I want to purchase an Xbox One X to play in my spare time because whenever I get bored I either watch porn and masturbate or binge eat really unhealthy foods. I feel like Vidya would be a healthier hobby. But I am conflicted because I have made fun of all my friends who are still playing Vidya in their early 20s because of how degenerate it is. What do I do Sup Forums?
I want to purchase an Xbox One X to play in my spare time because whenever I get bored I either watch porn and...
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I play a lot of vidya I got an xbone as a gift a year or so ago and it's pretty nice I like being able to play from my bed if I want and you can use old xbox 360 games on it you just have to download them from the store.
I'd play some games on PC like mount and blade or minecraft (autistic af but if you've never played it it's fucking great) just to see what kinda games you like.
Just get it and tell them that you use it just to Watch movies and netflix. Simple
There are a couple friends from high school/college that I don’t see anymore, and we play vidya together mainly to keep in touch and talk about how life’s goin, really the game is moreso just an excuse to chat. I don’t really enjoy playing it on my own though, it’s kind of lonely
Minecraft is for 8 year olds.
It's inspired by dwarf fortress. Try that if you want a challenge. There are skin patches so it doesn't look like you are trying to play the matrix. Check out the lazy newb pack for a bunch of mods all bundled into a single easy to use interface.
>please think for me: the post
Exercise. Play vidya standing up.
I run 3 to 5 miles every other day. I clean up my house as part of exercise on the other days. I play a couple hours of vidya standing up and pacing only. Not allowed to sit. It limits me. Sometimes ill do balancing exercises while i play.
Vidya is better than porn.
Are you really not interested in other hobbies? Gaming is fine but don't let it turn into a lifestyle. I buy a few games a year at most and my gaming usually picks up around those times but mainly I stay off the Xbox or just use it for Netflix. Otherwise I would recommend getting into reading. Try working out too.
Get into drone racing. It's pretty much a video game in real life. You learn electronics skills, get outside, meet lots of other intelligent guys and make lots of new friends.
Using goggles it is totally immersive and it feels like you are the drone. Most fun I've ever had.
>caring what others think
baka kys faggot
Nah tried playing df before it's just too autistic for me I like rimworld though.
I don't play minecraft anymore but it was my shit when I was younger. I spent most of my free time in high school playing that and I regret nothing.
Go outside more. Exercise more. Eat healthier. Get more sunlight. Read more books cover-to-cover. Learn to play an instrument. Learn a useful lifeskill like carpentry or plumbing. Your problem isn't that you have excessive spare time, it's that you rack a disciprine and drive to Be More.
>because whenever I get bored I either watch porn and masturbate or binge eat really unhealthy foods.
Invest your time in productive hobbies, they are 100x more rewarding and engaging than video games ever will be.
I'm not trying to talk shit about vidya. I went to a ton of Lan parties in my teens and still play CS with my friends occasionally, but the reason I do is because we all moved away from another and it's a relaxing thing to do while catching up with what they are doing.
That being said, there are a lot of hobbies that can make you healthier and are more cognitively demanding than gaming while adding social experience and value to your life.
Some examples of great hobbies:
>join a sports club and compete
Doesn't matter if you are in high school, college or 65+, you will always find a club with your age bracket.
Also doesn't matter if it's a solo or team sport, just get active and compete.
>play an instrument
There are tons of resources online and a simple keyboard is ridiculously cheap to buy.
Think about how much fun it is to potentially play in a band with other musicians and how impressive that skill can be to other people
>learn to cook
It can save you a lot of money and make it easier to eat healthy.
>work out
Get a gym membership and instruction or just browse /fit/. Eat right and work hard.
I think working out is amazing because it gives you visual sight of your progress which can motivate you immensely and carry on to other aspects of your life.
Also the perception other people have of you will change drastically, after I got fit people suddenly saw me as a figure of authority and took me seriously.
>go camping/hunting, experience nature
It's an amazing thing to do with a group of friends.
Make a fire, grill, play music and talk about random shit while enjoying that you are out in the open.
Humans are not built to spend their entire life in concrete, you have to reconnect with nature from time to time.
last point sounds gay, but you will understand once you did it.
>healthier hobby.
For fucks sake. Go to the gym, go outside to run, do martial arts...
>What do I do Sup Forums?
Watch magical girl anime.
forgot to add one:
>Reading non-fiction
anything from history to science to political theory is valid and valuable.
It gives you a great foundation to have amazing conversations about other things than the weather.
Sounds awesome user!
This, I never exercised seriously for the first 20 years of my life (not fat, but did smoke). I hated running. If you force yourself to do it every 2 or 3 days, by the 10th time you will be in shape. After that, you'll actually start enjoying it. Dopamine releases, "runners high" or whatever that is.
buy a ps4 pro. better and cheaper
Sup Forumsand craft was a fun minecraft factions server, great banter, great factions, admins were cool. Disappeared though.
Good games for basic non-gaming thinker:
I went out of my way to get a playstation 3 and Last Of Us so I could play it. Worth it. Now I have to sell it, I'm mostly PC.
>This, I never exercised seriously for the first 20 years of my life
I was in the same situation, when I was 21 it hit me:"If I don't start working out now I'll never know what I'm capable of and by the time I'm 30 I will already start to regress."
I started rowing instead of running because I enjoyed the team aspect and the mix of strength and cardio you get with it.
I'm so glad I started doing it seriously, the first few sessions murdered me but afterwards you get into a groove and seeing those numbers slowly drop from session to session is absolutely amazing.
Work out at gym instead.
You must not want to play vidya if you're buying an xXxbonexXx. It's literally a $500 nogames brick. Go lift you lazy faggot. Sage for leaf being a leaf.
I use the rowing machine at my gym, it really works out a bunch of muscle groups. I like rowing outside, but it's not really a possibility where I live. Do you go on a river or what?
This, buy a ps4 in case you don't end up liking it
I do that as well
I use the erg (indoor rower) and do free weights (pretty much greyskull lp with higher volume) 2-3 times per week and go out on the water with my team twice per week.
>great thread with awesome discussion
>1 post by this ID
OP probably already left
I'd rather play vidya than do any of that bullshit, and I've done all of them and more multiple times
Go get a firearms licence and take up shooting, its a fun and rewarding hobby.
You will also spend so much money on guns and ammo that you wont be able to afford to play video games.
vidya is just as much of an unhealthy hobby.
>only eats shit and masturbates on spare time
>makes fun of 20 something year olds of playing vidya
>has to ask Sup Forums if he should get an xbox
you're a pathetic hypocrite. There's nothing wrong about playing vidya, but being a worthless faggot is bad for you and everyone around you.
Why risk video game addiction? Go see a shrink nigger
Thought of this .. kinda worried about failing the safety course and losing like 300$.
I still can't believe they actually called it that. What a complete lack of creativity