How do we stop this from happening in our timeline, Sup Forums ?
How do we stop this from happening in our timeline, Sup Forums ?
Read Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler
Can you prove to me this picture wasn't taken in our lifetime?
are you sure that's enough
WE control the nukes
What does this have to do with my OP?
idk , but we control the nukes.. nuke em ?
offer all welfare recipients free sterilization and $20,000 once it's completed
> implying are smart enough to enslave us
> implying niggers are smart enough to enslave us
unironically this.
I... Wow that's actually a great idea. Why are we not funding this
White sheets, needle, thread, lumber, nails, a hammer, gasoline, matches, and rope.
because it would kill the abortion business and put a solid dent in the amount of birth control pills women take
also, it could be taken as promoting eugenics measures to weed out the undesirable populations
when you're accustomed to privilege, equality can feel like oppression. Black people aren't gonna enslave you, they just want to be a live their lives without facing racism on a daily basis. Why are you all so scared of that?
>also, it could be taken as promoting eugenics measures to weed out the undesirable populations
That's literally happening right now with the black population. Is it only "promoting eugenics" when it's not the Democrats?
Invest in automation. It's stupid to have people picking cotton by hand
teach your kids how to use guns, and that having kids is the end all be all of society.
Industrial age. Machines picking up cotton.
Oh wait, it's here already.
Well if your boss is black, it's also here already.
pretty much
libs love abortion and birth control, but won't ever push for mass sterilization, why?
because it's all about selling a product, and there's no product to sell once you get fixed
>Live their lives free of racism.
>gib me gibs
pick one
>mfw there are people in this thread who actually recoil at this image
you can not stop this
this is biblical
Revelation 13:10
He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.