For breaking their terms of service
/r/incels is banned from Reddit
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Also, here is a place to go if you're lonely.
Shouldn't get banned
>going to reddit
>giving a shit about reddit
enjoy being a retarded cuck
that subreddit was kind of a lightening rod
who cares. INcels just provided fodder for bitches and pussy leftists to rag on white guys.
Internet bitchfests are the most pathetic things in existence.
I dunno I thought it was a big deal
the commies are bitching about the_donald not being banned. commie spergs spent hours making posts documenting every post in t_d that violates the (selectively enforced) tos
even as cucked as spez is, he knows killing half his userbase will demolish his profits
All of the "Fuck /u/spez" posts were amusing to see.
You know what I think is funny? Reddit shills for non-offending pedo's nonstop. I seriously saw two posts in the same sub in as many days saying "we should respect non-offending pedo's". Someone asked if they thought the same thing about incels. You know, because both groups aren't resorting to rape. They wouldn't have it. They just shut down.
So a pedo who moans and bitches about life being tough on him who doesn't rape kids is praiseworthy on leftist. A straight man who does the same is the scum of the Earth.
That's leftist logic for you. Then again, the only "non-offending" pedo I've ever known was a full blown communist. And also a serious danger for kids around him, given that he was constantly seeking them out. He's on a police watchlist for that. But he and his dumb friends will fill your ear about how he's not a danger to kids at all. Until he rapes one, that is. Kind of like how Lee Rigby's killers would have been victims of vile racism if police had arrested them for the intent to commit it.
>the list keeps getting larger
>spez is still refusing to delete it
I guess spez grew SOME balls
Honestly I hope it gets deleted, maybe that'll push them more to the right and get them to go out in public and start beating the shit out of these violent commie pieces of shit
They also got banned from Voat!
Lit who? Who gives a fuck about Reddit? Who’s the Casper Jew?
>R9K to be flooded by Reddit
kek this
RIP incels. There was some comedic gold on that board.
Time to head to the rope store, I suppose.
Who gives a shit, real incels go to r9k
Incels in its prime was better than r9k.
Exactly, real incels are sad sacks that nobody care about.
Where will they go now that their circlejerk has been closed down? We better not get more of these faggots shitting up our board blaming everything bad in society on women.
Fuck off, Randy. But yes, at least some will come here. Just have to direct them to /r9k/ when they appear.
>implying it wasn't already
because chancucks are dumb faggots who think the satirical mockery is a welcome card and let roasties derail and ruin everything
redditchads are the true masterrace
this is why little rice-dicked asian are trying to troll harder than they can handle and getting reverse butt flustered.
>that subreddit was kind of a lightening rod
As in a rod that gets lighter????
God Damn you fucking reddit faggot are indeed mental midgets.
>muh dick
What was it about? Some posts itt are making me wary of looking up the keyword.
>/r/incels is banned from Reddit
Looks like they finally got fucked
Yes because violence is totally how you get people to agree with you.
those tinder catfish videos were kino
don't remember the last time i had so much second hand embarrassment watching videos on youtube
Then they came for the incels
and I did not speak out for I was not an incel.
It's such a garbage heap at this point it's probably left up as controlled oppo.
stolen from a top comment on reddit
>No violent content
>Bans based off of comments/submissions that anyone can make
How does that rule even make sense? You would ban the offending users yeah?
Who gives a shit about redditors OR incels? Both are human failures.
Fuck off Randy.
Lefties hate straight white males. What about this is hard to understand?
>Make obvious joke
>Must have 'stolen' it
So are these faggots like actual no-fap celibates? Or did someone just like the sound of "Incel"?
>mfw Reddit is the vagina in this metaphor
>he knows killing half his userbase will demolish his profits
That's a load of shit. Even if t_d were to be taken down those fucking degenerates would still be browsing reddit nonstop. They're leftist half wits masquerading as right wingers. For god's sake, we coopted them with pictures of a cartoon frog, they are not intelligent people and their strength of will can't be that much stronger.
>lol dude, you need to get redpilled, why don't you watch this video of (((Milo))) btfoing a democrat
>what, no dude, blacks aren't lesser than whites, and Israel is our greatest ally, you're being a racist
>t. centipede
You know that reminds me of /qa/ where they keep spamming moot/Hiro to delete Sup Forums and both said fuck off.
I wonder are they the same people because their tactics are the same. It's almost scary when you think about it. Like what goes through their mind.
Is spez /ourguy/ for telling them to fuck off in the same way?
Who cares? Incels are whiny faggots.
If you're that repulsive hire a hooker.
why not just make vodka from their blood?
Why do all these tech CEOs have creepy ass looks? It’s literally like looking into a black hole it’s so weird.
Puppets don't have souls, that's what you are seeing.
Notice how most who want to delete Sup Forums are anime loving soyboys
>blonde hair blue eyes master race
Is reddit /our guy/?
I'd put down a fiver to watch the_donald deleted. The backlash would be incredible and it be great to see Reddit basically destroyed. Plus teen pedes chimping out.
why are there so many teen pedos on reddit :/
>saying "pedes" on Sup Forums
You need to leave.
What do you call t_d faggots then?
It's a community for micropenises. Seriously, as you get older it's almost impossible not to fall into pussy now and again.
Stop sui-fueling with this shit. Not everyone has the balls to be intimate. I can't even talk to girls that smile at me and I am 23.
To be fair, violence seems to work for the CIA and the fed when there's disagreement.
>Ruby Ridge
see >tfw when my parents took my phone away so i can't txt my gf ;_;
r9k is normieville
Pick up one of these. The-Doll-House is based out of the Uk I believe and will see you a custom doll for around 2000 pound.
>tfw too evolved for primitive nigger activities
Frig off, you greasy cheeseburger eatin bastard
Hey, thanks bud. Life fuel right here.
I did fuck an asian hooker here in the UK 4 months ago, though. She said my dick is average but I know it's not. Dick is why I have been refusing to fuck girls, because I will start having the reputation that I have a thin dick and I do have a reputation to lose.
I have 5.1" girth and 6" non-bone pressed erected length BUT at the base my dick is only 3.8" wide, like left to right. At most it's 1.57" wide . That shit's thin.
I meant at the base 1.4" width
>Implying you can't use it as a trainer
>Implying it's forever
Fuck off, chaim.
How much did the hooker cost? Think about that cost and if you did it a few times a year. You could save that money and yourself from STD's and put that money towards a doll you can use as much as you want until you want to pursue women.
Incel is short for involuntary celibate, meaning nobody will sleep with them because they are disgusting weirdos.
Fuck off, Randy, leave
I appreciate this man.
>using reddit
This board is fucking cancer sometimes, why the fuck are there so many redditor faggots
The fact that there are incels at all is a troubling sign that western civilization is collapsing.
It's not trouble at all, friend. And like I said, it doesn't have to be a permanent decision at all. Use it to make you feel more comfortable and perhaps work on form or technique so you'll be more confident when it comes to the real thing.
Agreeing with the left for the wrong reasons.
>who cares. INcels just provided fodder for bitches and pussy leftists to rag on white guys.
r/incel was Asians and Indians
What the fuck is incels?
Involuntary celibates. People who want to have sex but cannot get it.
Well I'm 28 and I'm still waiting for that fall
You're on an anime board, but since you are the niggers of western Europe your behaviour is fathomable.
>haha it is so easy
Your lack of empathy is showing, burger.
I didn't answer your question - hooker cost me £60.
By the way I am insecure about my size but i bet having practised on a doll will make my life better, at least.
Your retardation is showing.
It literally is that fucking easy.
How is it not?
Romania has tons of prostitutes.
Honestly I feel like if its rare enough that it is still an unacceptable problem
$$$technically$$$ I'm not an incel but only when you say that getting to fuck around with a girl every once in a blue moon and mostly due to luck, is better than literally never at all
Its still a shitty way to live and I still basically identify as incel
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Virtue-signalling normies actually have no fucking values at all. They do whatever it is that will give them acceptance and praise by their peers, period. They are mindless, and quite literally sub-human. If the leftist institutions were to start stigmatizing Stacies for not fucking cheeto fingered, obese neckbeards, Stacies would start doing it.
get out, digg
On top of that imagine how easy it would be to meme stacies into having sex with guys that are normal looking and even some of them are considered good looking, but its just them not being "normal" socially that holds them back
Friendly reminder that good looks only get you so far
Friendly reminder that if the girl is drunk you are basically guaranteed to fuck but its rare that a girl gets that drunk and its just you two and/or no one else interferes if they are around
Women in general have insanely high standards when it comes to the social skills checklist they have that decides if they want to have sex or not
Friendly reminder that your average left wing college aged normalfag calls basically anything that isn't a copy of itself "weird"
60? Seems like a pretty basic service, maybe it's just more expensive over here. However just for sake of comparison, if you went to that hooker 35 times through out the year, that's 2100 pound. For that you could get a doll you could use every day if you wanted to, and honestly probably have a better experience.
Literally the opposite is true if you're an introverted shut-in. School and uni afforded hundreds of opportunities for sex -- these opportunities are fewer and farther between the older I get.
>people think you're weird for not jumping through hoops to bone some mediocre woman that literally is good at nothing other than putting on makeup
I have the mental inability to care about someone enough to get on faceburg and post about their boring lives.
I'm not a sociopath I swear, I just literally do not give a fuck about you.
I think women are intimidated by men they can't control with social stigmas and sex, so they just gloss over them and snatch up soybois.
Pedos have this pitiful monster charm going for them, where even if they win the genetic lottery, there is no way for them to legally obtain what they want through hard work nor self improvement.
Incels just come across as spiteful shitheads who can't be bothered to rise to the standards that society expects from them by comparison. There is nothing "involuntary" about it. Your standards are either too high or you're too lazy to make yourself worth a damn.
half the sub was non white
some of the people on there are legit deformed and severely mentally ill
r/incels please leave.
In all animals the females either select mates or have mates selectively imposed upon them, by the male dominance hierarchy. You cannot condition women out of this. They are just correctly repulsed by low-status and low-dominance men. You could change your status but you haven't.
pretty much my life as well. Every now and then I get mediocre pussy, never the girls I want tho
What if I told you that people who were non-degenerate were low status and low dominance in Weimar Germany?
What if I told you that it didn't mean they were bad?
I think pedos think their peepees can fit into cunnys but they really can't so it's unnecessary
>"just do it" pose
Fuck me... I never noticed it until now. Now I'll only see that when I look at the picture now.
>You could change your status but you haven't.
Me? My oldest daughter is 25.