>No, god IS NOT the universe
Says you.
>God CREATED the universe
As yet, you have offered no logically sound reason to assume the causal mechanism responsible for the big bang had to be intelligent.
>He created something because here was nothing
On what grounds do you assume that a state of true nothingness ever existed? Has true nothingness ever been shown to exist anywhere in nature? What precedent exists for it?
>For example if there was nothing something had to create it, as something cannot just come from nothing(see alchemy) this implying a creator
It would imply a cause, but the cause does not need to be intelligent. Nature is replete with unintelligent processes that cause astonishing complexity that a simpleton would assume had to be created by an intelligent being.
>this creator could have been created by another one, that's not the point
That leads to infinite regress though, one of the reasons why postulating a supernatural intelligent creator is self-defeating.
>The point is at some point MATTER had to be created, out of nothing, literally impossible, therefore the work of Ambon-being we call god
Only if true nothingness ever existed, which there is no good reason to assume. It's also not clear why whatever the cause is needs to be called God, except so that you can say "see? God exists" and feel vindicated.
>If somehow there was always something then this something (since it can't create itself cause it would exist before it existed) it would mean this something changed itself from non-matter into temporal entropic matter, thus implying some sort of entelechy and thereby (you guessed it) creator
Or a natural process, which has always turned out to be the cause of every example of seeming design we have ever found.