then use the land for something useful

literally nothing, just more sliding fake news.

they'll shut it down

but i bet you tards would be happy to see an out to your shitty lifes

As long as niggers die I'm ok with this

This is just the excuse Trump needs to close the borders.

is africa ever not ebolachan?

Were you not here for the Cult of Ebola-chan, when like half of Sup Forums was praying for their goddess to cleanse the world of life?

We are fucked, not only niggers, airborne strains usually evolve fast to infect birds, once that happens ....

>you have to spend lots of time outside and in contact with other people in order to get the plague

Well guys I guess we're going to inherit the earth. How should we hard reset?

6 months and it's barely spreading. Pretty disappointed honestly. It'll get quashed before it can do any real damage to the nogs.

Quick Merkel import millions more Africans

Close the fucking port.

It's been awhile desu. We haven't had a massive pandemic in 99 years

Oh who cares? Let the Eco terrorists die. Fuck em.

Thank you bubonichan.

NEET monarchy, the remaining ghouls work the fields for us

First world countries have a cure lmao only third-worlders get fucked

I'm still not tired of winning. Are you?!

Calling bullshit now.
Its going to fizzle except maybe in some retarded parts of nigrica where they dance with dead bodies.

Whites already dealt with the plague, nothing to worry about there.

Africa hates itself so much that wants to commit Sudoku

Guess some negro fucked something from beyond the bushes again, eh.

but it hasn't left Madagascar yet so why worry?

>the neet shall inherit the earth
nobody likes an i told you so but i did tell you so

This, and checked.

lol migration control is racist

I don't feel well, I better get on next plane with family and friends and village and town and fly to American !

You die with me bastards

Plague is kill with basic 1st world medical treatment. It's perfect. Any Madagascar anons have the ability to sends a few Typhoid Mary's to the Middle East?

>tfw it's mostly shitskins dying
I actually hope it kills lot of people, the world needs some depopulating so the wealth of the dead spreads to the still living who need it.

anyone want bubonic-chan?

Please be worse than Ebola

I'm not worried. I personally don't think it develop into a pandemic

Quick! Quarantine Africa! If this plague doesn't end the world, the bioweapon plague known as Africans will! They're a virus that now carries a virus!


Watch this only effect those 25% black or more. Can you imagine every black person, mulatto, and quadroon world wide dying in a half a year?


that's just cringe

we need a real qt to symbolize plague-chan

Damnit user meme responsibly

Good luck plague chan

This is it. We are done for.

>cleanse the world of life
Not all life, just human life. I remember. Pepperidge Farm remembers.

There's never been a better time to stay away from niggers or nigger lovers.

even second world countries laugh at this shit. Unless it mutates and becomes some super plague shit ain't happening anywhere where there's civilization.

HAHAHAHAH plague...good luck in Brazil, we already have beaten super HIV and super gonorrhea

As my grand-pa used to have to fuck the monkey raw dog to death before you put it in the soup

Oh, yeah I just checked and it is the Yersina Pestis bacteria, I thought it was an unknown airborne virus. Fucking media outlets always lying

one can only hope.

Look at


Call me sick but I really want this to happen.

I love you Peste-Chan!

No this is actually happening

if it is plague white people will come out slightly ahead since we're the descendants of people who had some inbuilt immunity from the last time if fucked Europe

Long live Peste-Chan!

O negative master race here. I'm immune so whatever.

Yeah I just saw this on Drudge myself.

I can only hope.

A plague is needed, even if it takes me with it.


yeah it looks like it's gonna be nothing after all

Does this mean that white people are immune from this disease? Kind of like sickle cell anemia and black people? Whites suffered the worst from the plague.

Africana dont have master race inherited immunity to plague. Its perfect.

>"I’m trying to control an outbreak, and you’re driving the monkey to the airport!"

There's this, but no one's done a cute anime girl version of the outfit.


>we thought it was "meek"
>but really
The NEET shall inherit the earth.

Another 4th of November

>devastating plague
>whites are more genetically resistant to it
>shitskins aren't
deus vult

Zombie apocalypse please

Not totally, but some are immune. But we'll probably send doctors to Africa to hand out antibiotics to the kind of "people" who smoke their HIV meds to get high. med resistant AIDSebolaplague soon stalker

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

not complaining about the artwork, just complaining about the character design. she looks like she was designed by some edgy 6th-grader.

As I understand it the White Devils are spreading the lie that rats and fleas are responsible for the disease. This is because they want people to die. In fact, rubbing your hair with a sick rat is the only actual way to PREVENT it.

please some nigger run to europe and spread it there

Ken digits for plague




Underrated as fuck.

i thought having sex with babies stopped it

man it's almost like they have a population problem

>This might be better than the Ebola outbreak.
They need to lock our borders NOW.

Heaven isn't too far away

It's kind of hard to avoid edgy when trying to portray bubonic plague.

Dear God... They didn't have time to close the ports!

If this ever gets real US and other countries will stop its passenger transit to/from Africa, which won't impact much anyway lmao.
Also, this is a great time to read Camus' The Plague anons.

it`s deadly if u are you remember the "statistics are racist" meme?
From what i read it usually begins in December and ends in April


whites shall re-inherit the earth

Trump nuke them please I know your in this thread

dressing up as a woman and cutting yo dick off also works

fear mongering bullshit, just like every other time, and a great opportunity to administer mind-altering drugs to the public en masse by running a huge campaign that everyone must be vaccinated because a nigger coughed in his straw hut somewhere in Africa

we are seeing the results of previous vaccinations today, from the anthrax scare on 9/11 in 2001

no because plague unfortunately has a treatment
while it is airborne which is a plus it can be treated

the marburg virus is making inroads in Uganda so there's always hope.

but if you nuke the niggers infected with ebola instead of let them in your country to enslave you then you loose

dead rat. the rad must be dead.

and be sure to kill all cats you see. they spread it by looking at you in the dark. SO, 2 easy steps; kill every cat, rub dead rats in your hair, groin and armpits. for even better results, put a magic circle of dead rats around you in your bed at night, to ward off any cats you missed (don't miss any, they are of devils)

How is O-negative immune?

Why does it matter though? Black Death is just bacterial. Antibiotics kill it.

I miss Ebola-Chan

what? it's spread to 10 countries at least

I have antibiotics and basic pest control and sanitation in my country, I am not concerned. I believe they meant Global*

*future Europeans and Canadians

>1111 (62%) were clinically classified as pneumonic plague
Plague getting digits