Ask me anything. I wont tell you who i am or what company i own, but you use my products every day. Something big will happen soon.
I am one of the 500 most successful ceos on the planet
Whats that Cancerous user? You say you LARP harder than any other faggots here? Well now thats a bold claim!
people used to put effort into larps.
There are tons of ways you can prove this without doxxing yourself, until then verified LARP.
Back in your day oldfag? I hear yeah.
Will the Madagascar BubonicChan save the civilized world?
You mean Coke getting busted for tax evasion? We already discovered that.
What’s gonna happen? When?
Is hard work and climbing the ladder to success a meme? Is it solely about who you know and other connections you have with people already established?
It’s the my pillow guy
Yes. But only If immigration is 100% halted before the disease spreads to africa.
bro if it's toothpaste i'm not about that fluoride life so check your demographics again
How do I succeed in life if I was born in a third world country with a “crabs in a bucket” mentality?
Larping faggot
Unless you make Alaskan Big Mountain Pale Ale, I don't use your products every day, faggot.
t. off-the-grid alaskan
also, saged
gib visa
This is a bad answer.
BubonicChan is the last shot for saving Africa from itself.
Oh yeah. Bigtime. You can do loads by yourself but theres a limit. You have to know people. Thats why jews have such a big advantage. I have to put up with the bastards for the connections. They are connected like a family, like a church community but stronger. They share connections to success over lunch at synogogue. The whkte man does not have such an infrastructure so its like 1000x harder just because youre white and 10000x harder without sucking jew dick
What is the patented fill!!!!
You don't make anything Mark...what you have is not a is a (((gimmick)))
P.S we know you are not human
are you a jew?
When you say something big, give us a hint.
Powerful trips.
BubonicChan with surpass EbolaChan to save civilization
Donate to the alt-right
Muh benis
And BubonicChan
Muh benis
And BubonicChan
If there is a legitimate white nationalist
arty that will actually go somewhere i will donate 2 bil.
Calm down faggot the post button works.
You should really think about using your success as a way to unite other white men in your field. Work on building that community that Jews have working so well for them. No clue how you can while keeping your identity hidden but it's worth thinking about.
You realize you’re not really that anonymous right?
Focus on yourself and your immediate family (assuming some of them aren't total shit cunts).
All Negros hate each other, Africa has always been primitive the continent is changing but the generally low IQ African mind is not.
Are most Africans "crabs in buckets" ? If so accept reality and act accordingly.. OK
there is it's going to be a new english speaking empire between india and white nationalist in america. jeff bezos and his advancements into indian infastructure economy will create a superpower unlike anything this world has seen it will usher in a new era of aryan cooperation between india and europeans.
Do you 'member Toto? I 'member.
Donate bitcoin here:
I'll start one.
you have to buy your Walmartcoin with Bitcoin which you earn if you are lucky enough to be Corpo fag and not rummaging for food in the old world, underneath the new.
What are the best ways to leverage limited capital to fund ventures one cannot currently fund? Any feasible alternative income streams?
how does it feel to live a rare existence amongst 500 while trying to condescendingly vituperate the other 7 billion pretending to know what's best for them?
The time is not yet right. These bastards dont give a shit about their race. They nave no real strong ties to anything other than money and power. The kikes at least have strong ties to their satanic cult. We have yet to build a foundation like that. In fact, any white nationalist movement or national socialism directly threatens their positions of wealth and power. They are pissing their pants. We can all feel it in the air that times are changing
Can I have a job?
We dont need tech support pajeet
How does the free market tolerate shit CEO's that run their companies into the ground. Like, how does that happen, like what happened to Yahoo. Seems like once a company gets large enough, it's better to run it with a committee or something instead.
Why do people hate israel, when israel is anti-nwo?
its patented. Just search the company on google patents and you can read their intellectual property
I'm a trust fund baby and don't have to work or do shit but wait for my jackpot. What does it feel like to be a cuck working pointlessly in a glorified wage-slave/ sinecure position for people who hate you to do shit that doesn't matter?
do you realize that india and jeff bezos are going to become a super power soon? litearlly they're a new reich in the making and if you don't realize it then you're helpless.
if any nationalist was smart they'd start bridging the gap between india and whatever country to rule the world. i can feel it and i know the energy output of india will surpass that of any country.
Unironically ban all laarpers. I'm not even kidding. Sage.
Would love for you to be Zuck or Bezos and stuff you in an oven.
Also, this will prove you're not a LARP
I'll post screenshot when received.
I'm very serious, have been toying with an idea of starting a white nationalist PAC for a while.
Reunite the Indo-European family eh? I can support that.
stop falling for these threads you fucktards
Government bailouts. People cant vote with thier wallets anymlre
You must realize all the 'white nationalists' you know are either Jew-collaborators or alphabet soup?
Should i invest now if so in what?
Do you believe aliens exist?
Did you notice the pushback from something as benign as "it's okay to be white"?
We will never get a white nationalist "party" to take power in the US, without secession. If we did, then California/etc would secede. So secession is inevitable one way or another.
I'm glad you made it bro. Great to see successful people posting on here.
What are you thoughts on multi-mandate corps?
larping is not Sup Forums related
Install Gentoo, fucker.
I am one of the greatest faggots known to mankind. I'll tell you my name. OP. Ask me anything. I'm sucking huge dick soon
Will you reveal your power level before trump's out?
What's your stance on rent seeking and usury? Useful tools or too dangerous to be trusted?
any advice for someone with two degrees but no perspective at all?
Why are you an annoying LARPing attention whore fagot?
no because you have to understand that america is protecting it's capitalistic interests.
you need to look into something from teh ground up think a poor country that is ready to break its chains and ignite chaos. that is where your nationalists ideas can take a foothold.
a country full of growth and prosperity that was once held down you can tell them who held them down and why?
couple the prosperity, cooperation, and energy output of the country with nationalism, perfection, and romantic idealism then you'll have a country that is an unchained beast ready to usher in a new era of mankind.
america is a deadened dog.
Useful, marketable trade skills and equipment that will work after shtf. If we do secede as a race, we will be at war or under heavy sanctions. Buying new stuff isnt an option. Being a good machinist is a must if you want to be treated like a king. People will do anything for your services. And get well acquainted with steam power. You can forget about getting gasoline or refined fuels in such an event. Im designing a steam powered car that can run on firewood. It will be the best way to create power, pump water and get transport. Dont forget all that heat.
What kinda product? Does it have to do with transportation? Communication? Food? Technology? Something else?
BRB gonna post a thread
This shit should not be allowed, if you don't have proof no one cares. And even if you have proof, no one cares. Fuck off cringy laarper.
You can tell by OPs pic this is a larp thread
welp, LARP confirmed. Pack it up boys.
>Im designing a steam powered car that can run on firewood
Is that you Musk? How long before we get our steam powered space elevators?
If he had proof I would care. Since he doesn't I am reporting it on my phone a bunch of times
>Im designing a steam powered car that can run on firewood.
best post of the day so far
I own a company that primarily deals in the tech sector. Im not some public face like steve jobs, but the components i make are in a lot of electronics
Why would you care that some random CEO is on pol?
Not me.
I'm 100% white aryan, born & bred in the heart of Europe.
I have a great idea for a large mega company. How do I present it to them without them just outright stealing it and showing me the door?
there are like two or three people total in the Fortune 500 who are CEO and own the company. Larp harder
Because it wouldn't be a LARP for once in histpry
These are literally over 100 years old dude.
They also went boom sometimes.
have you considered paying your employees enough to buy your product, so it doesn't happen?
Use your products every day?
Jergens lotion??? Mr. Jergens??? Is..I...I...I...Is that...Y.Y. YOU?
fake and gay
fun larp while it lasted
oh god... what does it change that you are some CEO and you know something?
you know that it won t change anything even if you spread informations.
ppl are inactive until they start to suffer
1. They solved that problem after they stopped making boilers with hot rivets in the late 19th century when welding was invented. If it happens to you you did something wrong
2. You can buy brand new engines and boilers or quit being a lazy nigger and make your own from plans.
lol the madman actually did it
Give me money. I'll do good stuff with it. It'll be crazy.
Quaker oats company we meet again
But can you tell us who cares?
>I'm a ceo and not larping
Get the fuck out.
people are very upset with the world hanz.