>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Official China Welcome Ceremony 11/8/17
>FLotUS Melania visiting chink lolis 11/8/17
>TrumpTV: A Historic Day 11/8/17
>WH Video: Pres Trump visits Republic of Korea 11/8/17
>VP Pence/Gov Abbot @TX Vigil 11/8/17
>Preview of Chinese Welcome Ceremony 11/8/17
>Pres Trump shows Xi/Peng video of grandaughter reciting poem 11/8/17
>VP Pence/2nd Lady/AG Sessions arriving in TX 11/8/17
>VP Pence/2nd Lady heading to TX 11/8/17
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis @Nato 11/8/17
>DHS Nominee Kirstjen Nielsen confirmation hearing 11/8/17
>Flip making flipflop Trump Action Figure to welcome POTUS 11/8/17
>StateDep Signing of Milenium Challenge Corp w/Rep of CoteD'Ivore 11/8/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania watch some crazy chink opera 11/7/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @The Forbidden City 11/7/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arriving in China 11/8/17
>Pres Trump best speech @best corea Natl Assembly 11/7/17
OP pastebin:
/ptg/ President Trump General - No Sanctuary Edition
??? are they not getting equal access or something?
>it's 11/8/16
>inside Clinton Camp HQ
>Trump just won Ohio
What's the feeling in the room right about now?
TrumpOP, Awoo posters, the bot that everybody hated, Joe, the Bongs, Awoobaker, Pajeet/Designated, cross user/Mississippi user who hates gerogia, crusaderkun going Judas, shirtfapper, NarutoOP, Chile, drawfag, PA anons, LA times, I LOVE KAC poster, Ivan/Roosya, Patch user, Florida anons constantly talking shit, norkboo kiwifag, Portubro, evapolack, Norway, Brazil, T&T, occultist KAC pirate, weirdo satanist Gadsen Aussie, the aussies, #cruzmissles, sleepyposters, high energy Minnesota, Washington State For Trump, Carson shill, /sg/ shit, Ironic hilldawg posting, Finnshill and minion poster, TNN, NNTNN, NEWSWIRE, VA reminder user, maldraw, depressed primary model wojak poster, "next poster is Marco Rubio, leaf copypasta fag, Norbot, Hikikomori, Heather poster, Hope smile poster, Funny Norwegian, legon, /sipboy/ poster, pleb bit salt miner, breakroom user, Trumpfacts, That inversion user, Truckerkun, That loan Bulgarian, fluffy, Eva, Greg bros, Ivankaposters, IDF girls shill, demographics Kraut.
Who/what else should we add?
watch this you raging faggots
inb4 CNN is being kicked out
>Five whole seconds
>he hasn't gotten it down to one (1) whole second yet
Fucking amateur hour in here.
No problem, just staying up late in case I miss anything
Guys, I don't think Trump can win this election tonight
Comfiest fucking day all year.
Oh boy I am in deep fucking shit Sup Forums. GF found out I donated to Trump campaign. She is throwing a hissy fit, calling me a pig and shit. She managed to calm down.
She is 30
I am 27
She has been pretty clingy lately, and keeps bitching to me about the need to settle down and her biological clock. I'm not her first but I do like her alot, got promoted a few months ago and my boss is training me to be his successor. I wanna focus on that. The other caveat is that i'm shit with girls, could not get a gf for the life of me in college and H.S. Only when I hit 26 was i getting good results.
What do I do? Also fuck /adv/ they give shit advice every time.
I hope the chink press kicks our press in the throat and sends them screaming to the hell of a thousand devouring mouths.
>tfw just got my lease application approved and moving to Stockton, California in November to start a new life in the US of A!
I finally got my dream job you guys! I can't fucking wait to move to America! Any of you lads want to meet up at the sports bar for a pint of craft next month? I'm gonna be a Yank!
Correction to previous reports, Rand got six broken ribs
CNN receives a shit load of money from them.
remove, you got me twice, you moron, once at the beginning, once at the end
quick rundown on the china visit?
he got recieved as he deserves?
Didnt king nigger go there once and nodoby met him or something?
I need a run down. I have no idea what is going on
Is when the guy talks about how the shooter had more guns and ammo in his car (which was left running) and the way he took off was heading down to the River Oaks baptist church who was in the middle of their morning services. He also says that he personally doesn't know for a fact that the other church was a target, it was his opinion of the situation, which isn't that hard to believe.
>Its also Trump's fault
Oh fuck you Laura. McCuck LITERALLY came out last week that he would not nominate anymore Pentagon folks because of what happened in Niger and he is now threatening SOD nominations if they hold any pro-torture views. RINOs need to die, and you constantly shilling Reagan is vomit inducing.
leafs pls leave
he just posts it for (You)s
it's the pasta leaf
Is it unpatriotic to want the Chinese to win?
>I LOVE KAC poster
>occultist KAC pirate
It's currently 55 degrees and it will get into the 40s this week and linger on next week. This is your daily Mississippi weather update. Also, post anime to make Canada suffer more and to make the Day of the Rake occur sooner.
>Mike Flynn - resigned over Russia connections and lies
>Paul Manafort - resigned over Russia connections, later indicted
>Rick Gates - indicted over Russian connections
>George Popadopolous - admitted guilt over lying to FBI about contact with Russian agents
>Jeff Sessions - perjured himself and later recused himself over Russian connections
>Jared Kushner - lied on his security clearance application about Russian connections
>Sam Clovis - withdraws from nomination over Russian connections
>Roger Stone - admits he worked with Wikileaks to release hacked emails
>Carter Page - Rosneft, emails,....too many connections to list.
>Don Jr admitted to attempted collusion and provided proof
Man this nothingburger seems to have quite a bit of prime USDA beef.
>What's the feeling in the room right about now?
>replying to pasta spam
You're retarded Eva
this is great news
I hope the Chinks have guns & knives
Lad, stop replying to pasta spam.
Exclusive photo from 'The Call' provided by Don Jr.
>another qt reporter
i have to watch cgtn more often
And a pleural effusion. Fluid was building up in his chest from that. I hope he sues his neighbor into oblivion.
>us marxists vs crypto maoists
Jesus God Almighty
he's still going
*REMINDER* not to reply to this post. It's bait. I'll take the fall for the rest of you
ayy sound like me. us 1st gen immigrant chinks hate all illegals because we realize how hard it is to get into this country legally.
Will "certain" (((American))) journalists be detained and jailed? Will they witness the infamous Chinese death penalty trucks?
>153 posts by this ID
Take it easy, m8. Think of your blood pressure.
>Yellow fever
Bros, I need your help in a bad way. I feel like I'm going crazy. But I'm almost certain that I'm being gang stalked. The only thing I can figure is that it's a deep state thing because I support trump and am anti-globalist.
It started with a person in my apartment building who would always be looking at my window whenever I looked out. Whenever I saw him in the hallway, he'd give me a weird hand signal.
Then it started with cars driving around me on the roads. Cars randomly pass me with their turn signal on. At first it's no big deal, but after you see it LITERALLY ALL THE TIME you know it's a malicious act.
I'm afraid of the dee state bros, they're starting to get to me. What do I do?
I know it's pasta. I just wonder why someone, whoever made it in the first place, added me twice.
They are defending the God Emporer. I HAVE BEEN PERSUADED GODDAMIT
>Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump are reportedly "in a world of s***" as Robert Mueller's probe into potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia looms.
>Sources close to the couple told Vanity Fair Mr Kushner had been phoning his associates to find out if the investigation would amount to anything.
€While the couple are said to have insisted to friends they have settled in well after first year in Washington DC, they have apparently been unable to shake off concern about the investigation.
>"They’re in a world of s***," one source close to them told the magazine.
Chink media on Jewish White House pool beat down incoming!
how did China's welcome compare to Japan's?
>lettuce directly under the burger
He's the worst faggot and needs to take his meds.
>Get in argument
>Say something I know is going to piss off the other person
>Close the tab and don't come back until next thread
Who /coward/ here?
One can only hope.
>"who is this again"
You mean fucking presses charges?
The Call that saved a country
Are you trump?
There are 2 ways to take down Trump simultaneously:
1. Mueller and his A-Team of Superheros looking to impeach Trump based on the PeePee Dossier, Russian collusion, RICO violations, tax evasion, etc. Remember they left multi-million dollar salaries to work on this case! Now that they got Manafort Mueller can easily go after Trump directly!
2. Kelly and Tillerson and McMaster looking to 25th Amendment Trump; right now they are trying to gather 14 of 24 of Trump's Cabinet members to sign off on Removing him because he is Unfit like a Toddler with dementia. They are basically doing the paperwork necessary to remove Trump, signing documents, etc.
This is the real calm before the storm, before they remove Trump from office! One way or another they are definitely removing Trump before this year is over!
Trump will be known as the 1-Year Presidency!
25th Amendment Walkthrough Guide:
1. Gather 14 of 24 Cabinet votes, starting with Tillerson who called Trump a moron, he can convince the rest to remove him, his whole Cabinet hates him, so thats easy.
2. You need 2/3 votes in Congress, ALL the Democrats will vote to remove Trump, so you have a large chunk of votes.
3. Now you need about 20-30% of Establishment Republicans to abandon Trump before the 2018 midterms, they all hate Trump and will gladly vote to remove him because he is unfit.
4. Pence will also vote to remove him, because then Pence becomes President. He has been waiting in the wings for his chance to be President.
5. They all vote to remove Trump, and Trump has now been removed via 25th Amendment.
6. Done.
>Miller's there
>He'll tape his eyes to look like a chink and go ham on the lugenpresse
Ahh to be a fly in that room
>Ketchup under burger
what's the term for being in love with brazilian whores with giant asses?
The Canadian modified it, not worth replying
We'll know its an actual politically motivated right winger when targets that matter start dropping, like McCain and dems.
looks like something from a movie or a album cover
>Is it unpatriotic to want a bunch of anti-Americans spreading literal propaganda and disinfo to get their shit kicked in
>he doesn't squeeze the remaining piss out of his dick when he's done
Being a nigger.
You can sue and press charges
>US Press revolts and tries to break into Trump-Xi conference
>Chinese army turns them into Swiss cheese
Going through my "Stump" folder on those glorious day
Didn't see it, I guess he does it for the (You)s
a bit more clever than I would give a leaf credit for
I hope Acosta gets karate chopped in the head
Does anyone else just find it impossible to take these two seriously? Every time I see them together the curb your enthusiasm theme automatically plays in my head.
Be honest /ptg/ did Donald expected to win?
she probably sounded drunk and drugged out and sobbing lel
can you imagine?
jungle fever
Masturbate furiously?
Any China livestreams?
>Roger Stone - admits he worked with Wikileaks to release hacked emails
how to spot a turbo shill in under 2 seconds
lack of restraint?
>16 government agencies will never confirm Russian hacking (they did)
>Flynn will never be fired (he was)
>Sessions will never recuse himself from the investigation (he did)
>Drumpf will never leak classified info to Sergey Kislyak (he did)
>There will never be a special investigation (there is)
>Kushner would never meet with Soros (he did)
>Trump Jr would never be caught lying about russian interference (he was)
>Trump Jr would discuss russian interference in the election in an email with a russian oligarch (he did_
>Kushner and Trump would’ve never proven to have multiple russian business contacts (they were)
>There will never be a leaked CIA document proving the hacking (there was)
>Mueller will be a nothingburger (it won’t)
>Mueller found shaddy dealing in Trump’s taxes and needs whitehosue docs
>Trump is hiring criminal lawyers
>Manafort winn never be indicted and thrown in Jail in relation to Russian Collusion Probe
>Trump right hand Greek advisor will never plead guilty to coluding with the Russian on behalf of Trump
>Drumpf will never be personally under investigation (he will and practically already is)
>There will never be a open court (there will be)
>Drumpf will never preemptively remove himself from the white house (he will)
>Drumpf will never be indicted (he will)
>He will never appear in court (he will)
>He will never be sentenced to death for treason (he will be)
It's sad that there has to be a post telling people not to respond to it. Fucking reddit needs to leave
Closeted homosexual cause Brasil women don't have vaginas
Most here knew Trump would win in a landslide in a fair election, but knew we weren't going to get a fair election. The question was if he could run up the score enough to counter the rig.