They finally did it
They finally did it
>advocate rape
Kinda sad. Instead of being a way to support males who didn't fit in the traditional masculine bubble and thus had a hard time with dating, it became infested by elements of the very thing they weren't accustomed to.
Also (((masculinity))) lulz
Incels are just nigger-tier cancer now and they're shitting up this board already.
>MGTOW fags get BTFO'd
>this is somehow bad
Reddit is for women when will you niggers learn?
>no woman will ever have sex with you
>no woman will ever even talk to you
>now you can't even complain about it online
This. Pol is a board of Chads, not whiny, faggoted, beta incels. They're not welcome here.
Yes incels are losers, but Christ, just leave 'em be
>what is
they are among us now
So thanks to Reddit now there's going to be like 20 spree shootings this month.
>Pol is a board of Chads
no one cares abotu reddit or that fake board
hiroshijewt would give them a home on /r9k/
r9k has funny images sometimes. that incel sub was actually much worse. Though obviously haven't checked either more than a couple times when I wanted a cheap laugh. actually, r9k is a bit like pol, large fraction is just larping and incels would then be more like, uh, I don't know, richard spencers FB?
>incels are fake
Fucking normies
no, just saying r9k is at least a bit fun because of the memes and larping
They actually found a better place to cope and get support free from normies and mysandrists.
No I'm not telling you where.
What exactly did they do to get banned? Were they raiding other subreddits, or are the mods just being fags again?
Fffuuuuuuu there going to come here now aren't they thanks Reddit
>>now you can't even complain about it online
Fucking GOOD. Banning that load of worthless normalfags was the smartest thing reddit ever did.
>inb4 losers aren't REAL normies
no retard they'll just crawl back to /r9k/
Must suck that you can't bully and belittle them now. ;^)
looks like /r9k/ will recover after all
/r9k/ got me laid
I started an okcupid account and they helped me with my profile pic
>40,000 people
>some of them advocate rape
>this makes all of them bad
Leftists are so fucking inconsistent with their reasoning it's a miracle they don't mix up eating and shitting.
Ask them what they think of pedophiles. Go on. Odds are they are INCREDIBLY supportive of them, to the point where they will consider them a disadvantaged minority group that deserves respect- and I'm not making this up- for not raping children. That's right. Even the ones that, as the fucking guardian puts it, "advocate rape".
If this were a muslim subreddit, this rag would be pushing the same numbers, but instead they'd be saying "only a few of them advocate rape, so be tolerant".
I hope they go out and commit mass shootings now that you took away the only place that gave them a sense of belonging.
You got the archive of that thread?
no it was years ago
Let the games begin.
Asking for a friend:
What is incel?
What is MGTOW?
remember to direct the refugees to /r9k/ if they come flooding in
Sup Forums is a chad board
involuntary celibacy
nice kekek fellow kekian
I'm noticing their voice getting stronger here, all the talk about chads, roasties and thots.
This doesn't stop MGTOW, it only makes the following stronger.